Tenure and promotion
Scholarship, faculty review, promotion, and tenure process
Opportunities for scholarship are essential for the success of faculty in the review, promotion, and tenure process. Below are resources that may assist in leveraging SL research for the RPT process.
General resources
- Faculty Development Advanced Toolkit (http://www.compact.org/advancedtoolkit/faculty.html) -- This resource on the Campus Compact website focuses on creating faculty reward and evaluation systems that take faculty community based work into account. The website contains examples of task force reports, policies and forms from campuses that have sought to embrace Boyer's expanded definition of scholarship.
- East/West Clearinghouses for the Scholarship of Engagement (http://www.scholarshipofengagement.org/) - The East/West Clearinghouses for the Scholarship of Engagement sponsor the National Review Board for the Scholarship of Engagement, which provides external peer review and evaluation of faculty's scholarship of engagement. The Clearinghouses also provide consultation, training, and technical assistance to campuses that are seeking to develop or strengthen systems in support of the scholarship of engagement.
- Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Mentor Network (http://depts.washington.edu/ccph/pdf_files/summer-mentorntwk.pdf) - CCPH's Mentor Network provides consultation, training and technical assistance to campuses that are seeking to develop or strengthen their support of community-based scholarship (e.g., service-learning, community-based participatory research).
Articles & publications
- Chang, Yu-bi, Evaluation of Outreach for Promotion and Tenure Considerations: Views from University Faculty, Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 2000, 48:3, 5-13. - Yu-bi Chang examined the evaluation of university outreach from the perspectives of faculty members, particularly those who had engaged in outreach activities. It utilized a survey to determine criteria for judging the quality of outreach; types of performance indicators for evaluating teaching, research, and service elements of outreach; and who should evaluate outreach. The article concludes that, in the opinion of faculty, an adequate evaluation mechanism should include both criteria specific to outreach and more traditional standards for scholarship and rigor.
- Sandman, Lorilee R., Pennie G. Foster-Fishman, James Lloyd, Warren Rauhe, and Cheryl Rosaen. Managing Critical Tensions: How to Strengthen the Scholarship Component of Outreach. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, January/February 2000, 32:1, 44-52. - This article examines ways that faculty can balance the community demands for scholarship of engagement and their institution's expectations regarding teaching and research with their own scholarly interests. It also explores the different perspectives among community, institution, and scholar, which create tensions in the implementation and design of outreach scholarship programs.