November 16, 2016

NOVEMBER 16, 2016

1. Roll Call:
Present - Ms. Virginia Fry, Governor (by conference call)
Dr. Peter Hofherr, Chair of the Board (by conference call)
Ms. Carrie Tergin, Governor (by conference call)

Absent - Mr. Joe Carmichael, Vice Chair of the Board

Also Present
Mr. Clif Smart, President
Dr. Drew Bennett, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus (by conference call)
Mr. Dave Caravella, Operations Coordinator, FCTL
Ms. Jen Cox, Assistant to the Vice President, Administrative Services
Mr. Ryan DeBoef, Chief of Staff and Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations
Ms. Rachael Dockery, General Counsel
Ms. Julie Dubinski, Associate Director, Human Resources
Dr. Frank Einhellig, Provost
Ms. Tammy Few, Director, Human Resources
Mr. Steve Foucart, Chief Financial Officer
Ms. Teresa Frederick, Assistant Director, Residence Life, Housing and Dining
Mr. Stephen Hoven, Governor (by conference call)
Mr. Tom Johnson, Director, Safety and Transportation
Mr. Brad Kielhofner, Director, Stores and Maintenance
Mr. Gordon Kinne, Med-Pay
Mr. Marshall Kinne, Med-Pay
Ms. Theresa McCoy, Director, Computer Services
Ms. Beverly Miller, Governor (by conference call)
Mr. Kyle Moats, Director of Athletics
Mr. Matt Morris, Vice President, Administrative Services
Mr. Jeff Morrissey, Chief Information Officer
Mr. Tom Peters, Dean, Library
Mr. Doug Sampson, University Architect and Director of Planning, Design and Construction
Mr. Kendall Seal, Governor (by conference call)
Mr. Gary Stewart, Director, Resident Life, Housing, and Dining
Mr. Mike Wills, Director, Procurement Services
Mr. Ryan Wilson, Chair, Staff Senate
Ms. Kerrigan Arnold, Student
Ms. Natalie Laturno, Student with the Standard
Ms. Kristan Gochenauer, Secretary of the Board

2. Presiding – Dr. Peter Hofherr, Chair of the Board of Governors, called the Executive Committee conference-call meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in Room 203 of Carrington Hall on the campus of Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri.

3. Approval of Minutes – Dr. Hofherr mentioned that the first item of business was the approval of the minutes for the open meeting of September 21, 2016. Ms. Carrie Tergin so moved, receiving the second of Ms. Virginia Fry.

Motion passed 3-0.

4. President – President Clif Smart presented a resolution (Board Policies No. 104-16) approving the revisions to the G2.02 Possession of Firearm policy; revisions reflect compliance with state statues. Moved and seconded, respectively, by Ms. Fry and Ms. Tergin.

Motion passed 3-0.

5. Procurement and Financial – Mr. Steve Foucart, Chief Financial Officer, presented a resolution (Purchasing Activity Report No. 446.16) summarizing Procurement Services’ activities from October 14, 2016, through November 10, 2016. Mr. Foucart recommended the following three items for board approval:

• Approval is recommended for contract agreement for the College of Business to purchase 140 OptiPlex 740 AIO computers, replacing full-time faculty and staff computers that are five years old or more, at a cost of $142,326.80.

• Recommended contract agreement utilizing the Educational and Institutional Cooperative contract with SKC Communications Products, LLC to purchase supplies and equipment, including Crestron control systems. Total cost of purchase is $191,746.98.

• Approval is recommended for processing of payment to Elsevier B.V. for the e-subscription fee for journal subscription renewals for the Meyer Library. The period covered by the renewal is January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 at a cost of $255,869.48.

Ms. Tergin offered a motion to approve. Ms. Fry seconded the motion.

Motion passed 3-0.

Mr. Foucart recommended separate approval for the following:

• Requested approval to continue the Ellucian Administrative Software Maintenance and Support Services utilizing a seven-year contract term. This secures a larger initial discount and lower annual escalation rate (3%). The new seven-year contract term for the Springfield and West Plains campuses will begin January 1, 2017 and end on December 31, 2023 at a total cost of $7,428,432.00.

Ms. Fry offered a motion to approve. Ms. Tergin seconded the motion.

Motion passed 3-0.

6. Facilities and Equipment – Mr. Matt Morris, Vice President for Administrative Services, presented the following resolutions for the Committee’s consideration:

Approval of bids and award of a contract for repair of floor cracking in the weight room at Hammons Student Center (Bids & Quotations No. 1535-16). Bales Construction Company, Inc. had the low bid of $103,300 for the base bid plus alternate 1 with a total project budget set at $145,000.

Ms. Tergin made a motion; seconded by Ms. Fry.

Motion passed 3-0.

Approval of bids and award of a contract for the chiller replacement at Kentwood Hall (Bids & Quotations No. 1536-16). The low bid of $49,664.75 was received by Core 10 Field Services. The total project budget is established at $160,000.

Moved and seconded, respectively, by Ms. Tergin and Ms. Fry.

Motion passed 3-0.

7. Closed Meeting – It was determined that the Board of Governors needed to meet in a closed session to consider items of business provided in the Revised Statutes of Missouri. Dr. Hofherr asked if a resolution authorizing a closed meeting of the Board was prepared. Thereupon, the following resolution was presented for consideration:

BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Governors for Missouri State University that a closed meeting, with closed records and closed vote, be held during a recess of this November 16, 2016 Executive meeting of the Board of Governors to consider items of business pursuant to:

A. R.S. Mo. 610.021(11) and (12). “Specifications for competitive bidding...;” and “Sealed bids and related documents...

Ms. Tergin moved the approval of the resolution and Ms. Fry seconded the motion.

A roll call vote on the motion was as follows: those voting in favor – Governors Fry, Hofherr, and Tergin; those voting against – none.

Dr. Hofherr declared the resolution passed unanimously. The open meeting was recessed at 4:25 p.m. to go into closed session.

The open meeting was reconvened at 4:39 p.m.

8. Adjournment – Dr. Hofherr adjourned the conference-call meeting at 4:40 p.m. on the motion of Ms. Tergin, the second of Ms. Fry, and the unanimous approval of the committee.

Kristan Gochenauer
Secretary of the Board