G7.02-6 Benefits
The following description of benefits available at the university is subject to modification at any time without additional notice by action of the Board of Governors, by the administration to whom authority to modify benefit programs has been given or as required by law. While the university expects to continue these benefit plans, it has the right to amend or terminate any benefit plan. All benefits in Chapter 6 are provided to full-time regular employees (as defined in Section 3.9.1 of this handbook).
Part-time employees may receive selected benefits that are extended to full-time employees. Certain benefits may also be extended to spouses, dependents and domestic partners of employees. “Domestic partner” is defined as a person who meets all of the following criteria: (1) be at least 18 years old and mentally competent to consent to contract; (2) have shared the same permanent residence and the common necessities of life with the employee for at least the previous 12 months; (3) not be legally married to anyone else in any state; (4) not be related by blood or a degree of closeness to the employee that would prohibit legal marriage in the State of Missouri; (5) have a single dedicated relationship with the employee of at least 12 months (6) not be a renter, boarder or tenant of the employee. Employees are required to notify the office of human resources within thirty (30) days of any change in status affecting eligibility for benefits for spouses, dependents or domestic partners.
6.1 Insurance benefits
All full-time regular employees are provided the following insurance benefits (insurance benefits are not extended to part-time employees). The descriptive statement provided for each benefit is a summary statement. Detailed information on the various insurance coverages are available on the Human Resources web page. Insurance and Cafeteria Plan claim forms are available and can be downloaded from the office of human resources web page.
6.1.1 Medical benefits
Full-time employees electing to be covered under the university's medical insurance plan will contribute a portion of the cost for their coverage. The amount of the contribution will be established annually. Employees may decline the university's medical coverage. Coverage for new employees becomes effective as specified in the Medical Insurance booklet. Employees may cover their spouses, domestic partners and/or eligible children under the university's group medical plan. If dependent coverage is elected, the employee pays the monthly premium through payroll deduction.
6.1.2 Dental benefits
The university pays the full cost for employee dental coverage. Employees may decline the university's dental insurance coverage. Coverage for new employees becomes effective as specified in the Dental Insurance booklet. Employees may cover their spouses, domestic partners and/or eligible children under the university's group dental plan. If dependent coverage is elected, the employee pays the monthly premium through payroll deduction.
6.1.3 Life Insurance benefits
The university provides and pays for basic group term life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment insurance. Employees may purchase additional term life insurance coverage (called supplemental life insurance) on themselves. Employees also may purchase dependent life insurance coverage on spouses, domestic partners and/or children. The premiums for any additional coverage are paid by the employee through payroll deduction.
6.1.4 Long-term care insurance
Currently, the university does not offer Long-Term Care Insurance due to the university's provider stopping new enrollments. However, full-time regular employees and their spouses, parents and parents-in-law as well as retirees and their spouses, who obtained coverage under the previous provider will continue to be covered with Long-Term Care insurance as long as they continue to pay the premiums. Long-Term Care insurance provides coverage for a wide range of personal care, health care and social services for people of all ages who can no longer care for themselves due to chronic illness, long-lasting disability or the effects of aging. Most health care plans do not cover the costs associated with such care, and Medicare provides very limited coverage. The university's current Group Universal Life Insurance coverage has provisions that allow access to some of the life benefits if long-term care becomes necessary for the insured.
6.1.5 Long-term disability insurance
The university provides Long-Term Disability (LTD) insurance at no cost to the employee. LTD insurance covers disabilities resulting from accidental bodily injury, illness or pregnancy, upon completion of an eligibility waiting period. Under this insurance coverage, employees who are disabled for either 180 days or the expiration of their accrued sick leave (whichever is greater) because of injury or illness (as defined in the Long-Term Disability Benefit Booklet) are eligible to receive a benefit equal to 60 percent of their monthly earnings up to a maximum benefit of $10,000 per month (minus any other income benefits such as workers' compensation benefits, retirement benefits, Social Security Disability benefits).
6.1.6 Cafeteria plan
The university participates in the Missouri State Employees' Cafeteria Plan which allows full-time and part-time employees to contribute to certain benefit plans on a before-tax basis. Participation in the plan is voluntary. The plan allows employee contributions for optional insurance coverage and flexible spending accounts for reimbursable health care expenses and child/dependent care expenses to be taken out of each paycheck before taxes are calculated. Other important information concerning the cafeteria plan is available online at ASI Flex.
6.1.7 Voluntary benefits
The university may make certain "voluntary benefits" available to full-time employees. These voluntary benefits may include, but are not limited to such offerings as vision insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance and critical illness insurance. Those to whom such benefits are made available will be allowed to pay for their selections through payroll deductions and when possible through the Cafeteria Plan as described herein.
6.2 Retirement program
6.2.1 Retirement
All full-time regular staff employees are enrolled as members of the Missouri State Employees' Retirement System, referred to as MOSERS. Part-time regular employees who work more than 1,000 hours on a regular basis are eligible for enrollment in MOSERS. MOSERS is a public, defined benefit retirement plan and is funded partially or entirely by university contributions, depending upon the plan in which the employee is enrolled and which is dependent upon his/her enrollment date. Employees are vested after five (5) years. Eligibility and length of service requirements for normal retirement and early retirement are described fully in the MOSERS General Employees’ Retirement Handbook. The provisions of the retirement program described in this handbook are subject to change to comply with MOSERS requirements.
