Executive Budget Committee
Reports to the President
Purpose: The purpose of the Executive Budget Committee is twofold: 1) To receive input from the academic affairs and administrative budget committees and the West Plains campus, as well as intercollegiate athletics, and those vice presidents with auxiliary and/or designated accounts; 2) To determine the budget level assigned to the various colleges and administrative units, including intercollegiate athletics and auxiliary units. Based on this, the Executive Budget Committee will make recommendations to the president, who will, in turn, recommend to the Board of Governors appropriate budget actions.
Seth Hoelscher, Chair, College of Business
Anne Baker, Library
Jeff Coiner, Administrative Council
Laura Derrick, Chair, Staff Senate
Doug Gouzie, College of Natural and Applied Sciences
Algerian Hart, Assistant to the President for Inclusive Engagement
James Hutter, Darr College of Agriculture
John Jasinski, Provost
Mitzi Kirkland-Ives, Reynolds College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
Dennis Lancaster, Chancellor, West Plains campus
Kayla Lewis, College of Education
Matt Morris, Chair, Administrative Budget Committee
Zora Mulligan, Executive Vice President
Cindy Schull, Assistant VP Finance and Accounting
Suzanne Shaw, VP for Marketing and Communications
Dee Siscoe, VP for Student Affairs
Richard “Biff” Williams, President
Barri Tinkler, Dean, College of Education
Spencer Vreeland, President, Student Government Association
Elizabeth Walker, Chair, Faculty Senate
Updated October 3, 2023
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