Clinical and Field Placements

Op3.04-55 Clinical and Field Placements

1. Clinical /Field Placement Program Requirement
Many graduate programs require completion of clinical practicum or other field placements such as student teaching. The expectations for student performance often increase over time, and both continuation to the next level and completion of this degree requirement are contingent upon meeting the specified standards regarding these placements. In order to facilitate successful performance in clinical or other field placements, graduate programs must:

  1. provide adequate preparation for performance in clinical or field experience, with written documentation of expectations
  2. provide written feedback throughout the field experience
  3. ensure that any substandard performance is determined by more than a single preceptor/supervisor or practicum site, in collaboration with MSU faculty
  4. provide support and remediation when performance does not meet expectations
  5. provide an additional opportunity to demonstrate expected performance after remediation

Though infrequent, there are instances where remediation and additional opportunities are not appropriate. Such instances include, but are not limited to acts of moral turpitude, criminal convictions, and/or actions that recklessly jeopardize the wellbeing of another.

2. Program dismissal due to failure in clinical or field placement
If after being given additional support and remediation, the student does not meet the standards necessary to either (a) matriculate to the next level of practicum or field experience or (b) complete the practicum or field experience at a satisfactory level, the Academic Unit Leader will notify the student that they will be dismissed from the program. This dismissal is independent of any grades assigned for courses related to clinical placement and must be made as soon as feasible in order to allow an appeal to occur and be resolved prior to the time that any additional levels of clinical placement would begin. (NOTE: All appeals of program dismissal due to failure in clinical or field placement will be subject to this policy, rather than Op3.04-28 Course Grade Resolution and Appeal).

The student will be notified in writing that the Academic Unit Leader seeks their dismissal from the program pursuant to this policy, including the factual reasons for the recommendation.  If the student does not appeal the dismissal, as outlined below, the student will be dismissed from the program at the end of the semester in which notice was received.  

3. Limited Grounds for Appeal of Program Dismissal Due to failure in clinical/field placement 
In order to appeal the faculty member of record's recommendation of dismissal due to failure in a clinical or field placement, a student must clearly established that the graduate program failed to satisfy the requirements set forth in Section 1.

Generally, once the student has begun the appeal process they will not be allowed to submit additional information in support of their appeal.  However, if the student becomes aware of information that was not available at the time they submitted the written notification required in this Policy, they may supplement to reflect this new information.  If, at any point in the program dismissal process, the student modifies the grounds for their appeal, or provides additional information that was not previously available, the Academic Unit Leader will be notified and will be given five (5) business days to review the additional information submitted by the student and to provide a written response to same.

4. Procedures for Disputing Program Dismissal for failed clinical/field placement

  1. Within three (3) business days of notification of dismissal, the student must submit a written response to the Academic Dean that i) clearly identifies how the graduate program failed to satisfy the requirements set forth in Section 1 serves as the basis for the dispute, ii) includes sufficient detail to convey the factual circumstances that support the dispute, and iii) includes the student’s proposed remediation strategy. The Dean will review the information provided by the Academic Unit Leader and student, and may request additional information from both.  The Dean will notify both the student and Academic Unit Leader of its decision in writing, including the reasons for its decision within five (5) business days of receiving the student’s written response.  If the Dean agrees that program dismissal is appropriate, or fails to response within the five (5) day period, the student must proceed with the appeal to the Provost as outlined below.
  2. The student may appeal a decision to uphold the dismissal by the Academic Dean to the Dean of the Graduate College within three (3) business days of receiving notification of the Academic Dean’s decision.  The Dean of the Graduate College will review the information provided by the Academic Unit Leaders and student, and may request additional information from both.  The Dean of the Graduate College will notify both the student, Academic Unit Leader, and Academic Dean of its decision in writing, including the reasons for its decision within five (5) business days of receiving the student’s written response.  If the Dean of the Graduate College agrees that program dismissal is appropriate, or fails to response within the five (5) business day period, the student must proceed with the appeal to the Provost as outlined below.
  3.  The student may appeal a decision to uphold the dismissal by the Dean of the Graduate College to the Office of the Provost within three (3) business days of receiving notification of the Dean of the Graduate College’s decision. The Provost (or Provost’s designee), will review the information provided by the Academic Unit Leader, student, and Deans, and may request additional information as necessary.  Additionally, the Provost (or Provost’s designee) will consult with the Office of General Counsel to ensure compliance with University policy and that adequate due process has been provided.  The Provost (or Provost’s designee) will notify both the student and all Academic Unit Leaders of its decision in writing, including the reasons for its decision.  The determination of the Provost is final.

5. Exception to Dispute Procedure
Nothing in this policy is intended to circumvent the University’s Discrimination Complaint and Investigation Procedures.  Students who dispute their course grade due to allegations of discrimination based on a protected classification should direct their complaint to the be addressed to the Office for Institutional Compliance, Carrington Hall, 205, Springfield, Missouri, 65897;; 417-836-4252; TTY: 417-836-6974.  Such complaints will be handled through the Discrimination Complaint and Investigation Procedures.