Employees are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the office of human resources 90 days prior to their anticipated retirement date, in order to ensure timely processing of the retirement and continuation of various insurance coverages. Applications for retirement must be submitted to MOSERS at least 30 days before the desired retirement date; failing to do so can delay retirement. Employees can also submit the application electronically by accessing their employee portal on MOSERS website. The Office of Human Resources is available to assist in applying for retirement .
6.2.2 Social security
All employees are required to participate in the Federal Social Security Program. Employee contributions are made by payroll deduction, with the university contributing an equal portion.
6.2.3 Benefits available to retired employees
The university extends a number of employee benefits to retired employees in recognition of their dedication and loyal service to Missouri State University. These benefits include a retired employee's identification card, use of the university's Health and Wellness Center and pharmacy, personal check cashing privileges at the bursar's office (business office on the West Plains campus), use of the Faculty/Staff Charge Account, library privileges, use of campus recreational facilities, employee discounts on purchases in the bookstore, admission to athletic events and cultural programs at reduced employee rates, and admission to convocations and lectures. Retirees may also obtain an identification card for their spouse or domestic partner. Retirees may continue to be covered under the university's medical insurance by meeting the eligibility criteria specified in the Medical Insurance booklet and by making the required contributions. Continuation of the life insurance coverage is available at the time of retirement. Refer to the benefit plan booklets for applicable provisions. Retired employees also may enroll in one college course each semester and have required student fees paid by the university. If this benefit is used for a course held during an intersession, it will count for the corresponding regular semester. This waiver of fees benefit can be assigned to the eligible dependent children of a retiree as described below, but it cannot be assigned to the retiree's spouse or domestic partner.
Eligible dependent children of retirees who are enrolled at Missouri State University are extended the same educational benefit available to the eligible dependent children of a full-time regular employee as described in Section 6.4.1 of this handbook. Eligibility of dependent children of a retiree for this benefit will be determined according to the eligibility standards set forth for dependents of employees as listed in Section 6.4.1 of this handbook. This benefit is not applicable to out-of-state tuition, book costs, or any special fee pertaining to a specific class or private instruction. The eligible dependent must pay the required student fees for all college-level courses taken over the 15 credit hours per academic year covered under this program. To receive this required student fee waiver benefit for eligible dependent children, the retiree can access the automated fee waiver system by logging onto My Missouri State, Profile, Employment Details, Fee Waiver.
6.2.4 Benefits available to emeritus employees
Emeritus status may be granted to retiring staff and administrative employees as a special recognition for exemplary work performance and outstanding, loyal and dedicated service to the university. To be eligible for consideration for Emeritus status, the employee must be in retirement status, must have had 10 years of service in a full-time regular position and must have the approval of the appropriate administrative officials and the Board of Governors. Emeritus staff members are listed in the Missouri State University Directory, are entitled to all the benefits previously listed for retirees, receive invitations to special events held throughout the year, and receive a President's Parking Pass. (See Section 8.8 of this handbook for additional information about Emeritus status).
6.3 Deferred compensation plans - 403(b) and 457(b)
Full-time and part-time regular employees are eligible to participate in a tax-sheltered investment program authorized under Sections 403(b) and 457(b) of the Internal Revenue Code through payroll deduction. These investment plans allow employees to save for retirement either on a tax-deferred basis or after-tax (Roth). When contributing on a tax-deferred basis, when employees eventually receive benefits from their tax-sheltered investment, the payments will be reportable as income for tax purposes. Since the reportable income received at retirement is likely to be less than their income while working, there is a potential for tax advantage. If contributing on an after-tax basis, in general and under certain conditions, employees do not pay taxes when receiving benefits since taxes have already been paid. Employees may participate in both a 403(b) and the State of Missouri deferred compensation plan (457 Plan). (Deferred Compensation Plans – 403(b) and 457(b))
6.4 Educational opportunities
The university recognizes the important role of continuing education and supports employee participation in university credit, noncredit and human resources Organizational Talent and Development programs for professional growth. The Employee Educational Opportunity Program is provided to improve employees' skill levels, knowledge, and abilities for maintenance and improvement of their professional level as a member of the university community. Participation in educational programs must be approved by the proper administrative authorities. The employee's supervisor must approve any employee participation if scheduled between the employee's regular work starting time and the employee's regular work ending time.
6.4.1 Credit course fee waivers
Full-time regular employees are eligible to enroll at Missouri State University for a total of 15 credit hours of college-level courses in an academic year (12-month period beginning with the fall semester) and have their required student fees paid by the university. If an employee also has a spouse/domestic partner, and both are full-time employees of the university, they have a combined total of 30 credit hours for which the university will pay the required student fees during an academic year. In order for the university to pay the required student fees, employees must be employed by the university prior to the start of the semester for which they have enrolled and intend to use the fee waiver benefit. If the employee terminates employment prior to the start of the semester in which the university has paid the required student fees, the university will cancel the payment of those fees and will bill the person who received the fee waiver for the amount due the university.
Employees who have used their 15 credit hour benefit during a given academic year, and who enroll in additional courses at Missouri State University during the same academic year, must pay the required student fees for those additional courses. This fee waiver can be applied to auditing a class, intersession classes and repeated classes. This benefit is not applicable to book costs, or any special fee pertaining to a specific class or private instruction.
