Academic Regulations
Op3.04 Academic Regulations
Academic Regulations policies include:
- Op3.04-2 Academic Renewal
- Op3.04-3 Academic Status
- Op3.04-6 Assessment Program
- Op3.04-7 Attendance Policy
- Op3.04-8 Auditing a Course
- Op3.04-10 Change of Schedule (Add/Drop)
- Op3.04-11 Class Disruption
- Op3.04-12 Classification
- Op3.04-13 Commencement
- Op3.04-14 Prior Learning Assessment
- Op3.04-15 Other College Enrollment Fees
- Op3.04-16 Credit Hours and Semester System
- Op3.04-17 Dean's List
- Op3.04-18 Declaring or Changing a Major
- Op3.04-20 Degree Program
- Op3.04-21 Diploma/University Certificate
- Op3.04-22 Dual Enrollment
- Op3.04-23 Holds
- Op3.04-24 Enrollment Status/Reduced Course Load
- Op3.04-25 Final Examination Period
- Op3.04-26 General Education Program
- Op3.04-27 General Baccalaureate Degree Policies and Requirements
- Op3.04-28 Grade Appeal
- Op3.04-29 Grade Point Average
- Op3.04-31 Grading and the Credit Point System
- Op3.04-32 Graduation
- Op3.04-33 Incomplete Grade
- Op3.04-34 Instructor Drop
- Op3.04-35 Change of Student Legal Information and Status
- Op3.04-36 Overload Permission
- Op3.04-37 Pass/Not Pass Grading Option
- Op3.04-38 Prerequisites
- Op3.04-39 Registration
- Op3.04-40 Repeat Policy
- Op3.04-41 Scholastic Honors
- Op3.04-43 Teacher Certification, Teacher Education Program and Secondary Education Requirements
- Op3.04-44 Transcript
- Op3.04-45 Undergraduate Transfer Credit Policy
- Op3.04-46 Variable Content Courses
- Op3.04-48 Policy for Military Students and Dependents Regarding Class Drops and Refunds Associated With Active Orders
- Op3.04-49 Workshops and Special Courses
- Op3.04-50 Credit for Military Education and Experience
- Op3.04-51 Undergraduate Students Taking Graduate Credit
- Op3.04-52 Posthumous Degree Policy
- Op3.04-53 Undergraduate Certificate Program Procedures
- Op3.04-54 University Determination of Student Location for Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosures