About the Career Center (Eligibility)
Op5.02-1 About the Career Center (Eligibility)
In the Career Center, many of us hear the question, "Don't you help just the juniors and seniors?" Our answer is, "We help ALL students-freshman through graduate-as well as alumni."
When you think of the Career Center, think of lifelong career development. Our mission is to prepare students to make responsible career decisions, and this preparation begins at the freshman level. Just as all people are unique, our career needs are also unique. Some of you will quickly declare an academic major, and some will have no idea what to select. Some of you may be reentering the workforce, and some may be thinking of changing careers.
The Career Center can help you gain self-understanding and explore occupational options. You can take self-assessments, such as the Myers-Briggs, the Self-Directed Search, or Focus 2, to name a few. You may want to participate in a career shadowing experience, which will enable you to observe and interview professionals in their workplace. You also may want to enroll in one of our two-credit career development courses. These courses are offered each fall and spring semester and provides opportunity for students to interact with others who are also exploring their career paths.
In addition to learning about occupations, career exploration also enables you to determine if the major and/or career you select is the most suitable for your interests, skills, work values, and personality. The Career Center can help you with the decision-making process. Learn how to set and meet goals, and understand the process involved in preparing for your career.
Once you have determined your career path, the next step is to develop relevant skills and gain experience. With internships, not only will you develop skills and experience, but you will also create a valuable network of contacts, develop a good work reputation, and earn academic credit and income.
Of course, career development also includes preparing for the world of work. This includes learning how to write résumés and letters, how to conduct an effective and efficient job search, how to create a portfolio, how to research employers, and how to interview successfully.
We invite you to learn about the Career Center and to let us assist you with your career development needs. Come by or give us a call to make an appointment. We look forward to seeing you.