Employees may assign part or all of the 15 credit hour benefit to their spouse, domestic partner and/or their eligible dependent children. For purposes of this policy, the Internal Revenue Code defines an eligible dependent child as an employee's son, stepson, daughter, stepdaughter or grandchild. Such children must be a dependent of the employee and must not have attained the age of 24 years at the start of the semester in which the credit hour fee waiver is applied. In addition, children of divorced or separated parents are treated as a dependent of both parents where (1) the parents are divorced, legally separated, or separated under a written separation agreement; and (2) the children receive over half of their support from their parents. The spouse, domestic partner and/or eligible dependent children must have been admitted to Missouri State University or must qualify for the high school senior early admission program.
The purpose of offering credit course fee waivers through the Employee Educational Opportunity Program is to (1) encourage overall employee improvement (2) encourage development of qualifications which may increase an employee's skill in his/her present job or lead to advancement through additional education and/or (3) enhance the fringe benefit program by extending course enrollment benefits to spouses and eligible dependents.
The following requirements must be met in order for an employee to participate in this program:
- The individual receiving the fee waiver must file an application for admission or readmission with the office of admissions and recruitment and must meet all academic admission requirements stipulated in the Missouri State University Undergraduate Catalog or the Missouri State University Graduate Catalog. (See calendar in Catalog and Class Schedule for deadlines.)
- Courses taken by employees (1) must be taken outside assigned scheduled working hours, or (2) an equivalent adjustment must be made in the employee's work schedule to make up the time away from work, or (3) an equivalent adjustment must be made by requesting leave without pay or (4) the time away from work must be requested as vacation leave.
- Employees are expected to work 40 hours weekly. Work schedule adjustments may be made within the department. However, the adjustment must be approved by the department head or supervisor in advance and should not be considered if it interferes with the normal operations of the department.
- Participation in the program is voluntary. Responsibility for course work rests with
the individual and work hours are not to be used for class preparation.
- Employees using this benefit can access the automated fee waiver system by logging onto My Missouri State, Profile, Employment Details, Fee Waiver.
- Employees can submit fee waiver requests up until the end of the term in which classes are taken. Fee Waivers will not be processed for previous terms. Greenwood Laboratory School
Full-time regular faculty and staff employees who are eligible for the credit course fee waivers as described above may apply one-half of the total annual undergraduate credit hour benefit to their eligible dependent children who attend Greenwood Laboratory School toward payment of required student fees. West Plains campus per course faculty
Per course faculty who teach at Missouri State University’s West Plains campus are eligible to enroll in a total of 15 credit hours of college-level courses per academic year and have their required student fees paid by the university. The following restrictions apply: (1) the fee waiver is limited to associates degree credit courses offered on the West Plains campus only; (2) the fee waiver excludes courses for the Missouri Sheriffs’ Association Training Academy; and (3) enrollment or assignment of the benefit applies only in the semester in which the per course faculty is actively teaching. Per course faculty may assign part or all of the 15 credit hour benefit to their spouse, domestic partner and/or their eligible dependent children with the same restrictions.
6.4.2 Noncredit course fees - MyBenefit
Full-time regular employees may receive assistance to help pay course fees to enroll in noncredit courses offered by Missouri State University for the purpose of professional and personal development. The university will pay $150 per employee, per fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) for the enrollment in noncredit courses sponsored by the university.
Employees can register, purchase training opportunities, view order history, and check their balance through the online system, My Learning Connection. Each training unit is valued as $1 in the payment process.
The Noncredit Course Fee Waiver can be used for course fees only and will not be applicable to memberships, book fees, lab fees or other special fees in addition to the course fees. Employees may elect to use their Noncredit Course Fee Waiver to cover the cost of the class and defer any remaining cost for the class to their university account. The Noncredit Course Fee Waiver is for the employee only. It does not extend to members of the family. The university will comply with Internal Revenue Code regulations in regard to reporting benefits that are taxable income.
University departments and/or educational units sponsoring professional and personal development courses may receive Noncredit Course Fee Waiver assistance from attending employees if their course has been approved in advance and the employee’s registration is through My Learning Connection.
6.4.3 Organizational and talent development programs
My Learning Connection
Professional and personal development opportunities are available to employees through My Learning Connection, Missouri State University’s online Learning Management System (LMS) located in My Missouri State. My Learning Connection is a centralized library of all development opportunities available to employees that is searchable, designed to support specific learning plans and accessible 24/7 for information and registration. Employees can view their own comprehensive training record to include historical data, courses for which they have registered for, their training calendar and courses they are interested in for future attendance. My Learning Connection supports the registration for all classroom, online and blended learning courses to assist in providing learning opportunities for all employees. The employee’s access to the LMS and set up for their training record is established at the time of employment.
Programs will normally be held during the regular workday; however, it is up to the employee to make arrangements with his/her supervisor for job coverage during program attendance. Those arrangements should be made prior to registration for training. There are compliance courses for which an employee's attendance is required in order for the university to meet legal mandates. The requirement to attend such training may be directed either by the university or the employee's department.
Questions about My Learning Connection, training requirements and development programs can be directed to or human resources Organizational and Talent Development.
