2145 Color Guard Director


TITLE Color Guard Director




IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR Director of Athletic Bands


The Color Guard Director recruits for the Pride Color Guard, coordinates Pride Color Guard auditions, choreographs routines, and teaches routines. The Color Guard Director designs flags and equipment and maintains the Color Guard Inventory. The Color Guard Director oversees all aspects of the Winter Guard, oversees the Color Guard track of Bands Alive summer camp, manages the instrument inventory and instrument repairs, assists in planning and executing the Ozarko marching band contest, and assists with recruiting efforts for the MSU band program.


Education: A high school diploma is required; some college is preferred.

Experience: A background in music, color guard, and marching experience are required.

Skills: Color Guard skills and a knowledge of costume design are required. Computer literacy and general office skills are required. The ability to develop knowledge of, respect for, and skills to engage with those of other cultures or backgrounds is required.


1. Recruits for the Pride Color Guard and coordinates the Pride Color Guard auditions including building reservations, housing, etc.

2. Choreographs all routines, teaches these routines for the Pride Color Guard, instructs the Pride Color Guard at daily rehearsals, and leads and instructs all Pride Color Guard sectional rehearsals.

4. Designs flags and equipment for the Pride Color Guard.

5. Maintains the Color Guard inventory.

6. In conjunction with the Director of Athletic Bands, oversees the Pride Color Guard student leadership team.

7. Oversees all aspects of the Missouri State Winter Guards.

8. Oversees the Color Guard track of Bands Alive summer camps when offered.

9. Manages and maintains the annual Wehr Band Hall instrument inventory and instrument repairs.

10. Assists with recruiting efforts for the MSU band program (MMEA, MBA, Operation Band Day, etc.)

11. Assists with planning and execution of Ozarko marching contest.

12. Attends weekly staff meetings.

13. Contributes to a work environment that encourages knowledge of, respect for, and development of skills to engage with those of other cultures or backgrounds.

14. Remains competent and current through self-directed professional reading, developing professional contacts with colleagues, attending professional development courses, and attending training and/or courses required by the Director of Athletic Bands.

15. Helps to ensure the success of the band by performing all other duties assigned by the Director of Athletic Bands or the Director of Concert Bands.


The Color Guard Director is supervised by the Director of Athletic Bands.




Factor 1: Professional Knowledge, Skill, and Technical Mastery

Level 0.0 - 300 Points: Entry-level general knowledge of processes, methods, and procedures that can be obtained through on-the-job training in one or more simple work processes. Knowledge permits the employee to complete less demanding, related, and recurring assignments that can be quickly mastered and/or to assist experienced coworkers. Knowledge and skill at this level are typically acquired through on-the-job training and a combination of high school diploma and previous work experience or some college course work or vocational training.

Factor 2: Supervisory Responsibility

Level 1.0 - 50 Points: Typically, little, if any, supervision of others is required. The job may require irregular but occasional responsibility to direct the work of student workers and/or temporary or part-time workers. The nature of supervision is largely confined to assigning tasks to others and does not include a full range of supervisory responsibilities. The amount of time spent on directing the work of others is normally a small portion of total work time.

Factor 3: Interactions with Others

Level 2.0 - 100 Points: Interactions are generally routine and structured involving employees inside the University, students, or the general public. The purpose may include obtaining or clarifying facts, coordinating work, solving recurring problems, or providing factual information to others. Contacts may be with coworkers or structured exchanges with students, faculty, or the general public, and are generally for the purpose of exchanging information.

Factor 4: Job Controls and Guidelines

Level 1.0 - 100 Points: The work generally involves sequential steps and methods explained by the supervisor and/or described by specific guidelines, such as standard operating procedures, handbooks, and/or reference manuals. Tasks are relatively clear-cut and involve related steps, processes, and methods. The employee may be required to recognize differences in a variety of situations, but those differences are normally clear and require the selection of standard processes to resolve. Deviations from standard procedures or guidelines must be authorized.

Factor 5: Managerial Responsibility

Level 1.0 - 150 Points: Work involves services including collecting, processing, and disseminating information for others to use. Work activities may be complex and may affect the accuracy, reliability, or acceptability of further processes or services, but typically involve providing information for others to use rather than requiring managerial decision-making on the part of the incumbent. Job activities typically have limited consequences for the department and relatively minor impact on the cost center. Jobs at this level typically involve no budgetary control except for the normal responsibilities associated with monitoring and reporting every day expenses.