Measuring Progress

System effectiveness measures identified in this plan provide descriptive evidence that the Southwest Missouri State University System is serving its constituents in a meaningful way by providing thorough educational services, by fulfilling various state interests, and by conducting its activities in an efficient manner. These measures represent the priorities and commitments of the SMSU System and assume a relatively stable budgetary environment over the next six years.

The intent of each measure is to demonstrate that SMSU has made a firm commitment toward either a state or an institutional goal. Particular emphasis is placed on tracking the implementation of goals identified in the CBHE Critical Choices document. Further, nine performance measures have been included that enable the Coordinating Board for Higher Education to continuously monitor the university’s progress toward implementing its mission within the statewide system of public higher education.

In addition to the 67 system performance measures identified in this plan, SMSU will continue its annual program of outcome measures that allows the university to track progress toward long-range academic goals. The annual program outcome measures provide academic review statistics used to develop longitudinal descriptions of the academic units within SMSU colleges and themes. The accumulated descriptions are incorporated into department and institution plans, self-studies, five-year CBHE reviews, North Central Accreditation reviews, and other accreditation association reviews.

The annual program outcome measures process maintains a cyclical review system that permits continuous improvement and progress monitoring. The regular collection of measurement statistics supports advanced preparation for a variety of reporting and accountability requirements. The statistics are intended to track performance over time as data accumulate from annual measures. The purpose is to maintain a continuous data set to support requests, decisions, reports, and reviews in the future.

Together, the system performance measures and the annual program outcome measures are used to monitor implementation of this long-range plan. Further, they are used to link planning, resources, and performance within academic units and the university through an ongoing monitoring system.

An annual report of performance measures will be published allowing university stakeholders to determine if sufficient progress is being made toward implementing the institution’s long-range plan. The performance indicators in the annual report serve to meet both the short-term needs of quality and accountability and the long-term needs for planning, priority setting and budgeting.

Chart Q

Assessing university outcomes

View Chart Q.

