October 27, 2017

OCTOBER 27, 2017 1:00 P.M.

1.    Roll Call
Present - Ms. Virginia Fry, Chair
Ms. Amelia Counts, Governor
Mr. Tyree Davis IV, Student Governor
Mr. Craig Frazier, Governor
Mr. Gabriel E. Gore, Governor
Ms. Beverly Miller, Governor
Mr. Kendall Seal, Governor
Ms. Carol Silvey, Governor
Mr. Gregory Spears, Governor 
Ms. Carrie Tergin, Governor
Also Present - Clifton Smart III, President
Jim Baker, Vice President for Research and Economic Development & International Programs
Drew Bennett, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus
Donna Christian, Director of Internal Audit and Compliance
Ryan DeBoef, Chief of Staff and Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations
Rachael Dockery, General Counsel
Brent Dunn, Vice President for University Advancement
Frank Einhellig, Provost
Stephen Foucart, Chief Financial Officer
Kyle Moats, Director of Athletics
Matt Morris, Vice President for Administrative Services
Jeff Morrissey, Chief Information Officer
Wes Pratt, Chief Diversity Officer
Suzanne Shaw, Vice President for Marketing & Communications
Dee Siscoe, Vice President for Student Affairs
Kristan Gochenauer, Secretary of the Board

2.    Presiding – The presiding officer for the meeting was Ms. Virginia Fry, Chair of the Board of Governors.  She called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. in the Traywick Parliamentary Room in the Plaster Student Union on the campus of Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri.  

3.    Approval of Board of Governors’ Meeting Minutes – Ms. Fry mentioned that the first item of business was the approval of the minutes for the open and closed meetings of August 3, 2017.  Mr. Gregory Spears so moved, receiving the second of Ms. Carol Silvey.

Motion passed 9-0.  

4.    Consent Agenda – Ms. Fry noted that the next item of business on the agenda was the approval of the Consent Agenda for this meeting.  The items included in the Consent Agenda are:

Approval of Amendment to Employment Agreement for Head Women’s Basketball Coach Kellie Harper (Human Resources No. 1566-17).

Approval of FY2017/2018 Employment Agreements for Baseball, Volleyball and Track and Field Assistant Coaches: Matthew R. Lawson, Jeannette R. Waldo, Victor Houston (Human Resources No. 1567-17).

Approval of Real Estate Gift from the Missouri State University Foundation and Additional Property from Missouri State Foundation, Originally by the Leo Journagan Revocable Trust (Gifts No. 170-17).

Approval of Naming of Various Areas on the Springfield Campus (Gifts No. 171-17).

West Plains Campus
Approval of Actions Concerning Academic Employees (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 412-17).

Approval of Actions Concerning Non-academic Employees (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 413-17). 

Approval of the Revision of the Associate of Arts in the Health Professions to Add the Options of Physician’s Assistant, Radiographer, Occupational Therapist and Physical Therapist (West Plains Curriculum No. 86-17).

Springfield Campus Purchases/Contracts
Approval of Procurement Activity Report for the period July 19, 2017 through October 11, 2017 (Purchasing Activity Report No. 459-17).

Facilities and Equipment
Approval of Activity Report for the month of July 2017 (Activity Report No. 296-17).

Approval of Activity Report for the month of August 2017 (Activity Report No. 297-17).

Approval of Activity Report for the month of September 2017 (Activity Report No. 298-17).

Human Resources Items
Approval of Actions Concerning Academic Employees (Human Resources No. 1568-17).

Approval of Actions Concerning Non-academic Employees (Human Resources No. 1569-17).
Safety and Transportation
Approval of Revised Title and Plan Name Within G2.01 Emergency Response Plan Adoption Procedure (Board Policies No. 107-17).

Ms. Beverly Miller made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, receiving a second from Mr. Spears.

Motion passed 9-0.

5.    Committee Reports: 
A.    Mr. Spears gave an overview of the September 18, 2017, Risk Management and Audit Committee meeting. Enterprise Risk Management reports were reviewed along with top risks for both the Springfield and West Plains campuses. The committee spent a considerable amount of time discussing these risks and the strategies currently used to manage them.  The committee also reviewed internal audit reports, two of which are now open record and published on the University’s website.