Certified Administrative Professional (CAP) designation
The university recognizes the attainment of the Certified Administrative Professional (CAP) rating by any full-time regular employee (as defined in Section 3.9.1) who is in a nonexempt, administrative support position, as categorized by the university's classification index. In support of this recognized rating for administrative support professionals, the university will (1) pay for the fees for the noncredit classes offered by the university that provide a review for the CAP examination; (2) pay for the application processing and examination fees for an employee's initial examination attempt; and (3) increase the annual base salary by $600.00 for any administrative support employee achieving CAP status. This increase is not a supplemental increase on top of base salary. The university will not cover expenses for second or subsequent re-examination attempts or for any other charges incurred by the employee. For more information regarding the review sessions, payment and reimbursement process contact, human resources Organizational and Talent Development.
6.5 Workers' compensation
All university employees are extended Workers' Compensation coverage which provides payment of medical expenses and salary compensation to employees who suffer the effects of a work-related injury or who incur an occupational disease arising out of and in the course of employment with the university. The amount of compensation authorized under Workers' Compensation is prescribed by law and the State of Missouri and not by the university.
- A work-related injury must be reported immediately to the employee's supervisor and the office of human resources (benefits specialist). If after hours, the employee must leave a voice message or send an email to the supervisor and human resources.
- The supervisor must ensure that an employee injured in a work-related accident completes a Missouri State University On-The-Job Injury Report form and other additional forms found on the Workers' Compensation page.
- The supervisor must complete the "Supervisor Comment Section" and send the completed form to the office of human resources within 24 hours of the injury. If there is a good reason for not reporting the injury within 24 hours, the injury must be reported as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the work-related accident.
It is imperative that the required paperwork be completed in a timely fashion to avoid delays in the claim being processed or unnecessary delays in medical treatment.
- Even if the employee does not seek medical treatment, the workers’ compensation forms should be completed and sent to the office of human resources. This will be recorded as an incident only.
- Upon receiving a work-related injury requiring medical attention, employees must contact CARO (Central Accident Reporting Office) at 1-800-624-2354 for the name of an authorized medical care provider prior to seeking treatment. This referral service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
If the injury is considered to be serious (e.g., potentially life and/or limb threatening), the injured employee should proceed immediately to the nearest hospital emergency room. The employee or supervisor must notify the office of human resources immediately.
The State of Missouri will not pay for medical treatment an employee receives from a medical provider who has not been approved by the Central Accident Reporting Office (CARO). Employees may seek their own medical care with the provider of their choice at their own expense.
Employees injured on the job will be excused from work without loss of pay, vacation, or sick leave in order to obtain medical attention on the day the accident or injury occurs. Additionally, an employee will be excused from work without loss of pay, vacation, or sick leave to obtain further medical treatment related to the injury. An employee must limit absences from work to the time required to receive medical attention only, and is required to furnish satisfactory proof of having received medical attention from the medical provider showing arrival and departure time.
If the employee has off-campus follow-up appointments they will be paid until the time they leave the campus. If the employee decides not to return to work after receiving treatment, they must notify their supervisor immediately and will be required to use any accrued leave, or if they have none available, time will be counted as leave without pay.
If an employee is unable to return to work following the accident or injury, the employee will be granted leave without pay. Full-time regular employees may elect to use accumulated vacation or sick leave instead of taking leave without pay. Workers' Compensation law requires a three-day waiting period following an accident or injury before making payments to employees. After the three-day waiting period, an employee may either (1) take the compensation paid through Workers' Compensation only and go on leave-without-pay status, or (2) continue to use accumulated vacation or sick leave to supplement the Workers' Compensation pay in order to receive full salary. Employees must report the type of leave on their time sheet or leave report for the period of time the employee is unable to work. In no case shall an employee receive more than his/her normal monthly salary amount as a result of receiving both Workers' Compensation pay and vacation or sick leave benefits.
Employees who are off work due to a work-related injury or illness (i.e., one for which the employee has filed a workers' compensation claim) will not accrue any vacation or sick leave if they have not worked or received university paid leave for at least 80 hours during each pay period that they are off work. However, employees who supplement their workers' compensation payments (i.e., the temporary total disability [TTD] payments from the State of Missouri) by using their accrued vacation, sick leave and/or compensatory time off during the month will accrue vacation and sick leave for that month.
An injured employee who is unable to return to work after incurring a work-related accident or injury is required to provide documentation to his/her supervisor and the office of human resources stating the necessity to be off work and the length of time the employee must remain off work. When returning to work, a written release from the doctor is required in coordination with CARO.
An employee injured on the job must tell the medical provider that the accident or injury is work-related and will be filed with Workers' Compensation. Any bills for medical and hospital expenses received by the employee must be forwarded to CARO.
Workers' Compensation benefits may be reduced for injuries sustained in conjunction with the use of alcohol or controlled, non-prescribed drugs. Benefits may be forfeited if it is shown that the use of alcohol or controlled, non-prescribed drugs was the proximate cause of the injury. Under Missouri law, the university can request an employee to take a test for alcohol or a non-prescribed controlled substance if the university suspects usage by the employee. All workers' compensation benefits are forfeited if the employee refuses to take a test when requested by the university.
6.5.1 Early return to work program
When an employee of Missouri State University has suffered the effects of a work-related injury or has incurred an occupational disease arising out of and in the course of employment with the university which is covered under the state's Workers' Compensation program, it is the policy of the university to provide the opportunity to maximize recuperation and rehabilitation, thus enabling an early return to work. To this end, the university has established an Early Return to Work Program in compliance with a directive dated October 29, 2001, from the State of Missouri's Office of Administration.
