Faculty Handbook Revision Committee

Reports to the Office of the Provost

Purpose: In accordance with the Faculty Handbook (section, the committee shall take under consideration proposals considered substantive and pressing. The committee shall seek a reasoned consensus as advocates for good order and due process throughout the entire academic community. The committee’s recommended action shall be filed with the Faculty Senate. The committee shall conduct a complete review and revision of the Faculty Handbook every seven years.

Membership: The committee shall be comprised of six members, plus the chair-elect of the Faculty Senate, who serves as an ex officio member. Three members are from the tenured faculty and three members are academic administrators. Committee members may serve two successive two-year terms, but will then be ineligible for reappointment for a minimum of two years. Appointments are staggered, with three members appointed (or reappointed) each year.

Reesha Adamson, COE Associate Dean(Since FA24)
Michael Bird, HCP, MCHHS, School Director (Since FA24)
Christie Cathey, PSY, MCHHS, Faculty (Since FA22)
Mitzi Kirkland-Ives, ART, RCASH, Faculty (Since FA24)
Bob Mayanovic, PAMS, CNAS, Department Head  (Since FA24)
Andrea Miller, LIB, Faculty (Since FA23)
Michael Foster,  RCASH, Faculty Senate Chair-Elect, ex officio
David Meinert, COB, Provost Office, ex officio

Updated October 21, 2024

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