University Center Policy

G4.01 University Center Policy

  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. Establishment and Continuation of Centers
  4. Management, Administration and Coordination of University Centers

I. Introduction

The organizational structure of the University, consisting of administrative and academic units, was developed to enable the fulfillment of the University mission. The University recognizes the establishment of centers provides an alternate alignment of resources to enhance the ability of the University to fulfill its mission. Center is a broad descriptor for organizations that are formally recognized as University units and function as an adjunct to the traditional University units (i.e., colleges, schools, academic departments, and/or administrative units).  

Centers are established to enhance the accomplishment of the University mission in a manner more effectively than would be possible through existing University units. This policy includes procedures for establishment, continuation, management and support of these centers.

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II. Definitions

For the purpose of this policy, a “center” is an academic or administrative unit that focuses primarily on the performance of multidisciplinary research, education, training and service projects that serve external entities and receive support primarily from external sources including grants, contracts, fees (for services, workshops, conferences, etc.) and gifts.  Centers are housed within an academic college or administrative division.  

This policy also applies to units with other titles, such as institute, agency, bureau or field station. 

This policy does not apply to units that primarily provide service to the University community (i.e. students, faculty, staff), which are primarily funded through University appropriated funds and student fees.   

A “Center Plan” is a document that outlines the need for a proposed University Center, including the mission, goals, and strategies of the center.  The Center Plan also outlines the personnel and financial resources anticipated for ongoing center operations.  The Center Plan will be reviewed annually through the “Center Progress Report” process detailed in this policy.   

A “Termination Plan” is a document that outlines the process of discontinuing a center in a manner that ensures outstanding project commitments are fulfilled and center resources are distributed in accordance with University policies and relevant contract requirements.

“Self-sufficiency” is a factor in determining the continuation of centers; it is achieved by securing and maintaining sufficient revenue to cover center expenses through a combination of ongoing acquisition of external funding and other resources, and the continued commitments of resources by other University units.

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III. Establishment and continuation of centers

Development of a center plan

Centers will be established with the approval of the University's Board of Governors. The first step in that process is development of a Center Plan, which is a document that includes the following:  

  1. An overview of the demonstrated needs the new center is proposed to address, including an explanation of why and how those needs can be addressed more effectively by the proposed center than by existing University units.
  2. Mission, goals, and strategies of the proposed center.
  3. Identification of center personnel, including the nomination of a faculty member or professional staff member to serve as director of the center. Any other administrative and/or technical support positions must be identified.  Position descriptions for all center personnel must be included.
  4. Reporting lines will be determined and must be aligned within existing University units.
  5. Proposed budget and sources of funding for the time of current University personnel and new personnel, purchase of equipment and supplies, travel, and any other expenses essential for the establishment of the center and performance of its activities for the first year.
  6. Requests for University space, facilities, equipment, and other resources.
  7. Proposed project activity and funding expectations for three years. (Proposed centers should not compete with existing units, but instead should expand the opportunities for the University to undertake projects that are consistent with its mission.)

The Center Plan shall be submitted for review through the reporting lines of the academic or administrative units that will be committing resources to the center.  For example, a plan developed within a department must be approved by the academic unit leaders (Department Head, School Director, College Dean). A center that will utilize resources of multiple departments within or across colleges or administrative units must be approved by academic or administrative unit leaders whose resources are to be involved in the center's activities.

The Center Plan and acknowledgment of commitments shall be submitted to the supervising College Dean or Vice President. If approved, the Center Plan will be presented to Administrative Council for review, and to the Provost and President for approval. A summary of the Center Plan will be submitted to the University Board of Governors for review and approval.

Periodic review of University centers

Centers will undergo annual reviews to assess accomplishments and adequacy of resource support. These reviews will include development of a Center Progress Report that addresses the following topics:

  1. Summary of center activities for the reporting period, including an evaluation of the center’s progress relative to defined goals and objectives within the center’s mission, and contribution to the university’s mission, long-range plan, and research strategy.
  2. Revenue and expenses for the reporting period, including an assessment of the return on investment of public and private funding (if applicable).
  3. Proposed changes in mission, goals, strategies, and resource requirements.
  4. Proposed changes in sources of support to ensure self-sufficiency whenever external sources of support or current commitments from other University units are to be reduced or discontinued.
  5. Projected activities and anticipated revenue for the coming year.
  6. Recommendation for center status (continuation, termination, or probationary action plan) for the coming year.

The Center Progress Report will be submitted to the supervising Dean or Vice President for review and approval at least 30 days prior to expiration of the currently approved continuation period. Any objections identified during the Center Progress Report review must be addressed and resolved prior to notification of continuation.

Discontinuation of University centers

Centers are established to enhance the ability of the University to fulfill its mission. A center may be discontinued when its activities are not consistent with the University's mission, are found to be counter to the harmonious implementation of the University's operations or have failed to achieve self-sufficiency for two (2) consecutive years. (New centers, however, have three (3) years to achieve self-sufficiency.) Prior to termination, the supervising Dean or Vice President will undertake a special review to determine the need for discontinuation of the center. A decision to discontinue a center will be presented to Administrative Council for review, and to the Provost and President for approval. A summary of the decision to discontinue a center will be submitted to the University Board of Governors for review and approval. A Termination Plan will then be developed to ensure that the outstanding project commitments are fulfilled, and center resources are distributed in accordance with University policies and relevant contract requirements.

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IV. Management, administration and coordination of University centers

Management of a center

Centers shall be aligned within existing University units and follow comparable reporting lines to either a College Dean or Vice President. A center director shall be nominated in the Center Plan. Once established, changes in directorship shall be submitted for approval following the University’s Employment Policies and Procedures, as outlined in G7.02-3.

The center director will have overall responsibility for the center including implementation of the Center Plan, developing affiliations with other University units consistent with the center mission, management and coordination of personnel associated with the center, financial management of the center, and submission of reports required under this policy.

A center will be expected to secure the resources needed to administer all center activities.  Depending on the Center Plan, a University unit may provide personnel or financial support for a center housed within the unit. The distribution of indirect costs to a center or associated University unit is outlined in Op4.02-9.

Administrative oversight of a center

College Deans and Vice Presidents will ensure that centers, like all other academic and administrative units, are conducting their daily activities in accordance with University policies and procedures with respect to financial operations, personnel actions, agreements with outside entities, and faculty/staff activity reporting including outside activity and conflict of interest.

Deans and Vice Presidents should also provide oversight of centers with respect to marketing and publicity to ensure: (1) accurate representation of their affiliation with the University, (2) maintenance of appropriate use of the University name, and (3) compliance with all applicable institutional requirements. Deans and Vice Presidents are also responsible for ensuring that periodic reviews and reporting requirements are completed in accordance with this policy.

If a multidisciplinary center spans multiple academic colleges or administrative units, it will be considered a University-level center.  Oversight of University-level centers will be the responsibility of the Provost for multidisciplinary academic centers or the Vice President for Community and Global Partnerships for multidisciplinary administrative centers, in consultation with Deans and/or Vice Presidents holding supervisory responsibilities over participating units. 

Coordination of University centers

The Office of the Provost and the Vice President for Community and Global Partnerships will coordinate the review and approval of proposed new centers and facilitate the review of existing centers.  The Office of Research Administration will maintain a list of existing University Centers and summaries of center activities.

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