System performance measures

1 SMSU-Springfield will increase its percentage of minority employees to 9 percent by FY06. (Critical Choices #11, modified)
2 SMSU-West Plains will increase its percentage of minority employees to 5 percent by FY06. (Critical Choices #11, modified)
3 SMSU-Springfield’s average faculty salary will equal or exceed the average of all faculty salaries at comparable public, comprehensive universities. Salary increments will increasingly be related to a defined set of faculty roles, obligations and rewards.
4 SMSU-West Plains’s full-time, ranked faculty mean salary will equal or exceed the collective mean salary for full-time, ranked faculty positions at twelve comparable two- year, public colleges in four-year systems when adjusted for cost of living.
5 SMSU-Springfield’s average unclassified professional staff salaries will equal or exceed the average of equivalent titles at comparable public comprehensive institutions. Salary increments will increasingly reflect meritorious performance.
6 SMSU-West Plains’s unclassified professional staff salaries will equal or exceed the collective mean salary for similarly titled positions at twelve comparable two-year, public colleges in four-year systems when adjusted for cost of living.
7 SMSU-Springfield will achieve and maintain classified staff salaries competitive with equivalent positions in the Springfield metropolitan labor market.
8 SMSU-West Plains’s mean salary (by job title) for classified staff positions will equal or exceed the average mean salary for similarly titled positions in the greater West Plains labor market.
9 SMSU System employee participation in designated professional development and training courses will focus on the following critical areas: leadership, supervision, computer technologies, diversity, process improvement and customer service.
10 A coherent set of national and local surveys will be implemented by FY06 to broadly measure success in developing educated persons as defined in the university’s long-range plan. The resulting database will be continuously updated, and analyses of it will be used to guide university planning and decision-making.
11 One hundred percent of SMSU-Springfield’s baccalaureate graduates will be assessed by a standardized test of general education and the resulting institutional mean will meet or exceed the national comparative mean.
12 By FY06, the percentage of baccalaureate graduates scoring above the 50th percentile on nationally normed assessments will increase 15 percent. (Critical Choices #15, Funding for Results)
13 By FY06, the percentage of employers rating recent SMSU-Springfield’s baccalaureate graduates as well prepared will increase 10 percent above the baseline data from a 1999 survey.
14 The annual mean score for SMSU-West Plains graduates will equal or exceed the national mean score for graduates of two-year colleges on the Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency (CAAP).
15 SMSU-Springfield will join the Carnegie Foundation Teaching Academy Campus Program in order to further the value of the scholarship of teaching and learning and will create an Academic Development Center (ADC) to oversee all faculty development efforts. After full implementation of the Academic Development Center, at least 30 percent of faculty will participate each year in an ADC sponsored activity.
16 By FY06, SMSU-West Plains will invest a minimum of $1,500 annually per full-time faculty member to develop and sustain academic quality.
17 At least 90 percent of the SMSU-West Plains Nursing degree graduates will achieve a passing score on the NCLEX examination.
18 At least 90 percent of employers will indicate satisfaction with the preparation of SMSU-West Plains Associate of Applied Science degree graduates.
19 At least 90 percent of persons participating in SMSU-Mountain Grove programs and courses will rate the effectiveness of those activities as satisfactory or highly satisfactory.
20 Annual expenditures for laboratory apparatus maintenance, repair and replacement will average 15 percent of equipment replacement value. The replacement value of equipment in FY99 was $22 million.
21 SMSU-Springfield and SMSU-Mountain Grove, through the use of traditional collections in combination with enhanced electronic access and retrieval technologies, will achieve and maintain the equivalent of an “A” level (90-100 percent) in collections and at least a “B” level (75-89 percent) in staffing, space and budget.
22 By FY06, SMSU-West Plains will achieve and maintain the established national standard for a two-year campus library based upon the current level of FTE enrollment.
23 SMSU-Springfield will increase the number of students receiving teaching certificates in science, mathematics, special education, and/or foreign languages by 5 percent each year.
24 By FY06, the five-year retention rate of SMSU graduates who enter the teaching profession will be 75 percent.
25 By FY06, 80 percent of teacher education graduates will score at or above the 50th percentile on state-approved exit examinations (i.e., Praxis II, NTE, PLT). (Critical Choices #4, modified)
26 The number of credit hours required for any baccalaureate degree will not exceed 125.
27 Based on review of academic programs, 5 percent of programs will be subjected to reallocation of resources or program elimination by 2006. (Critical Choices #12, Funding for Results)
28 Instruments will be developed specifically for assessing online courses and programs, and assessment will be completed every semester. Based on assessment information, modifications may be made in the online delivery of courses and programs.
29 The retention rate of first-time, full-time freshmen at SMSU-Springfield will be 78 percent to the following fall semester and 70 percent to the second following semester.
30 The retention rate of first-time, full-time freshmen at SMSU-West Plains will be 60 percent to the following fall semester.
31 At least 55 percent of first-time, full-time freshmen at SMSU-West Plains entering in fall 2006 will complete 24 or more credit hours during the academic year with at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point average.
32 By FY06, the graduation rate of first-time, full time freshmen at SMSU-Springfield will be 65 percent or higher. (Critical Choices #13, Funding for Results)
33 The rate of first-time, full-time freshmen at SMSU-West Plains who graduate within three years after enrolling will equal or exceed 25 percent. (Critical Choices #13, Funding for Results)
