Digital Fashion and Merchandising Four-Year Degree Plan: Merchandising option

The following is a sample schedule for this major - your actual schedule may vary.

The following degree plan, last reviewed 07/09/2024, is based on the 2024-25 catalog and Missouri State general education requirements.

First Semester (Fall)

Courses Hours
ENG 110 Writing I 3
GEP 101 First-Year Foundations 2
HST 121 Survey of the History of the United States to 1877
or HST 122 Survey of the History of the United States since 1877
DFM 101 Fashion Fundamentals 1
DFM 202 Fashion Fabrics 3
MTH 130 Contemporary Mathematics 3
Total hours 15

Second Semester (Spring)

Courses Hours
COM 115 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 3
Humanities - General Education 3
DFM 201 Trends in Fashion History 3
PLS 101 American Democracy and Citizenship 3
PSY 121 Introductory Psychology 3
Total hours 15

Third Semester (Fall)

Courses Hours
ITC 201 Computer Applications for Business 3
ENG 221 Writing II: Writing for the Professions
or ENG 321 Writing II: Beginning Technical Writing
DFM 210 Fashion Technology 3
Life Sciences or Physical Sciences (with lab) - General Education 4
Focus on the Arts - General Education 3
Total hours 16

Fourth Semester (Spring)

Courses Hours
ECO 155 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
DFM 301 Apparel Quality 3
DFM 304 Fashion Law 3
DFM 307 Advanced Fashion Technology 3
Life Sciences or Physical Sciences (no lab) - General Education 3
Total hours 15

Fifth Semester (Fall)

Courses Hours
DFM 303 Product Development 3
DFM 305 Portfolio 1
DFM 306 Industry Formulas and Calculations 3
MKT 350 Principles of Marketing 3
General elective to bring total to 120 4
Total hours 14

Sixth Semester (Spring)

Courses Hours
DFM 362 Digital Visual Merchandising 3
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DFM 460 Digital Merchandise Buying and Assortment Planning 3
MKT 351 Consumer Behavior 3
General elective to bring total to 120 3
Total hours 15

Seventh Semester (Fall)

Courses Hours
DFM 401 Internship (should be completed the previous summer) 3
DFM 403 Professional Development 1
MKT 354 Principles of Advertising 3
Cultural Competence - General Education 3
General elective to bring total to 120 5
Total hours 15

Eighth Semester (Spring)

Courses Hours
Public Issues - General Education 3
DFM 560 Business Analysis 3
MGT 340 Principles of Management 3
General elective to bring total to 120 6
Total hours 15

GPA & credit hour requirements

Electives, as needed to bring total credit hours to 120 and upper division hours (300+) to 40.

GPA requirements include a minimum 2.00 Missouri State GPA and a minimum 2.00 combined GPA.