Per Course Faculty
Op3.35 Per Course Faculty
A per course faculty member is appointed on a semester basis to teach no more than nine (9) credit hours per semester, and eighteen credit hours per calendar year. The 18 credit-hour calendar rule applies only to the MSU-West Plains campus. Per course faculty working at the MSU-Springfield campus may only teach up to 12 hours within a fall, spring and summer semester rotation in accord with the MSU Faculty Handbook. To ensure compliance with all legal requirements, exceptions to this policy may not be granted absent consultation with the office of human resources, and approval by both the office of general counsel and the provost (with respect to the Springfield and Mountain Grove campuses) or the dean of academic affairs (with respect to the West Plains campus).
Employment terminates automatically at the end of the semester or academic year appointment. Per course faculty should possess a master's degree, doctoral/terminal degree, or the equivalent professional experience in a field determined acceptable by the dean. Per course faculty members receive no retirement or insurance benefits. However, they may be allowed the use of Hammons Student Center, the Meyer Libraries, resources provided by Information Services, and Magers Health and Wellness Center. Per course faculty have only the duties directly associated with teaching and are not required to perform committee work nor assume other responsibilities required of tenure-track faculty. A notice and search process is not required to fill these positions, but reasonable effort should be made to meet the affirmative action policy. These positions require the recommendation of the department head and of the dean, and approval by the provost.