Committee on Faculty Senate Past Chairs


  • Advises current Senate Chairs by providing institutional memory and historic perspectives pertinent to Senate initiatives.
  • Provides oversight relevant to Senate initiatives and priorities that span across terms of Senate Executive Committees.
  • Drafts recommendations for Senate action that address issues pertinent to the Faculty Senate and MSU faculty.

Membership: The Faculty Senate Chair, Faculty Senate Chair Elect, and Prior Senate Chairs who are full-time or emeritus faculty are eligible to serve on the Committee of Past Senate Chairs, unless they hold current administrative appointments at or above head level of an academic department.

A Committee Chair is elected each year by the committee in the first fall meeting.  

2024–2025 Committee on Faculty Senate Past Chairs Roster

Thomas Dicke/RCASH
Micheal Foster/RCASH
Terrel Gallaway/RCASH
Michael Hudson/MCHHS
Thomas Kane/MCHHS
Cynthia MacGregor/COE
Stephen McIntyre/RCASH
Saibal Mitra/CNAS
Elizabeth Walker/DCOA
Margaret Weaver/RCASH
Cameron Wickham/CNAS
Rebecca Woodard/MCHHS
Scott Zimmerman/MCHHS