B.    Mr. Kendall Seal shared that along with himself, Governors’ Davis, Gore, and Miller met via conference call on October 20, 2017, and selected six students for the 2017-2018 Citizen Scholar Award.  He then gave a summary of the Programs and Planning Committee meeting, which met earlier in the day. This included an update on the University’s Key Performance Indicators and progress toward the measurable goals of the long-range plan.  The College of Education gave a presentation with a focus on the programs heritage, quality and current initiatives. The committee then discussed revisions to the Expressive Activity Policy with a unanimous vote to recommend that the Board approve the proposed revisions.  At the conclusion of his report, Mr. Seal made a motion to recommend approval of revisions to Governing Policy G.5.02 Expressive Activity Policy (Board Policies No. 108-17).  Ms. Silvey seconded the motion. 

Motion passed 9-0.

C.    Mr. Gabriel Gore then gave an overview of the Finance and Facilities Committee meeting.  The meeting included a summary of the Higher Education Student Funding Act, an update on Jefferson City activities and the fiscal year 2019 budget process.  The committee was then briefed on the state’s new performance funding model, which may be used to make decisions about appropriation recommendations for fiscal year 2019.  Revenue to budget comparison and preliminary financial statements were also discussed and show to be tracking as anticipated. The committee then discussed proposed revisions to the University’s governing polices for contracts G1.18, G8.06 and G8.07.  The committee voted unanimously to recommend that the Board approve the proposed revisions.  At the conclusion of his report, Mr. Gore made a motion to recommend approval of revisions to G1.18 Contract Authorization Policy (Board Policies No. 109-17) and revisions to G8.06 Contracts for Construction Policy and G8.07 Contracting for Procurement Services – Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors (Board Policies No. 110-17).  Ms. Carrie Tergin seconded the motion. 

Motion passed 9-0.

6.    President’s Report – President Clif Smart welcomed everyone to Homecoming weekend at Missouri State. He noted that each Board member is being given a copy of the GEP 101 common reader “Good Food Revolution”.  The author, Will Allen, will be on campus next Thursday, November 2, as the Public Affairs Convocation speaker.  

As part of Our Missouri Statement Moment, President Smart introduced Ms. Jordan Schanda, Sustainability Coordinator.  Ms. Schanda gave a short history of the campus garden, noting that is was started in 2011. She then introduced Ms. Kara Powelson, a junior in Environmental Plant Science, and Ms. Cady Goble, a graduate in Environmental Plant Science, garden managers since 2016.  Ms. Powelson and Ms. Cady presented an overview of the past year with the campus garden including donations to the Well of Life Food Pantry, starting the Campus Garden Membership Program, approval of a sustainability proposal allowing employment of two additional students, and the creation of a vision guide. They added that they are excited they were able to hold an interactive sustainability showcase in September and are looking forward to hearing Will Allen speak on campus November 2. 

President Smart then gave an update on the West Plains Chancellor search. The consulting firm Greenwood/Asher has been hired to conduct the search. Recently a survey was conducted with good response and a town hall meeting was held in West Plains.  The search committee has been finalized and are excited to start the new search.

President Smart presented a resolution requesting approval to present the Bronze Bear Award to Dr. Paul L. Durham for his exemplary record of teaching, research and service at Missouri State University (Awards No. 76-17). Ms. Amelia Counts made a motion, receiving a second from Ms. Silvey. 

Motion passed 9-0.

He then presented a resolution requesting approval to present the Government Excellence Award to Senator Roy D. Blunt for his extraordinary achievement and outstanding support of Missouri State University (Awards No. 77-17).  A motion was made by Mr. Seal and seconded by Ms. Tergin.

Motion passed 9-0.

7.    Academic Affairs:
A.    Faculty Senate Report – Dr. Cynthia MacGregor, Chairperson of the Faculty Senate, reported that three ad-hoc committees have been formed – the Personnel Hiring Trends Committee, Policy Review Committee and the 120-Hour Graduation Requirements Committee.  She then highlighted activities that faculty have been involved in since the start of the fall 2017 semester.  