The primary object is to return employees to work at the earliest date when medically feasible, as determined by the authorized treating physician. An authorized treating physician is defined as the physician selected and/or approved by the Central Accident Reporting Office (CARO) under the provision of the Workers' Compensation Act. Additionally, this program endeavors to: communicate that the university cares about each employee and values the important contributions which employees make to the university's success; to foster and enhance the physical and psychological recovery process of injured employees; to reduce medical, lost time and disability costs; to minimize the chance of re-injury by the employee; and to enhance the injured employee's sense of confidence and well-being.
Upon determination by the authorized treating physician that an employee is capable of performing modified duties on a temporary basis, the employee's supervisor and major administrator, (with the assistance of Human Resources), will review the employee's job duties (tasks) and determine whether the duties can be modified, temporarily suspended, or shared with another employee in order to meet the medical restrictions delineated by the authorized treating physician. If it is determined that job duties can be modified, temporarily suspended, or shared, such that the modified job duties meet the medical restrictions delineated by the authorized treating physician, the employee will be returned to work in that modified position. Employees who refuse to return to work in a position which meets the requirements for modification of duties will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. The supervisor will periodically review the scope of modified job duties to determine whether the duties, as originally prescribed, continue to meet the medical restrictions or if they need to be modified again.
If it is determined that a temporary modification of job duties (as described above) is not feasible, the supervisor will first attempt to identify a position within the employee's department for which the employee is qualified and which meets the medical restrictions delineated by the authorized treating physician. If such a position is found, the employee will be temporarily assigned to that position. The supervisor will periodically review the employee's work performance to determine whether the new temporary position continues to meet the medical restrictions or if the employee needs to be re-assigned to another position, one for which the employee is qualified and which does not violate the medical restrictions.
If the supervisor cannot identify a position within the employee's department for which the employee is qualified and which meets the medical restrictions delineated by the authorized treating physician, the supervisor, in consultation with the appropriate major administrator, will attempt to identify a position outside the employee's department. If a position can be identified for which the employee is qualified and which meets the medical restrictions delineated by the authorized treating physician, the employee will be temporarily assigned to that position. When an employee is assigned to a position outside his/her home department, the employee's salary will continue to be paid from the home department budget during the period of the temporary assignment. The supervisor will periodically review the employee's work performance to determine whether the new temporary position continues to meet the medical restrictions or if the employee needs to be re-assigned to another position, one for which the employee is qualified and which does not violate the medical restrictions.
The Office of Human Resources may request the assistance of the Office for Institutional Compliance to aid the supervisor with modifying an existing position or identifying an alternative position for the employee which meets the medical restrictions. Requests are evaluated by the Office for Institutional Compliance for assistive technology and alternative methods of accommodation for employees in conjunction with the Office of Human Resources. This expertise is intended to facilitate the employee's return to work. Temporary modified work
Employees must understand that this type of work is considered to be temporary due to the nature of their medical restrictions. Employees are expected to return to their regular position as soon as they are medically able to do so. The authorized treating physician will identify the employee's temporary restrictions. Temporary modified work is defined as either:
(a) the modification or removal of some job tasks from an employee's regular scope of work responsibilities such that the resulting scope of work is within the capability of the employee to perform and does not violate the medical restrictions imposed by the authorized treating physician, or
(b) the performance of job tasks that may or may not be related to an employee's regular work position, but which can be performed by the employee based upon his/her qualifications and which do not violate the medical restrictions. These job tasks may be activities that have been delayed because staffing was not available to perform them or because they were considered to have less immediacy .
6.6 Military leave benefits
Employees on military leave are extended the same benefits as employees on other paid or unpaid leaves. However, two special provisions are added:
- Insurance
If covered on the university's employee group plans, coverage will be maintained for 30 days after reporting for military duty. The employee may keep the university's insurance for up to a maximum of 24 additional months, even after going on the military's plan, by making the required premium contribution. The university's plan will apply coordination of benefit provisions of the plan and will cover benefits as either primary or secondary pay or as provided by the military program.
- Retirement
Under retirement system provisions, an employee may purchase creditable service for active military service. Contact the Missouri State Employees' Retirement System (MOSERS).
6.7 Unemployment compensation insurance
The university provides unemployment insurance coverage for employees in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri. For specific details concerning coverage and benefits, contact the Office of Human Resources or the local office of the Missouri Division of Employment Security.
6.8 Legal defense of staff employees
Pursuant to and in conjunction with the State Legal Expense Fund, Section 105.711, R.S.Mo., et seq., it is the policy of the university to provide legal defense of any claim covered by Sections 105.711 to 105.726, regarding conduct of any officer or employee of the university arising out of and performed in connection with his or her official duties on behalf of the university. When questions arise as to whether the conduct in question would be covered by Sections 105.711 to 105.726, the university may consult and obtain the advice of the Attorney General of the State of Missouri. The university may also proceed with a defense under a reservation of rights, under which the officer or full-time or part-time employee may subsequently become liable and responsible for the expense of such defense upon a finding that the conduct was not or would not have been covered by Sections 105.711 to 105.726.
