
Op3.12-20 Telecommunications

What is my role as Department Head?

  • When voice or data services are required for your department, contact the university’s Telecommunication Services, which is a unit within Communication Services. This may include voice or data communications service involving land line and wireless transmission, facility cable, CATV, security cameras.
  • It is important to review your department’s online web invoice, and to understand the nature of the charges. If you have any question, contact Telecommunications at 417-836-8580.
  • Be aware that all telephone system usage records are the property of the university. Subject to applicable laws including FERPA, such records are public records. These records may also be provided to other authorities such as the police.
  • Only Telecommunication Services is authorized to install, maintain or repair premises wire/cable. Departments are prohibited from extending the infrastructure for voice, data, or cable television beyond the individual outlet, port, or interface provided by Telecommunication Services.

How do I submit a service request?

Phone: Telecommunications Services System Administrator: 417-836-4765
Telecommunication Service Coordinator: 417-836-8536

Does the campus have phones for emergency use?

Yes – many. Emergency phones are located at various shuttle stops, parking lots, parking garages, and pedestrian walk areas throughout campus, and are automatically connected to University Safety when activated. The Campus Safety Specialist will know your location, even if you cannot speak into the phone, and will dispatch an officer to the location. 911 calls can be placed from courtesy phones located throughout campus.

Where are Telecommunications Policies and Procedures?

Policies exist for:

  • Billing
  • Authorization Codes
  • Harassing/Threatening Calls
  • Telephone System Records
  • Wiring Standards
  • Cellular Service

On a practical basis – what should I do?

  • Communicate departmental needs to Telecommunication Services well in advance of the desired completion date, in order for them to have enough time to process your request and schedule the work.
  • Reconcile to your actual expenses per the interdepartmental charge to the invoice from Telecommunications.

What if I have Questions?

You can either email: or call 417-836-8580, or come by the Telecommunications Center located in Blair, Room 153.