Academic Exceptions Committee
Reports to the the Executive Vice President
Purpose: Charged with considering student petitions regarding: 1) Appeal of grade received by the student as a result of an University policy (e.g., an “F” resulting from failure to remove an Incomplete grade in the time allowed or failure to officially drop a course) rather than a faculty member’s evaluation of performance in a course; 2) Appeal for changes in a student’s academic record that are not made within one semester (excluding summer) of receipt of grades. Those appeals with documented exceptional circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis and recommendation made to the Provost (or their designee); 3) Appeal of existing undergraduate graduation requirements as specified in the General Baccalaureate Degree Policies and Requirements section of the undergraduate catalog.
Liza Cobos, HSP, CNAS (Chair)
Pedro Koo, MCL, COAL
Subhasree Basu Roy, ECO, CHPA
Matthew Wright, MTH, CNAS
Degrees Committee
Ann Rost, PSY, MCHHS (Chair)
Gary Meints, CHM, CNAS
Joe Turner, CLSE, COE
Natalie Mook, AGR, COAG
September 24, 2024