6.9 Identification card (BearPass Card)
Full-time regular employees are issued a picture identification card (BearPass Card) by the BearPass Card office. The Missouri State University BearPass Card can be used as identification for cashing personal checks, for admission to various university facilities and events (check with individual event sponsor for specific details about cost or discount), for receiving a discount on purchases in Baker Bookstore, Drago College Store, and convenience stores on campus, for use of the university's Magers Health and Wellness Center, for library services, the Bill R. Foster and Family Recreation Center, the West Plains Civic Center Pool and Fitness Center and for access to the employee's debit card account. If the BearPass Card is lost, stolen or destroyed, the employee may obtain a replacement card by contacting the BearPass Card office or the Lybyer Open Lab Help Desk on the West Plains campus and paying the required replacement fee.
Full-time regular employees also are entitled to obtain a Missouri State University BearPass Card for their spouse or domestic partner. The spouse's, or domestic partner's BearPass Card can be used for all of the same services and facilities as the employee's card. Contact the office of human resources for a form to obtain a spouse/domestic partner identification card.
Part-time employees may be issued a BearPass Card entitling them to the same services listed above for a full-time employee.
6.10 My Missouri State portal
The My Missouri State portal allows the employee access to information about payroll, accounts receivable, and benefits. Access to My Missouri State requires a BearPass account and password which the employee obtains at the time of employment. Self-service instructions for activating your account or resetting forgotten or expired passwords are available through a link on the My Missouri State login page. Employee can contact the Computer Services Help Desk for assistance with their BearPass account and password.
6.11 University services and facilities
Employees have access to the following services and facilities in accordance with the rules, regulations and policies of each department providing the facilities or service. For more information and answers to questions concerning these services, the employee should contact the specific department responsible for the service.
6.11.1 Athletic events
Employees may purchase reserved or general admission tickets to selected Missouri State University athletic events at a reduced rate. Tickets may be purchased at any of the Missouri State University ticket outlets on campus, online at Missouri State TIX or by phone at 417-836-7678. This benefit is subject to the availability of tickets. It is not valid on previously purchased tickets. For more information and ticket applications call 417-836-7678.
Athletic tickets for the West Plains campus are available at the Drago College Store at 417-255-7277.
6.11.2 Automated teller machines (ATM)
Automated Teller Machines are located at various locations on both the Springfield and West Plains campuses.
6.11.3 Bookstore
The Missouri State Bookstore is university-owned and operated as a self-funded auxiliary, where all profits go to support Missouri State University. In addition to textbooks, trade books, art supplies and school supplies, the bookstore provides a range of retail merchandise including clothing, cosmetics, personal computers, computer software, calculators, toiletries, greeting cards, etc. Full-time and part-time employees are eligible for a discount on purchases upon presentation of their university BearPass Card. Affiliate stores are located across campus including, Bear Necessities, Bear House Entertainment, It’s a Greek Thing (located in the Plaster Student Union), The Team Store (located in the Great Southern Bank Arena) and ETC (located in Hammons House).
On the West Plains campus, many services are provided at the Drago College Store upon presentation of a faculty/staff identification card.
6.11.4 Campus communications
The main internal communication tools are the university’s portal, My Missouri State, and email, particularly Inside Missouri State. Information about current events, news and announcements is available in My Missouri State and Inside Missouri State. Missouri State Magazine, geared primarily to alumni and friends of the university, is produced three times each year; and The Standard, a student publication, is published weekly when classes are in session. Faculty and staff accomplishments are recognized through the Faculty/Staff Web homepage. Other communication vehicles available are the State-of-the-University Address, which is an annual presidential speech in the fall to inform employees about the main issues facing the campus; the Missouri State website; Board of Governors Review, which summarizes Board of Governors meetings; and other periodic departmental and college newsletters, most of which are distributed electronically.
6.11.5 Charge account
Missouri State University allows students, faculty and staff in good financial standing to make charges on their accounts for required student fees, residence hall charges, Health and Wellness Center charges, parking permits and fines, bookstore charges, library fines and other charges and pay for those charges in installments—in accordance with My Payment Plan.
6.11.6 Check cashing privileges
Employees may cash personal checks up to $50 per day with their BearPass Card at the bursar's office between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. The bursar's office is located on the first floor of Carrington Hall.
On the West Plains campus, employees may cash personal checks up to $10 per day at the business office.
6.11.7 Convocations and lectures
Many outstanding cultural programs are brought to the campus each year. These programs vary from drama to music to lectures on many topics and in various academic disciplines. Generally, convocations and lectures are open to the public. Check the Missouri State University Master Calendar on the university's website for details regarding upcoming convocations and lectures.
6.11.8 CopyThis
CopyThis is a full-service copy center for students, faculty, and staff use. The facility features color and black/white copying, poster/banner makers, lamination, binding and finishing services. Multimedia production services are available at CopyThis. FAX services and a full selection of materials are also available. CopyThis is located in Plaster Student Union, Room 210, and is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The telephone number is 417-836-5808.
6.11.9 Counseling services and Employee Assistance
Full-time and part-time faculty and staff of the university are eligible for counseling services through Magers Family Health and Wellness Center and the university’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) managed through the university Human Resources office. EAP is administered by Mercy EAP and UNUM.
Mercy EAP offers an array of services including:
Call 24 hours a day- 7 days a week- 365 days a year 314-729-4600 #2 or 1-800-413-8008 #2
- Username: MSU
- Password: MSU
6.11.10 Credit union
All employees are eligible for membership in the Educational Community Credit Union located at 1221 East Grand Street. The credit union is sponsored by teachers of the Southwest District of Missouri for the purpose of investment and loans. Employees interested in general banking, checking, savings or loans should contact the Educational Community Credit Union at 417-831-0534.