B.    Report from the Provost – Dr. Frank Einhellig, Provost, discussed recent accreditation visits for programs in nursing, audiology and speech-language pathology noting all programs continue to meet standards.  The College of Business will submit accreditation paperwork in December.  

Dr. Einhellig then introduced Dr. David Meinert, who will serve as the Interim Dean for the College of Business starting January 1, 2018 and Dr. Shawn Wahl, who has been serving as Interim Dean for the College of Arts and Letters since July 1, 2017.  

Dr. Einhellig then reported that the University started the 2017-2018 academic year with 753 full-time faculty with over 100 searches taking place and 72 positions filled.  Faculty recruitment for the 2018-2019 academic year has already started.    

8.    Facilities and Equipment – Mr. Matt Morris, Vice President for Administrative Services, recommended approval of consultant and authority to enter into an agreement for professional services in conjunction with the expansion of MSU and UM S&T engineering space in the Robert W. Plaster Center for Free Enterprise (Agreement No. 404-17).  A motion to approve was made by Ms. Silvey and seconded by Ms. Tergin. 

Motion passed 9-0.

9.    Student Affairs:
A.    Report from Student Body President – Mr. Brandon McCoy, Student Body President, welcomed the Board to this year’s homecoming.  He reported that the Student Government is focusing on two goals this year.  The first is the Bear With Me Program, which allows students to work off parking tickets with community service hours.  The second is the Green Dot Program, where students receive campus service hours through participating in the four-hour Green Dot training program. Mr. McCoy updated the Board on the increase of student participation with the Student Government Association. He then reported that along with Governor Tyree Davis IV, he was a part of a delegation that recently traveled to the University’s China campus. Mr. Davis gave an overview of the trip to China and advocated that other students attend in the future. 

10.    Staff Senate – Mr. Robert Moore, Staff Senate Chair, reported that a goal this year is to continue to build staff relationships across campus by instilling the belief in staff that they are all leaders.  One initiative has been the creation of the Leadership Book Club where staff will read and discuss books that are meaningful and impactful.  Mr. Moore then reported that Staff Senate recently concluded the breast cancer drive with donations going to the Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks. He then welcomed everyone to stop by the homecoming tent during Saturday’s festivities. 

11.    New Business:
A.    Presentation and Discussion on Energy Management and Sustainability – Mr. Morris reported that conversations with the Board on energy management and sustainability started back in 2012.  Today is a follow up to these conversations, beginning with City Utilities (CU). Mr. Morris then introduced Mr. Chris Jones, Associate General Manager-Electric Supply and Delivery; Mr. Scott Miller, General Manager; and Ms. Cara Shaefer, Director of Clean Energy Services and Renewables.  Mr. Jones talked to the Board about CU’s renewable energy sources including the CU Solar Farm, located northeast of Springfield, the wind energy contracts in Kansas and Oklahoma and showed the changes in types of resources used from 2014 to 2016 with coal dependency going from 77% down to 35%. 

Mr. Brad Kielhofner, University Engineer and Director of Facilities Management, then discussed the energy program at Missouri State University with a focus on the history of the energy utilization index (EUI). In 1994, EUI was 180. Secondary to continued improvements in efficiency and conservation at the University, the EUI in 2016 was down to 79.    

Ms. Jordan Schanda, Sustainability Coordinator, then gave an overview and updates on University continued initiatives and accomplishments to include the use of solar power, campus recycling and waste reduction, and the campus garden.

B.    Election 2018 Officers of the Board of Governors – Ms. Fry commented that the officer slate for next year was previously discussed at the August Board Retreat.  Ms. Miller then made a motion that Ms. Carrie Tergin be nominated as Chair and Mr. Gabriel Gore be nominated as Vice Chair.  Mr. Seal seconded the motion.

Motion passed 9-0.

12.    Date of Next Meeting – The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting was set for Thursday, December 14, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. on the Springfield Campus.

13.        Adjournment – Ms. Fry adjourned the meeting at 3:19 p.m., on the motion of Mr. Gore, the second of Mr. Craig Frazier, and the unanimous vote of the Board.
Kristan Gochenauer
Secretary to the Board