34 The number of transfer students from Missouri two-year institutions to SMSU- Springfield will increase to 600 by FY06. (Critical Choices #10, Funding for Results)
35 At least 60 percent of the students transferring from SMSU-West Plains to SMSU- Springfield will, at the end of their junior year, achieve a cumulative GPA that equals or exceeds the corresponding GPA while attending SMSU-West Plains.
36 All first-time, full-time degree-seeking students who have completed 23 or fewer credit hours at another college or university and who graduated from a Missouri high school will have completed the high school core curriculum. (Critical Choices #1, Funding for Results)
37 By FY06, 7 percent of total SMSU-Springfield enrollment will be minority students. (Critical Choices #3 modified)
38 By FY06, 4 percent of total SMSU-West Plains enrollment will be minority students. (Critical Choices #3 modified)
39 At SMSU-Springfield, total institutional grants, scholarships, and waivers will increase by at least the same percentage as the increase in required student fees.
40 At SMSU-Springfield, the total amount of aid per need-based recipient will increase by at least the same percentage as the increase in required student fees.
41 At SMSU-Springfield, Missouri residents who are priority aid applicants, with no dependents, will have at least 60 percent of their documented need funded with grants, scholarships, and waivers (gift aid).
42 At SMSU-Springfield, the percentage of students who have achieved 30 credits or more who are registered in Career Services will increase from 40 percent in 2000-01 to 65 percent in FY06.
43 By FY06, the average ACT composite score of entering first-time, full-time freshmen at SMSU-Springfield will be 24.0.
44 Total annual maintenance and repair expenditures from both capital and operating accounts will constitute a minimum of 2 percent of the base construction replacement value. (Related goal, Critical Choices #21)
45 Attain an overall Facilities Condition Index (FCI) of below 10 percent for all campuses in the SMSU system.
46 Academic and administrative space per full-time student will increase to the state’s public four-year institutions’ average of gross usable square feet per student by FY06.
47 By FY06, 80 percent of all SMSU classrooms will be equipped with at least an audio/video presentation system, computer, software, and network access, and one support technician will be provided per 25 classrooms that are so equipped.
48 By FY06, SMSU-Springfield will migrate 25 percent of its administrative systems to a relational database, will provide a web interface to 50 percent of its student systems, will require the use of electronic mail to conduct university business, and will use electronic workflow and imaging systems to automate at least 30 major university processes. During that same time period, SMSU-West Plains will implement and migrate to a new administrative information system based on a relational database that provides web interfaces.
49 By FY06, the SMSU System network infrastructure will provide the following to each campus: 100 MB service to 100 percent of student computer labs, classrooms, and faculty/staff offices; and, Gigabit service to 100 percent of the network core and to 100 percent of centralized servers.
50 By FY06, KSMU will have over-the-air network coverage of 95 percent of the SMSU service area, with a special emphasis on providing service to rural communities.
51 SMSU-Springfield will increase by 5 percent annually (a) the number of proposals submitted for external funding of scholarly efforts; (b) the number of faculty and professional staff seeking external funding for scholarly efforts; and (c) the number of awards received for externally funded projects.
52 External funding for research and advisory programs at SMSU-Mountain Grove will increase by 5 percent per year through FY06 using the FY00 base of $350,000.
53 The dollar amount of annual gifts at SMSU-Springfield will increase a minimum of 5 percent per year.
54 The total number of annual gifts at SMSU-Springfield will increase by 5 percent each year.
55 The SMSU Foundation’s FY99 endowment will increase from $27,957,839 to $42,000,000 by FY06.
56 The amount of annual gifts received by SMSU-West Plains will equal or exceed $750,000 by FY06.
57 By FY06, annual fund-raising efforts at SMSU-West Plains will increase the academic endowment to a total of $615,000 and support at least 75 restricted or endowed scholarships.
58 For the SMSU System, the rate of annual increase in per credit hour fees will not exceed the consumer price index in any year when prior year state support per student meets or exceeds the average per capita appropriations for comparable Missouri non land-grant universities, or will not exceed 5 percent per year if that funding level is not received.
Mission Implementation Measures for the Coordinating Board for Higher Education
59 The number of courses offering service-learning components, the number of students selecting service-learning opportunities, and the number of hours of community service volunteered by students will increase each year.
60 By FY02, measures will be developed and implemented addressing the relationship of IDS 110, Introduction to University Life, to student citizenship.
61 By FY03, measures will be developed and implemented addressing the relationship of IDS 397 Capstone Courses: Public Affairs Issues for the 21st Century, to student citizenship
62 The number of attendees of programs sponsored by the Public Affairs Convocation Program will increase each year; the number of attendees of programs sponsored by the Public Affairs Grants Program will increase each year; and, the Student Community Action Team will maintain its eligibility for AmeriCorps status.
63 By FY06, the full-time freshmen completion rate at SMSU-Springfield will be 80 percent or higher. (Critical Choices #8)
64 By FY06, 18 percent of SMSU enrollment will be graduate students (Springfield Campus plus Extended Campus).
65 By FY06, 90 percent of first-time, full-time freshmen entering SMSU-Springfield will meet a selective admission standard of 120. (Critical Choices #7 modified)
66 The number of students served by off-campus sites, telecourses, interactive video, and Internet offerings by SMSU-Springfield will increase by 5 percent per year (from 1,650 students in FY00 to 2,475 students in FY06).
67 By FY05, SMSU West Plains’s technical education programs will earn national accreditation from appropriate accrediting agencies.