6.11.11 Emergencies-contacting an employee
If there is an emergency which requires that an employee be notified during normal work hours (8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday), the office of human resources may be called at 417-836-5102 to help notify the employee. The office of human resources will ensure that the message is delivered promptly. If an employee needs to be notified of an emergency during other than normal business hours, the university safety department may be contacted 24 hours a day at 417-836-5509 for assistance.
On the West Plains campus, emergency notifications may be directed to the business office at 417-255-7260 (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) and 417-257-9078 after business hours.
6.11.12 Food service
All campus contracted (e.g., dining halls, food outlets, commercial franchised vendors) and snack bar facilities are available to all employees. Employees may use any of the three dining halls on the campus located in Blair-Shannon, Garst Dining Center, and Kentwood Dining Center. Retail food services are located in the Food Court in Plaster Student Union or Hammons House Boomers. The Union Club, located on the 4th floor of Plaster Student Union, serves soup and salads and a hot entrée during the lunch hour. There are a number of different meal plans that employees may purchase; employees who are interested in purchasing a meal plan should call 417-836-5660. Catering for large or small events is available by contacting the catering office at 417-836-5046. Information about food services can be found at: On the West Plains campus, employees may use the cafeteria at the Putnam Student Center.
6.11.13 Hammons Student Center (HSC)
Hammons Student Center is a multi-purpose sports and recreational complex open to students, faculty, and staff of the university. Among the numerous facilities available are: basketball, volleyball, handball/racquetball courts and swimming pool. Locker rooms are fully equipped with lockers and showers. HSC also provides use of equipment, towel service, and locker locks. Family and alumni memberships may be purchased that allow spouses, domestic partners and dependents to use the facilities. Authorized individuals may bring guests for a $5 per guest fee. Handball/racquetball courts must be reserved by calling 417-836-5237. The employee's BearPass Card must be presented to the front desk attendant before using the facility.
6.11.14 Health and wellness center
Magers Health and Wellness Center provides quality health care and promotes lifelong wellness programming for the university community: students, faculty, staff, retirees and the household members of this group. Magers Health and Wellness Center employs Board Certified physicians and is nationally accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc. The following services are provided: family medicine, internal medicine, gynecology, orthopedics, psychiatry, psychology, treatment clinic, pharmacy including pharmacist counseling, laboratory, x-ray services including a radiologist, diabetic education, dietetics, travel medicine and immunizations. Services are also provided to campus visitors on an urgent care (noncontinuous) basis.
Magers Health and Wellness Center staff will assist employees and retirees with filing health insurance claims. It also provides health care for most on-the-job related injuries and illnesses (Workers’ Compensation benefits). Most health and pharmacy services are provided at reduced rates as a service to the university community. Information regarding hours of operation, appointments or services provided may be obtained by calling Magers Health and Wellness Center at 417-836-4000 or by visiting the Magers Health and Wellness Center website.
6.11.15 Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts
Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts is a 2,220-seat multi-purpose performing arts center. The Hall presents high quality music, theater and dance programs for Missouri State University students and the community through the Give Your Regards to Broadway series, the Family series, Center Stage at the Hall and the Don Wessel Emerging Concert Artist series. For information regarding programming and tickets at the Hall, call 417-836-7678 or visit the Hall's website. Discounted tickets for faculty and staff are available on select performances with details available at the ticket office.
6.11.16 Library privileges
The university system libraries (Meyer, Music, Haseltine Library at Greenwood, Paul Evans at Mountain Grove and Garnett Library at West Plains) serve all students, university employees, their spouses and domestic partners. To check out books and other materials, employees and their spouses need to present their university BearPass Card (spouse BearPass Card) at the Circulation Desk. Information about hours of operation and other services available can be obtained at any library location or on the library website. Employees should check at the libraries' administrative office regarding library privileges for other members of their households.
6.11.17 Notary public
Notary services are provided free of charge. A complete listing of notaries, their office room numbers and telephone numbers can be found on the Dean of Students website.
6.11.18 Parking
A current Missouri State University parking permit is required and must be displayed in order to park in any university parking lot. Parking permits must be purchased at the Transit Operations Center located at 700 East Elm Street, or through the employee's parking portal at My Missouri State. Designated parking spaces are provided for the disabled in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. A university permit (commuter, residence, reserved, vendor, special, presidents, etc.) and a state issued disabled placard or license plate are required to be displayed to park in a designated disabled parking space. Visitor parking is available in metered lots and parking spaces throughout campus. Details on the location of visitors' parking areas can be obtained at the Transit Operations Center. Vehicles that are illegally parked or which do not display a university parking permit will be ticketed by transportation services personnel. All parking citations issued by the office of university safety must be paid at the bursar's office or online through the employee's Accounts Receivable account.
Parking citations may be appealed through the parking services office, located in the Transit Operations Center at 700 E. Elm Street, or through the employee's Parking Portal at My Missouri State, within five business days of the date of the citation. Fines are assessed daily to employees' Accounts Receivable and if not appealed within five business days will remain on the account until paid. Failure to pay the fine will subject an employee to appropriate action through administrative channels. Missouri State University reserves the right to temporarily close any parking lot/area for university purposes. When possible, advance notice will be given. Further parking information can be found in the parking regulations listed on the transportation services website or by contacting transportation services at 417-836-4825.
