Missing Student Resident Notification Policy
Op5.12-3 Missing Student Resident Notification Policy
In accordance with Section 485 of the Higher Education Act (HEA), and 34 C.F.R. §668.46, every institution of higher education that provides on-campus housing must provide a missing student notification policy for those students residing in on-campus housing (“Student Resident”).
Organizations or Persons to Whom a Report should be made
Students, employees, or other individuals should report to the following offices if
they believe that a Student Resident has been missing for 24 hours:
- Residence Life, Housing and Dining Services main office (417) 836-5536
- Campus Safety Dispatch (417) 836-5509
Procedure for Determining if a Student Resident is MissingAny University employee that receives notification that a Student Resident may be missing must immediately notify Campus Safety. Campus Safety will undertake a reasonable inquiry into the Student Resident’s location, but in no event shall such inquiry extend beyond 24 hours following the initial notification that the Student Resident may be missing.
Procedure for Notification of Missing Student Resident
If Campus Safety officials determine that a Student Resident is missing then, within
the next 24 hours, Campus Safety must:
- Notify the individual identified by the Student Resident as their Authorized Individual, see below,
- If the student is under 18 years old, and not emancipated, notify a custodial parent/guardian, in addition to any other designated contact person provided by the Student Resident, and
- Notify local law enforcement.
The above procedures do not preclude University officials from deciding that a student is missing before the student has been missing for a full 24 hours or initiating notification procedures as soon as it determines that the student is missing.
Procedure for Obtaining Authorized Individual Contact Information
As part of the housing contract process, Student Residents will be provided information
about this Policy and have the opportunity to identify an Authorized Individual the
University is required to contact within 24 hours of a determination that the Student
Resident is missing. Student Residents can change their Authorized Individual at any
time by updating their housing profile. Except as required by this Policy, information
regarding a Student Resident’s Authorized Individual will be accessible only to authorized
campus officials.