Emergency Operations Plan
Op2.06 Emergency Operations Plan
Missouri State University (MSU) is committed to supporting the welfare of its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. One way in which the University fulfills this commitment is by preparing and routinely evaluating its response to emergency situations faced by the university community. Therefore, each MSU campus maintains an Emergency Operations Plan, fashioned in accordance with appropriate laws, regulations, and policies that govern crisis/emergency preparedness and reflects the best and most current thinking in this area.
The Emergency Operations Plan is designed to maximize human survival; preserve property; minimize danger; restore normal operations of the university; and assure responsive communications with the university community, surrounding neighborhoods, and the city within which the campus resides. The Emergency Operations Plan is intended to be sufficiently flexible to accommodate contingencies of all types, magnitudes, and durations. Therefore, university administration, local law enforcement and area Emergency Management Professionals will consistently review and evaluate the Emergency Operations Plan and the procedures and processes necessary for implementation.
While the Emergency Operations Plan will provide for aid to the local community where appropriate, the prime responsibility of the Emergency Operations Plan will be to the university community for which it is designed.
The publicly available Emergency Operations Plan can be obtained by contacting the office responsible for maintaining the plan for the specific campus as listed below.
Missouri State-Springfield and Mountain Grove campuses
University Safety
Office Location: 636 East Elm St., Springfield, MO 65897
Telephone: 417-836-8870
TDD: 417-836-6793
Website: www.missouristate.edu/safety
Email: Safety@MissouriState.edu
Missouri State-West Plains, including Missouri State-West Plains at Mountain Grove
Business and Support Services
Office Location: 128 Garfield, West Plains, MO
Telephone: 417-255-7258
Website: wp.missouristate.edu/CampusSafety