On the West Plains campus, parking permits may be purchased and tickets paid at the business office. Parking tickets may be appealed to the coordinator of student life and development, located in Putnam Student Center at 127 ½ Jefferson Avenue or on the Campus Safety website within 15 days of the date of the ticket.
6.11.19 Robert W. Plaster Stadium (Plaster Stadium)
Robert W. Plaster Stadium (Plaster Stadium) is a sports event venue that offers handball/racquetball courts for recreational use for students, faculty and staff of the university. A valid BearPass Card must be presented to the attendant on duty in order to use a court. Information regarding the courts may be obtained by contacting 417-836-4640. Equipment may be checked out for use.
6.11.20 Plaster Student Union (PSU)
The Plaster Student Union (PSU) is a multipurpose facility, primarily for students, faculty and staff of the university. The PSU has numerous lounges, large and small conference rooms, ballroom, arcade and bowling center, theater, convenience store, technology store, bank and food court. It provides many educational, recreational and co-curricular activities for the campus community. Rooms and equipment can be reserved by contacting the event and meeting services office in the PSU at 417-836-5653. For more information, visit the PSU website.
6.11.21 Postal service
The university operates a U.S. Postal Services Contract Station in Plaster Student Union, Room 210, 417-836-5342. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Services include stamps, money orders (cash only) and mailing packages as well as certified, registered, insured, international and express mail. Stamps and other postal items can be purchased with cash or credit card. The Contract Station is closed during all official university holidays.
6.11.22 Recreational facilities including Bill R. Foster and Family Recreation Center (FRC)
The Bill R. Foster and Family Recreation Center (FRC), managed by campus recreation, offers a place for the entire campus community, including staff, to work out, play and learn about healthy living. Memberships are available to staff and include use of all amenities with discounts on wellness classes. Employees may also use their noncredit fee benefit for Wellness classes in the FRC including personal training. For more details, contact campus recreation at 417-836-5334 or visit the campus recreation website.
All employees of the university may use the Foster Recreation Center, Plaster Student Union, Hammons Student Center, Plaster Stadium handball/racquetball courts, McDonald Arena, Allison Stadium North, Allison Stadium South and Allison Volleyball Courts and other recreational facilities of the university, under the conditions and applicable rules and when scheduling at those facilities permits. On the West Plains campus there is a fitness center and pool located at the West Plains Civic Center; for more information, contact 417-255-7966.
6.11.23 University safety
The university safety department, 417-836-5509, provides a variety of services for employees and students including authorized access to buildings, battery jump for vehicles parked on campus or on university-owned streets and protective accompaniment service on campus during the hours of darkness. Persons who park their vehicle on campus and find that they are unable to gain entry because it is locked, may contact the department for assistance. While the department no longer provides emergency unlocking services, they will contact a firm to unlock a vehicle under such circumstances. This firm will charge for the unlocking service. On the West Plains campus, contact the West Plains Police Department at 417-256-2345.
Common sense rules of safety will help do much to make Missouri State University a safe and pleasant place to work. Any potentially unsafe condition should be reported immediately to a supervisor or the department.
6.11.24 Shuttle bus service
Missouri State University provides regular shuttle bus service for students, faculty, staff and guests at no cost for the Springfield campus. All buses are modern, comfortably air-conditioned and heated, with display signs that designate them as the "Bear Line."
Shuttle bus routes and other information are available in the Plaster Student Union, Transit Operations Center, transportation services department, in various other student service locations around campus and on the Bear Line Shuttle page.
6.11.25 Telecommunications service
The university's long-distance network is intended for official business only. Use of the long-distance service for personal calls is discouraged and should only be done in an urgent or emergency situation. It is the responsibility of the employee to keep a record of all personal calls made using the university's long-distance service and to pay the telephone charges for such telephone calls. Payment can be made at the bursar's office. A copy of the paid receipt for personal telephone calls and the itemized phone call report should be maintained in the department files. Instructions for operating the university's voice systems and other related information are located on the telecommunications website, and in the front section of the Missouri State University System Directory. For assistance, employees should contact telecommunication services at 417-836-8580.
6.11.26 Wellness program
The university supports the culture of employee wellness based upon healthy lifestyles choices and offers all employees the opportunity to take advantage of Wellness Programming offered through the Magers Health and Wellness Center and campus recreation. The components of the university's Wellness Program include the following:
- Health Risk Assessment (HRA).
- Tobacco Use Statement.
- MSU Health Insurance Utilization Education Program.
- Periodic health and wellness screenings (lipid profiles, fitness assessments, blood pressure checks, nutrition analysis, etc.).
- Noncredit fitness and wellness classes (CPR/First Aid, yoga, tai chi, aerobics, water aerobics, meditation, financial peace and more).
- Smoking Cessation Programs.
- Wellcoaching via group and one-on-one meetings.
- Educational programs and presentations (Women’s and Men’s health forums and lunch-and-learn opportunities).
- Resource materials (pamphlets, handouts, CD’s, DVD’s, websites, etc.).
- Immunizations and travel medicine assistance.
Participation in the Wellness Programs includes both fee based and non-fee based opportunities. Some programming entitles full time faculty and staff to utilize the noncredit fee waiver benefit. Information regarding specific programming and services provided may also be obtained by contacting the Employee Wellness coordinator at Magers Health and Wellness Center at 417-836-4064 or by visiting the Employee Wellness Programs website.