
Chiropractors assess and treat patients with disorders of the skeletal and muscular system. These healthcare professionals seek to examine, diagnose, and treat disorders to prevent them from negatively influencing the overall health of patients. They are trained to offer rehabilitative treatment as well as offer lifestyle counseling for symptom improvement. Chiropractors can work in a variety of environments including individual and joint practices, or independent employment,

Professional Degree Required to Practice

Doctor of Chiropractic (DC)

chiropractors are...
decisive, coordinated, empathetic, organized, pay attention to detail, and have good interpersonal skills

Requirements vary by program

General Requirements for Graduate Admission

  • At least three years of undergraduate study
  • GPA of 3.00 or above 
  • Shadowing and clinical hours
  • Specific prerequisites as dictated by individual programs. These may include: 
    • Specific undergraduate coursework  
    • Professional observation and/or experience
    • Academic and professional letters of reference 
    • Standardized entrance exams such as the Graduate Record Exam (GRE)

Additional requirements vary by state

Preparation to Practice

  • Pass national board exam and become credentialed by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE)
  • Obtain state-awarded professional license


Common Pre-Chiropractic Requirements

Number of Courses
English/Writing Composition Two Courses
General Biology or Zoology (with lab) One to two courses
Physiology (with lab) One course
General Chemistry (with lab) One to two courses
Organic Chemistry or Biochemistry (with lab) One course
Introductory/General Psychology Varies*
General Physics One to two courses
Biomechanics/Kinesiology/Exercise Physiology Varies*
Additional Humanities/Social Sciences Varies*

*Programs vary; generally speaking, students must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of life and physical science coursework where half of those courses have labs.

MSU Equivalent Courses MSU Transfer Equivalencies