University Space Allocation Advisory Committee
Reports to Administration and Finance
Purpose: The Committee will report to the Vice President for Administration and Finance (VPAF). The University Space Manager will chair the committee. The VPAF will have the ultimate decision-making authority and responsibility with appeal rights of the Vice President’s decisions going to the President.
The Committee is to meet at the call of the chair, typically monthly, to review the status of current space allocations, recommend actions regarding requests for new or additional space, and consider requests for modifications of existing space.
Jen Cox, University Space Manager/Director of Support Services (Chair)
Shelley Cantrell, Scheduling Coordinator
Steve Coffman, Information Services Representative
Brandon Decker, Staff Senate Representative
David Hall, Director, Facilities Management
John Jasinski, Provost
Matt Morris, Vice President for Administrative Services
Conner Neal, S.G.A. Director of Administrative Services
Barri Tinkler, Dean, College of Education
Mark Wheeler, University Architect, Director of Planning, Design and Construction
Vonda Yarberry, Department Head, Art and Design
Scott Zimmerman, Faculty Senate Chair
Updated July 11, 2024