Literacy project

Join participants from near and far in addressing the “million word gap” by creating
fun literacy projects for kids.
How it works
Work independently or in teams.
1. Decide on the style and delivery of your literacy project
You can write your own story, or select a book that is already written to create a
project. Decide on reading to a group or, if you wrote your own story, publishing
it for others to share.
2. Determine the age group you want to work with
0-12 months
12 to 24 months
24 to 36 months
3 to 4 years
5-7 years
8-10 years
3. Connect the project to learning outcomes
English language arts standards
Grade-level standards of arts
Social-emotional learning standards
Four "C’s" of civic education
4. Use the IPARD system to help guide your project
Research and learn about the important of childhood reading, discuss with your instructor
why you want to participate in the project.
Get to know your audience. If you are selecting a book to read or creatively thinking
about a book to write you might do some research about the age group you want to tell
your story to. Here are some questions to think about:
What do kids that age like to read about?
What words should I use when writing my story?
Are the words too challenging or not challenging enough for the reader?
What colors or images will engage them if I am illustrating my book/story?
What messages are age-appropriate for the age group I’ve selected? Determine your
“Big Idea” if you decide to Write Your Own Story:
- What do you want to write about?
- What do you feel is important to write about?
- Who will want to read about this story/subject?
- Will you be able to carry out this idea effectively?
1. Determine roles: (writers, readers, illustrators, tech wizards, performers, etc)
Everyone has something they can contribute to a service-learning project. What are
your strengths or what skills do you want to develop? Assign roles and responsibilities
that create a great team.
2. Develop a project plan
What will it take to complete the project?
What are the deadlines?
Who is responsible for each task?
When and where will you meet?
3. Create a budget - if needed
4. Secure permissions
For those on camera
For use of equipment
Other permissions and releases as needed
Create, read, record and serve your identified age group through reading, writing,
and performing. Get creative and have fun.
Remember, if you write and record a reading of your story, you can write a synopsis
of the book and reflection questions that parents, educators, or others can use when
sharing your story.
Reflect as a class, team, or individual. A few example reflection questions may include:
- What did you learn from this experience?
- What worked well?
- What would you change?
- What did you learn about yourself?
- About others?
Share your experience in a variety of ways, including video, reader theatre, cirriculum
publication, etc.
Christina's project
Christina worked with kindergarteners on a writing and illustration project
Join faculty and students who are already involved:
- 1-credit service-learning students from UHC, SPE, SOC, and other academic disciplines
- Bear Power students from Cohort 1 and 2 - writing and creating their own books to share with
- CFD 454 and CFD 560 service-learning students
- Students from International Studies
Bear Power interns work on writing and illustrating stories for the project.