This is when the application for the next year will open, and we will begin recruiting
for the next academic year. If you're interested in joining LCS, this is when you
need to be looking to apply.
For current members, they are returning from winter break and continuing to work at
their agency, completing theirservice projects, attending monthly meetings, potentially attending an Adopt-A-Street, and undergoing
coaching sessions with the LCS Advisor.
The application deadline will be in early April and then interviews will begin for
those that applied to the program.
Current members will continue to work at their agency, completing theirservice projects, potentially attending an Adopt-A-Street, and attending monthly meetings.
Applicants for the upcoming academic year will know in May whether they have been
accepted into the LCS program.
Current members will be ending their time with their placements for the year, and
they will attend the end of the year banquet to celebrate all the great work they
did that year.
Enjoy your summer!
Enjoy your summer!
The LCS Advisor will begin communicating with members about important dates and partnering
At this point, members should start thinking about which agency they might like to
serve at or what areas they would like to get experience in while doing their service.
All members will attend the mandatory member orientation meeting and agency mixer
during the first couple weeks of the Fall semester.
After the Agency Mixer, members will begin interviewing with different agencies and
find a placement within 2 weeks of the Agency Mixer.
This is when students begin working at their agency placements.
Along with working at their agency, students will completeservice projects, potentially attend an Adopt-A-Street and attend the September monthly meeting.
Students continue working at their agency placement, completeservice projects, potentially attend an Adopt-A-Street, and attend the October monthly meeting.
Members continue working at their agency placement, completeservice projects, potentially attend an Adopt-A-Street, and attend the November monthly meeting.
The LCS Advisor conducts site visits in November.
Members continue working at their agency placement, completeservice projects, potentially attend an Adopt-A-Street, and attend the December monthly meeting.