Submit a presentation proposal

Presentation proposal submission guidelines

What to know before you begin

  • Conference dates: April 25-26, 2024.
  • The 2024 conference theme is Inclusive engagement: Uplifting the power of community.
  • Proposed presentation topics are due by 5:00 p.m., February 16, 2024.
  • Avoid sales or marketing pitches when preparing your submission. Presentations focused on sales or marketing will not be considered.
  • All presentation submissions must include the name, institutional affiliation and email address of the presenter; a title (10 word maximum); a brief abstract (150 words maximum) that describes the presentation format and, ideally, how the topic fits into the conference theme. In addition, indicate which type of session you are submitting for consideration.
  • Presentation and/or workshop sessions are limited to one (1) co-presenter; panel discussions are limited to four (4) panelists and one (1) moderator.
  • Each proposal may be submitted to only one session track. It is possible that a presentation may fit in multiple session tracks, so select the one you think is the best fit. Program chairs may move proposals to other tracks if needed.

Session topics

  • Community – Engaging and overcoming obstacles to build a stronger community through collaboration. Topics may include civic engagement, faith-based work, first responders, volunteerism or environmental solutions.
  • Education – Connecting communities and redefining access to education. Topics may include expanding opportunities, addressing achievement gaps and teacher shortages and retention.
  • Business – Embracing economic pluralism and eliminating barriers that create inequity. Topics may include skilled worker shortages, enhancing start-up opportunities, brand awareness, and recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce (veterans, women, faith, first-generation graduates, LGBTQ+, BIPOC).
  • Health & wellness – Recognizing the need for a collaborative alliance of health care providers, mental health practitioners, law enforcement and other community services. Topics can include mental health and substance abuse, access to care, children’s health, age disparities, domestic issues, health care partnerships, rural health care needs, etc.

Presentation options

  • Open research presentation (2-3 proposals per session) – These sessions will be open to submissions of well-developed research, ideas and topics.
  • Panel discussion – Panels will have a focused theme to be addressed by discussants, and may have no more than four panelists and a moderator.
  • Workshop presentation – This presentation will have a focused topic that will be addressed by the presenters within one of the defined session areas: community, education, business, health and wellness. Examples can include financial education, community engagement, non-profit or entrepreneurial.
  • Student poster presentation - These sessions will be open to undergraduate and graduate student submissions on well-developed research to be presented in poster format during the conference.

Submit proposal