Frequently Asked Questions

What is LCS?
LCS stands for Leaders in Community Service (previously known as the Student Community Action Team), a registered student organization that was formed in 1994 as a compliment to the Federal Work Study program that also addressed the University's Public Affairs Mission.

How many hours do LCS members serve each week?
On average LCS members work 10-12 hours a week, not counting vacations and holidays. LCS members are responsible for documenting all hours served at their agency placement.

How are LCS members monitored?
LCS members are monitored through performance evaluations completed by the agency supervisor, random site visits conducted by the LCS Advisor, and review of the rate of use of the member's work-study award/paycheck amounts.

Do LCS members have to be work-study eligible to participate in the LCS program?
Yes. In order to be a part of the LCS team, you must be awarded sufficient work-study for the academic year to provide for the increased work-study award. The work-study award to LCS members is increased to $5,500 after all financial aid requirements have been met. (This may vary per student)

Is there a GPA requirement?
Yes. All LCS members are required to maintain at least a 2.50 cumulative GPA at all times during participation in the program.

Is there a class load requirement?
Yes. All LCS members are required to enroll in and complete at least 12 credit hours per fall and spring semester.

What other expectations are there for LCS members?
LCS members are expected to attend all monthly meetings for the Fall and Spring semesters, to participate in at least one planned service project each semester with a different organization than their placement, and attend one Adopt-A-Street event per year. All members must provide necessary documentation to be cleared with the University for employment. Finally, members are required to set up a one-on-one appointment with the LCS Advisor each semester and to participate in evaluative tools such as surveys and performace reviews.

How does one apply for the LCS program?
LCS recruitment takes place early in the spring semester. All applicants must complete an application and attend an interview session. A waiting list is also kept when necessary. When the applications opens, you can find the link under the Join the Program tab.

When does LCS begin?
The LCS year begins with the start of the fall semester in August and ends with the completion of the spring semester in May. Summer is not included in the LCS calendar year.

What is the length of time required for my LCS commitment?
Preferably for the full fall and spring semesters. However, on an individual basis, a member may be in LCS for one semester if they are graduating or planning to study away, but they must make arrangements ahead of time.

How does a LCS member find out which agency they are to be placed in?
During the summer, area agencies are invited to the LCS Agency Orientation meeting to assess future LCS placement needs. During the first week of classes in the fall, all members and all partnering agencies attend the Agency Mixer. This is where all agencies present to the LCS members and market their organization and opportunities for the students. Once all agencies have presented, students have time to go around and network with the different agencies. After the mixer, LCS members have a two week period to reach out to agencies they are interested in, setup interviews, and find a placement.

Can a LCS member choose their own agency?
LCS members may research their own placement at an area not-for-profit agency that is of interest to them. If the agency and the proposed service description meets the LCS program guidelines and is approved, the LCS member may serve with that agency. All partnering agencies must go through all LCS procedures.

Can more than one LCS member serve at an agency?
Yes. However, the agency must be able to provide each LCS student a project that will allow each student to serve their 10-12 hours per week. Often, the LCS members will have different service descriptions and serve in different areas of the agency. No agency may have more than 2 LCS members unless approved by the LCS Advisor.

How does a LCS member get paid?
Once a member has been assigned to an agency, they will be required to track their own hours. The student must input their time on Banner and submit it for approval based on the LCS payroll schedule. The agency supervisor must verify the hours by emailing them to the LCS Advisor. The student will be paid according to the Missouri State payroll schedule. All Missouri State student employees are on direct deposit and will be paid every two weeks.

Do returning LCS members have to reapply and go through the interview process again?
Interviews are not required of returning LCS members. However, LCS member renewal is subject to the individual's level of participation and service record. Members who wish to return must make their intentions known before recruitment for new members begins in spring by completing and returning a Reapplication Form.

Are LCS members responsible for their own transportation to their agency?
Yes. However, there are several agencies close to or on campus. Please let the LCS Advisor know of any special conditions or requirements so that we can meet your needs as efficiently as possible.

Still have questions? Contact the LCS Advisor