Chart R

Annual program outcome measures SMSU-Springfield

Ranked faculty


Number and FTE (full-time equivalent)

Percentage who are minority

Percentage who are international (Non-resident aliens)

Percentage of faculty with graduate faculty status

Number and percentage of highest degrees held by degree type (bachelor's, master's, doctoral, professional)

Percentage of highest degrees from institutions in Missouri

Percentage of highest degrees from institutions in contiguous states

Percentage of highest degrees from institutions in other states

Percentage of faculty receiving financial support for instruction/research from external sources

Percentage of faculty receiving financial support for instruction/research from internal sources

Teaching loads

Percentage of workload devoted to instruction

Percentage of workload devoted to research

Percentage of workload devoted to service

Average number of student credit hours taught

Average number of student contact hours taught

Student learning and teaching improvement

Percentage of faculty participating in documented faculty development and instructional improvement activities

Number of faculty members with teacher certification or training related to the development of teaching skills

Number of faculty members included in teaching ability assessment involving at least three different measures including teaching portfolios, peer evaluations, feedback from current students, alumni, and supervisory personnel

Other instructional staff


Number and FTE

Total instructional staff

Student: Faculty ratio


Student entrance assessment results

High school rank distribution

ACT score distribution

Number entering with advanced placement

Freshman Profile of selected items from the CIRP survey from IDS 110

Undergraduate students

Number of students in each major

Percentage of transfer students entering a major in the fall semester

Percentage of majors who are minority students

Percentage of majors with a GPA of 2.00 or above

Number of students (majors and non-majors) enrolled in undergraduate courses

Percentage of students enrolled in upper level courses receiving each letter grade

Student exit assessment results

Number of baccalaureate degree recipients who took exams in the major with national norms

Number of baccalaureate degree recipients who scored at or above the 50th percentile on exams in the major with national norms

Number of baccalaureate degree recipients who scored at or above the 80th percentile on exams with national norms

Number of baccalaureate degree recipients who did not take an exit evaluation in their major field that was nationally recognized or normed, but took an exit evaluation that was an institutionally developed assessment

Number of baccalaureate degree recipients who took neither a nationally recognized or normed exit exam but who participated in a competition or performance at the state level or higher

Number of baccalaureate degree recipients who participated in a competition related to the major at the state level or higher and received an award

Number of baccalaureate degree recipients who took a licensure and or certification exam that is scored pass/fail

Number of baccalaureate degree recipients that passed a licensure or certification exam

Number of minority students receiving undergraduate degrees in a program major

Percentage of students completing a baccalaureate degree in six years who are minority students

Student General Education Exit Exam scores

Senior Profile items selected from the College Student Survey given as an exit assessment

