5401 Human Resources Records Technician


TITLE Human Resources Records Technician




IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR Assistant Director of Human Resources, Compensation and Information Management


The Human Resources Records Technician processes personnel actions for all campuses, creates and maintains personnel files, and maintains the data integrity of the information in the employee database and employee personnel files.  The Human Resources Records Technician evaluates personnel action forms, reviews for compliance with laws, regulations, and policies, determines the appropriate processing and coding for the personnel action based on the employee classification and various payroll and budget designations, and enters the information into the database. The Human Resources Records Technician informs appropriate departments when employees in an assigned work group have a break in service or terminate employment, monitors workloads of employees of assigned employee groups, supports salary increase processes, and prepares the consent agenda for assigned personnel actions for the Springfield campus for the Board of Governors approval.


Education: A high school diploma or its equivalent is required.

Experience: A minimum of two years of work experience with database and record keeping of comparable complexity is required; experience in human resources or payroll data entry and record keeping is preferred.  

Skills:     Excellent communication and problem solving skills are required.  The ability to organize large volumes of work, work independently, evaluate and determine the correct course of action among many, process, code, and enter large volumes of information with accuracy and attention to detail within payroll deadlines, and make good decisions.  A working knowledge of Word and Excel is required. 

Other:     During certain time periods, it may be necessary to work more than forty hours in a week to complete work by payroll deadlines.  


1. Ensures the accuracy and completeness of information contained in University personnel records and the human resources information system database by understanding the nature of the various types of personnel actions and the associated policy compliance and processing implications.

2. Reviews personnel actions for compliance with various laws, regulations, and policies, codes personnel actions so they can be processed correctly, and creates, maintains, and updates records in the Human Resource/Payroll database.

3. Monitors the workload of part-time employees working both per course and hourly to assure the involved departments are aware when the combined workload causes eligibility for retirement benefits or an offer of health insurance.

4. Creates and maintains personnel files for employees by reviewing, scanning, indexing, and entering information from employment documents (applications, resumes, transcripts, I-9s, letters of recommendation, personnel action forms, etc.) for inclusion in personnel records.

5. Identifies terminating employees in assigned work groups, notifies them and their supervisor about the need to return University property, and notifies departments with an interest in having property returned, controlling access to resources, or billing.

6.  Provides information to the Board of Governors regarding assigned Springfield campus personnel actions by tracking and compiling personnel actions monthly, correctly classifying and organizing personnel actions, and preparing the assigned section of the Human Resources Board resolution.

7. Supports the Office of Human Resources by maintaining the confidentiality of
personnel actions, coding position requisitions as needed in the applicant tracking system, and providing guidance and information to individuals with questions about employment actions.

8. Contributes to the success of the Office of Human Resources by providing information about Human Resource policy and procedures, acting as a back-up for the Senior Human Resources Records Technician as needed, working cooperatively with other departments, and performing all other duties as assigned.


The Human Resource Records Technician is supervised by the Assistant Director of Human Resources, Compensation and Information Management.




Factor 1: Educational/Experience Requirements of the Job

Level 5.0 - 680 Points: A combination of education and experience equivalent to a Level 5 as indicated by the Equivalencies Chart, when permitted by the Minimum Acceptable Qualifications.

Factor 2: Complexity and Technical Mastery

Level 4.0 - 370 Points: In addition to considerable skill in oral and written communication, the ability to make basic mathematical calculations, the ability to understand and follow instructions, knowledge of moderately complex or other work procedures, and the ability to work independently and coordinate a variety of activities and events, the job requires specific professional skills and/or skills in managing a wide variety of complex processes.

Factor 3: Responsibility for the Work of Others

Level 3.0 - 60 Points: Supervision of one student or part-time worker or graduate assistant, where the nature of supervision is largely confined to scheduling and assigning tasks and reviewing completed work. The incumbent may provide input into the staffing and evaluation processes, but the final decisions are made by other supervisors. The incumbent does not perform a full range of supervisory activities and spends relatively little time performing supervisory functions.

Factor 4: Guidelines

Level 3.0 - 220 Points: The work involves carrying out a group of procedures using the general methods and desired results indicated by the supervisor. Typically, standard operating procedures, handbooks, and/or reference manuals exist for most procedures, but the incumbent must select from the most appropriate of several guidelines, and make minor adjustments to methods. The incumbent uses judgment in interpreting and adapting guidelines such as University policies, regulations, precedents, and work directions for application to specific cases or problems. The incumbent makes decisions regarding most deviations from the guidelines but major deviations from guidelines are referred to the supervisor. Assignments are related in function and objective, but processes, procedures, or software varies from one assignment to another. Based on assignment, incumbents use diverse but conventional methods, techniques, or approaches. Jobs at this level may perform work that is moderately complex, but normally performed within a fairly narrow and specific functional area.

Factor 5: Contacts

Level 4.0 - 205 Points: The purpose of interactions is to solve recurring and structured problems, to provide specialized or technically precise information to others, and/or to plan or coordinate work efforts with other employees. Contacts involve cooperation and coordination and may involve the organization of activities of programs requiring working relationships among several parties. While contacts may require some level of persuasion, potential for conflicts and disputes are relatively minor. Interactions are moderately structured and routine and may involve employees in different functions, students, and/or the general public.

Factor 6: Work Impact

Level 4.0 - 475 Points: Work activities normally address conventional problems or situations with established methods to supply other employees with information, services, or products they use to perform their work. Work products or services facilitate the work of other employees and directly affects the ability of other employees to timely complete specific tasks or processes. Work activities may affect the quality of services provided to moderate numbers of employees, students, or the public, and the services, information, or products provided have significant effects on the welfare of the affected groups.

Factor 7: Physical Effort and Work Environment

Level 1.0 - 25 Points: The work environment consists of exposure to physical conditions typical of a normal office environment. Most of the job is performed while sitting, although the work may require occasional standing or walking and/or the lifting and carrying of small objects.