Network and Computer Infrastructure

Op12.07-6 Network and Computer Infrastructure


Encryption key: A password, file, or piece of hardware that is required to access or unlock encrypted data. This does not include account passwords issued to individuals.

Technology administrator: A university employee with responsibility for the administration of a piece of technology. Examples include the systems administrator of a server, the database analyst maintaining a database and technology support staff supporting a workstation.

Policy statement

The university network infrastructure, workstations, and other digital communications and digital storage devices will be protected from compromise. Controls adapted from the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) will be used, as well as standards specified by the university.

University-approved encryption technologies will be used to protect information categorized as Private, Restricted, or Highly Restricted by the Information Classification Policy. The technology administrator responsible for a piece of technology must securely maintain encryption keys used in that technology, ensure that encryption keys are only shared with systems and individuals as required to appropriately access information, and must share encryption keys with the Information Security Officer upon request.

To the extent practical, Data Loss Prevention (DLP) technology will be used to identify and prevent unauthorized external transmission of information classified as Restricted or Highly Restricted via messaging and file sharing infrastructure.