Committee on Policy Review

Purpose: Shall meet up to twice monthly to discuss pending policies under consideration by university leadership and to review current content in the university Policy Library. Shall identify current and emerging content in the university Policy Library (excluding the Faculty Handbook) that should be reviewed by the Faculty Handbook Revision Committee or warrants further review by the faculty. Shall prepare and present periodic reports with recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding policies being referred to the Faculty Handbook Revision Committee, pending operating policies (OP) under consideration by university leadership, and other Policy Library content that should be further reviewed by the faculty.

Membership: The Chair of the Faculty Senate, the Chair-Elect of the Faculty Senate, and the Chair of the Faculty Handbook Revision Committee shall be members of the Policy Review Committee. 

A minimum of three additional faculty members will be appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Senate, so as to provide representation from various academic colleges. These additional faculty members will serve a two-year term and may be reappointed for up to two consecutive terms. One of these faculty members will be appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Senate to serve as committee chair. 

The Student Government Association shall provide a representative to the committee who will be ex officio without vote. The Director of Human Resources, the Provost, a representative from the Registrar's office, and Chief General Counsel will be ex officio members without vote.

2024–2025 Committee on Policy Review Roster

Chair: tba                                            2025
-Members tba-                                    2025

Scott Zimmerman, Faculty Senate Chair, ex officio
Mike Foster, Faculty Senate Chair-Elect, ex officio
Will McClain, DCOA, Faculty Handbook Revision Committee Chair, ex officio 
Patrick Hurn, Human Resources, ex officio
Ken Brown/John Jaskinski, Office of the Provost, ex officio
Angela Young, Office of the Registrar, ex officio
Rachael Dockery, General Counsel, ex officio
TBA, SGA rep, ex officio


Updated September 14, 2024

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