Reporting Allegations of Discrimination on the Basis of a Protected Class
G1.31 Reporting Allegations of Discrimination on the Basis of a Protected Class
The University is committed to maintaining an environment that is free from all forms of discrimination and harassment prohibited by applicable law. Accordingly, and consistent with G1.05 Non-Discrimination Policy, the University has established grievance procedures for the purpose of receiving and investigating allegations that members of the University community (i.e., faculty, staff, and students) have been discriminated against or harassed on the basis of one or more legally protected classes.
Allegations of Discrimination and Harassment on the Basis of Sex
The Title IX Office (“Title IX Office”) is responsible for processing all complaints of discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex, including complaints arising from Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”), and the Missouri Human Rights Act (“MHRA”).
Allegations of sexual harassment as defined by Title IX (including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking), will be processed in a manner consistent with Op1.02-11 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure Policy. All other complaints of sex discrimination (including discrimination on the basis of marital status, family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity, and sexual harassment under Title VII), will be addressed in a manner consistent with Op1.02-2 Discrimination Complaint and Investigation Procedures.
The Title IX Office is located in Carrington Hall, Suite 205, and may be contacted at 417-836-4252 or
Allegations of Discrimination and Harassment Due to a Protected Class Other than Sex
The Office for Institutional Compliance (“OIC”) is responsible for processing all complaints of discrimination and harassment on the basis of protected classes other than sex, including race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, veteran status, and genetic information. All such complaints will be addressed in a manner consistent with Op1.02-2 Discrimination Complaint and Investigation Procedures.
The OIC is located in Carrington Hall, Suite 205, and may be contacted at 417-836-4252 or
Reporting Obligations of University Employees
To assist the University in enforcing G1.05 Non-Discrimination Policy and in implementing this policy, all employees are required to report any concerns or allegations of discrimination or harassment involving members of the University community (i.e., faculty, staff, and students) of which they become aware.
Reports should be made as soon as possible, but in no event later than three (3) calendar days after learning of such concern or allegation. Additionally, reports must be made to either the Title IX Office or the OIC, as indicated in the policy. Reporting a concern or allegation of discrimination or harassment to a supervisor, without also reporting to the Title IX Office or the OIC (as applicable) does not satisfy an employee’s reporting obligation under this policy. An employee who refuses or otherwise fails to report an allegation or concern under this policy is subject to disciplinary action.
Line of authority
Responsible administrator and office: General Counsel & Vice President for Legal Affairs & Compliance, Division of Legal Affairs & Compliance
Contact person in that office: Director, Office for Institutional Compliance/Title IX Coordinator
Effective date
Approved by Board of Governors: August 7, 2020