Comprehensive Examination

Op3.19-6 Comprehensive Examination

1. The Comprehensive Exam
All graduate degree programs are required to conduct a culminating assessment of student learning. Some graduate programs do this in the context of a capstone course, and others require that students pass a comprehensive examination in order to be awarded a degree. Comprehensive examinations vary in format and structure, as well as the times they are administered. In order to facilitate successful performance on their comprehensive examination, graduate programs must:

  1. provide adequate information regarding format and content of the examination and the time(s) it will be offered in order to promote optimal preparation;
  2. validate evaluation or scoring procedures;
  3. provide detailed feedback if the examination is not initially passed, including specific examples of unacceptable performance and offer additional support in an effort to assist the student in meeting expected levels of performance;
  4. give at least one opportunity to re-attempt the examination if not initially passed within a reasonable timeline and specify the maximum number of repeat attempts allowed before recommending dismissal.

The department must forward results of the comprehensive examination to the Graduate College no later than the last day of class in a semester. These results will be entered into the University system (Banner) and will be reflected in the student’s degree audit.

2. Program Dismissal Due to Failed Comprehensive Examination
If a student does not pass the program’s comprehensive examination after all re-attempts have been exhausted the Academic Unit Leader will schedule a meeting with the student to provide written notice to the student that the student will be dismissed from the program at the end of the current semester due to a failure to pass the comprehensive examination.

3. Limited Grounds for Appeal of Program Dismissal Due to Failed Comprehensive Examination
The student may appeal this program dismissal when it is clearly established by the student that one or more of the following has occurred:

  1. The comprehensive examination was conducted in a way that represented a departure from the Program’s previously communicated standards, and such departure was substantial, unreasonable, and unannounced.
  2. There was a clerical or administrative error in the calculation of the comprehensive examination.
  3. The graduate program failed to satisfy the requirements set forth in Section 1.
Generally, once the student has begun the appeal process they will not be allowed to modify the grounds selected justifying such appeal or to submit additional information in support of their appeal. However, if the student becomes aware of information that was not available at the time they submitted the written notification required in this Policy, they may supplement/add grounds to reflect this new information. If, at any point in the appeal process, the student modifies the grounds for their appeal, or provides additional information that was not previously available, the faculty member(s) of record will be notified and will be given five (5) business days to review the additional information submitted by the student and to provide a written response to same.

4. Procedure for Disputing Program Dismissal for Failed Comprehensive Examination

In order dispute program dismissal under this Policy, the student must follow the following procedures:

  1. Appeal to the Academic College Dean. Following notification of the student’s dismissal from the program, the student must prepare a written notification of the student’s intent to appeal the dismissal from the program. The notification must i) clearly identify which of the categories in Section 3 serves as the basis for the dismissal dispute, ii) include sufficient detail to convey the factual circumstances that support the category for appeal, and iii) include the student’s proposed remediation strategy. The student must provide notification to the Academic College Dean within five (5) business days of receiving notification from the Academic Unit Leader of dismissal from the program. The Dean will consider the student’s written notification as well as the Academic Unit Leader’s written notice to the student, and may confer with both and/or request any supplemental information from either the student and/or faculty they deem necessary. The Dean will inform both parties of their recommendation in writing within five (5) business days of receiving the notification by the student. If the Dean agrees with the student’s written notification and remediation, the Dean will notify the student and Academic Unit Leader, and the student will not be dismissed from the program, but instead proceed with the remediation as identified in the student’s submission. If the Dean agrees that program dismissal is appropriate, or fails to response within the five (5) business day period, the student must proceed with the appeal to the Provost as outlined in Section 4.C.
  2. Appeal to the Dean of the Graduate College. If the student is unsuccessful in resolving the program dismissal following submission of written notification to the Academic College Dean (or if the Academic College Dean has not responded within five (5) business days of submitting written notification to Academic College Dean), the student should submit written notification to the Graduate College Dean. The Graduate College Dean will consider the entire written record produced through the appeal process. The Graduate College Dean will inform all parties its determination, in writing, within five (5) business days of receiving the appeal by the student.
  3. Appeal to the Provost. If the student is unsuccessful in resolving the program dismissal following submission of written notification to the Graduate College Dean (or if the Graduate College Dean has not responded within five (5) business days of submitting written notification to Graduate College Dean), the student should submit written notification to the University Provost. The University Provost, or designee, will consider the entire written record produced through the appeal process. Additionally, the Provost (or Provost’s designee) will consult with the Office of General Counsel to ensure compliance with University policy and that adequate due process has been provided. The Provost (or Provost’s designee) will inform all parties its determination, in writing, within five (5) business days of receiving the appeal by the student. The decision of the Provost (or Provost’s designee), is final.
5. Exceptions to Dispute ProceduresNothing in this policy is intended to circumvent the University’s Discrimination Complaint and Investigation Procedures. Students who dispute their course grade due to allegations of discrimination based on a protected classification should direct their complaint to the be addressed to the Office for Institutional Compliance, Carrington Hall, 205, Springfield, Missouri, 65897;; 417-836-4252; TTY: 417-836-6974. Such complaints will be handled through the Discrimination Complaint and Investigation Procedures.