Graduate Assistantship Letter of Recommendation

Please be advised that you are submitting a reference for an applicant for a Graduate Assistantship in the Department of Communication, Media, Journalism, and Film at Missouri State University. Your evaluation of this individual will be incredibly helpful to our selection procedures. The information you provide will be treated as confidential except that the student may retain the right of access. In the best interest of the applicant, a prompt completion and submission of this form is appreciated. Following submission of the application, a notice will be sent to the applicant's email as provided. 

Student Application Name and Information
Applicant Ratings
Please complete the following scale values to correspond with your judgement of the applicant's degree of strength and potential in comparison with other students you have known with similar backgrounds.

1 is LOW and 5 is HIGH
Intellectual ability*
Knowledge in current field of study*
Oral expression ability*
Written expression ability*
Emotional maturity*
Potential for success as a class instructor*
Potential for success as a researcher*
Overall promise as a graduate student*
How would you rank this applicant in comparison to others you have known in similar programs of study?*
How would you recommend the applicant for a graduate assistantship? *
Your contact information