Graduate students

Number of students in each major

Percentage of majors who are minority students

Number of students (majors and non-majors) enrolled in graduate courses

Percentage of majors with nationally-normed test scores


Library budget as a percentage of University's Educational and General budget

Expenditures from the library budget for periodical and other resource materials

Facilities assigned

Number of classrooms (first and second priority)

Square feet of classroom space (first and second priority)

Number of laboratories (first priority)

Square feet of laboratory space (first priority)


Dollars budgeted by departments or allocated by Academic Affairs to replace, repair, and purchase equipment


Number of full-time employees (excluding ranked faculty) employed

Percentage of full-time employees (excluding ranked faculty) who are minority

Average dollar amount of financial support from external sources per faculty member

Average dollar amount of financial aid per student receiving aid in major

Number of student credit hours produced

Percentage of programs offering practical experiences for students (internships, practicums, or other experiences that provide application of skills and abilities related to the program)

Percentage of programs requiring a practical experience component

Average number of graduates in each major for prior three years at the baccalaureate degree level

Average number of graduates in each major for prior three years at the master's degree level

Alumni satisfaction

Number of graduates entering any graduate school

Number of employees receiving financial support for research from external sources

Number of employees receiving financial support for research from internal sources

Accreditations of programs

Accreditations held by departments, effective dates


Demand by students

Percentage of students filing a degree plan who are in each major

Percentage of all graduate students who are admitted to each major

Number entering the SMSU graduate program

Demand for graduates

Number of graduating students who plan to go to any graduate institution

Number of graduating students who have employment following graduation

Number of graduating students who plan to enter SMSU graduate program

Number of graduating students who do not plan to be employed

Percentage of SMSU students entering SMSU graduate school

Employer satisfaction


Total program cost

Cost per student credit hour for all levels

Annual program outcome measures: SMSU-West Plains



Percentage for each level

Faculty Teaching Loads

Percent of hours devoted to service

Student to Faculty ratio

Average number of students advised

Number of full-time faculty members

Number of adjunct faculty members

Percentage of faculty participating in documented faculty development and instructional improvement activities

Student learning and teaching improvement measures by individual faculty

Number of faculty included in teaching ability assessment involving at least three different measures, including teaching portfolios, peer evaluations, feedback from current students, alumni and supervisory personnel

Number of minorities employed


High school preparation for students

ACT score distribution

Undergraduate students

Number of students enrolled

Number of transfer students

Percentage of students in the program with a GPA of 2.00 or above

Percentage of students completing an associate degree in three years or less

Student exit assessment results such as scores on standardized tests (CAAP), certification or licensure, locally developed measures, awards and recognition received at the state or national levels, and student portfolios

Freshmen survey results

Noncredit students

Number of certificates awarded through noncredit programs


Square feet required for library materials, technology, seating, and staff according to library standards

Estimated gate counts for set time periods

Number of items checked out by category

Number of items borrowed through interlibrary loan

Number of items loaned through interlibrary loan

Percent of library materials budget allocated to individual departments


Square feet for instruction

Square feet for laboratory or activity center


Dollars spent to add more advanced equipment to modernize program offerings


Average dollar amount of financial aid per student receiving aid

Number of student credit hours produced

Percentage of programs offering practical experiences for students

Percentage of programs requiring a practical experience component

Average number of students from each program area who graduated for prior three years at the associate degree level

Alumni satisfaction rate

Number of graduates entering any four-year school

Number of bachelor's and master's degrees awarded by SMSU-Springfield and earned through distance learning mode at SMSU-West Plains

Accreditation of programs

Number of programs accredited

Statistics to support specialized accreditation requirements


Demand by students

Number enrolled in credit programs

Number enrolled in noncredit programs

Demand for graduates

Number of graduates with degrees in areas critical to Missouri

Number of graduates employed within one year

Number of students entering any four-year school

Employer satisfaction rates

Community benefits

Community collaboration resulting from the program relative to the unique location and services of SMSU-West Plains


Cost per student credit hour