Journalism Undergraduate Program

Editor typing at computer desk

Inform and engage audiences

Create content and write stories for today’s media platforms. Cover news, sports, features/human interest and more.

Sharpen your craft and gain experience through student-run media. Have clips and connections that will help you land great jobs.

Why major in journalism at Missouri State?

Student reporter in press conference room.

Hands on reporting

Immersive opportunities like working at The Standard, MSU's student newspaper, and Ozarks News Brief, or interning at local stations, newspapers and magazines.

Journalist using laptop.

Individualized attention

Our classes are small so you receive individual attention and feedback from your journalism professors.

Broadcast student in control room.

Multimedia journalism

We do it all. Learn the best strategies for print, web and broadcast reporting by honing your skills.

Press conference.

Award-winning journalism network

Be part of our journalism network of current students, alumni and professionals while building your portfolio/reel.

Person using camera phone to record video.
Careers and outcomes
With a journalism degree, you can make a living from your writing and storytelling. And not just in news.