Project Initiations

Op11.08-2 Project Initiations

All construction, renovations, modifications or changes to existing facilities on campus requires a Project Request Form* before work on a project may begin. When you see a need for improvements to a building, you may initiate the process by completing the Project Request Form, obtaining the proper signatures, indicating the funding source, and submitting the Project Request Form to Planning, Design and Construction.

The required signatures include your Department Head or Supervisor, your Dean or Director and your Vice President. These signatures indicate that the funding source is available and may be used for the project you are requesting.

When the properly completed Project Request Form* is received in the Planning, Design and Construction office, the Assistant Director will assign the project to a Project Manager. The Project Manager will contact you to assess your needs, determine the scope of work, resolve scheduling needs and work with you to achieve your goals. The Project Manager will be responsible for complying with applicable laws, building codes, standards, regulations, labor agreements, and overseeing the entire project until it is complete.

All requests for additional space, modification to existing space, or any change to the specified use of space begins with a Facilities Request Form. This document can also be found in the Academic Administrator's Handbook. To learn more visit the Space Management website.

The Planning, Design and Construction office is here to serve their client, which is the University. If you have any questions concerning any of this information please call the Planning, Design and Construction office at 417-836-5101 or email your questions to:

Download the Project Request Form*

Complete the online Facilities Request Form

*You need Adobe Reader to view and print these documents.