Program Description
The Graduate Certificate in Finance provides a 12-hour graduate-level experience in the area of finance. The program involves in depth study of finance, including exposure to international issues. Contact the MBA Director or Program Coordinator for additional information.
- Candidates for the certificate program must be admitted to the University as a graduate student.
- The candidate should have a bachelor's degree and meet minimum admission criteria for the Master of Business Administration program.
- All course work must be approved by the MBA Program Director.
- EMBA students must have a program of study approved by the Director of the EMBA program.
Required Courses - Credit Hours: 12
Complete one course from the following
If a student has already completed a 500-level version of any 600-level course, they cannot count that course toward the Finance graduate certificate. They must choose another course from the "Complete one additional course...." list.
- FIN 638 - Introduction to Estate Planning
- FIN 670 - Foundations of Fintech
- FIN 681 - Professional Financial Planning
- FIN 682 - International Financial Management
- FIN 685 - Portfolio Management and Alternative Assets
- FIN 686 - International Financial Statement Analysis
- FIN 687 - Security Valuation
- FIN 689 - Management of Financial Institutions
- FIN 698 - Financial Research and Portfolio Management
- FIN 699 - Directed Study for CFA Level I Exam
- FIN 787 - Seminar in Derivatives
- FIN 790 - Seminar in Finance
- FIN 792 - International Education Abroad in Finance
- FIN 795 - Domestic Field Experience in Finance