Foundation Awards Committee
Reports to the Office of the Provost
Purpose: Review applications and select recipients for Foundation Awards in Teaching, Research and Service and make recommendations for changes in selection criteria.
Membership: Only ranked faculty with tenure who have a minimum of three years of service at Missouri State University are eligible for this committee. Each member will serve a term of two years with half of the committee membership staggering their term of service so that half of the committee will rotate off each year. Members may be elected to serve two consecutive terms, however cannot serve a third term without stepping off the committee for a rotation. Department Heads and College Deans are not eligible for membership on this committee.
Paul Durham, BIO, CNAS
Clay Franklin, CSD, MCHHS
Les Heitger, ACC, COB
James Hutter, COAG
Judith Martin, WLC, COAL
Eric Nelson, HST, CHPA
Cathy Pearman, RFT, COE
Updated July 11, 2022