May 18, 2017

MAY 18, 2017

1.    Roll Call
Present-Ms. Virginia Fry, Chair
Mr. Tyree Davis IV, Student Governor
Ms. Craig Frazier, Governor
Mr. Gabriel Gore, Governor
Mr. Stephen B. Hoven, Governor (by conference call)
Ms. Beverly Miller, Governor 
Mr. Kendall Seal, Governor
Ms. Carol Silvey, Governor
Mr. Gregory Spears, Governor
Ms. Carrie Tergin, Vice Chair    

Also Present-Clifton M. Smart III, President
Jim Baker, Vice President for Research and Economic Development & International Programs
Drew Bennett, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus
Donna Christian, Director of Internal Audit and Compliance
Ryan DeBoef, Chief of Staff and Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations
Rachael Dockery, General Counsel
Brent Dunn, Vice President for University Advancement
Frank Einhellig, Provost
Stephen Foucart, Chief Financial Officer
Gloria Galanes, Dean, College of Arts and Letters
Kyle Moats, Director of Athletics
Matt Morris, Vice President for Administrative Services
Jeff Morrissey, Chief Information Officer
Wes Pratt, Chief Diversity Officer
Suzanne Shaw, Vice President for Marketing & Communications
Dee Siscoe, Vice President for Student Affairs
Kristan Gochenauer, Secretary of the Board

2.    Presiding – The presiding officer for the meeting was Ms. Virginia Fry, Chair of the Board of Governors.  She called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. in the Traywick Parliamentary Room in the Plaster Student Union on the campus of Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri.  

Ms. Fry welcomed the two new Board members, Mr. Craig Frazier and Ms. Carol Silvey, and our new Board appointee, Ms. Amy Counts. She also congratulated Mr. Tyree Davis IV, Student Governor, on his graduation. 

3.    Approval of Board of Governors’ Meeting Minutes – Ms. Fry then requested the approval of the minutes for the open and closed meetings of March 24, 2017.  Mr. Gabriel Gore so moved, receiving the second of Mr. Kendall Seal.

Motion passed 9-0.  

4.    Consent Agenda – Ms. Fry noted that the next item of business on the agenda was the approval of the Consent Agenda for this meeting.  The items included in the Consent Agenda are:

West Plains Campus
Approval of Activity Report (West Plains Activity Report No. 120-17).

Approval of Purchasing Activity Report (West Plains Purchasing Activity Report No. 35-17).

Approval of Actions Concerning Academic Employees (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 405-17).

Approval of Actions Concerning West Plains Campus Non-academic employees (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 406-17).

Approval of Addition of Designated Signatory to the Safe Deposit Box and the Removal of a Current Signatory to the Safe Deposit Box of Missouri State University-West Plains (West Plains Finance No. 33-17).

Approval of Fiscal Year 2018 Salary and Benefits Overview for Missouri State University-West Plains Coaches (West Plains Personnel No. 407-17).

Approval of Expenditures to Implement Student-Approved Capital Projects (West Plains Student Policies No. 13-17).

Student Affairs
Approval of the Revised Student Government Association (SGA) Constitution (Student Policies No. 111-17).

Procurement and Financial
Approval of Procurement Activity Report (Procurement Activity Report No. 453-17).

Facilities and Equipment
Approval of Activity Report for the month of March 17 (Activity Report No. 292-17).

Approval of Bids and Award of a Contract to Remove Asbestos in Preparation for the Renovation of Hill Hall (Bids & Quotations No. 1545-17).

Approval of a Resolution Granting a Utility Easement to the Board of Public Utilities of the City of Springfield, Missouri to Allow for a Water Line Renewal at 661 E. Harrison Street (Agreement No. 386-17).

Human Resources Items
Approval of Actions Concerning Academic Employees (Human Resources No. 1550-17).

Approval of Actions Concerning Non-academic Employees (Human Resources No. 1551-17)

Ms. Carrie Tergin made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, receiving a second from Ms. Carol Silvey.

Motion passed 9-0.

5.    Committee Reports:
A.    Mr. Gregory Spears highlighted the Risk Management and Audit Committee meeting discussion, which included an overview of campus compliance requirements, an update on the emergency preparedness and public perception actions items and an overview of the recent internal risk assessment conducted.  

B.    Mr. Seal provided a summary of the Programs and Planning Committee meeting. The meeting began with a discussion on the University’s key performance indicators, which are the metrics that correspond to the long-range plan goals, and are tied to both our state performance measures and accreditation.  Discussion then moved to accreditation and it being an indicator of the quality of our educational programs.

C.    Mr. Gore then gave an overview of the Finance and Facilities Committee meeting.  The meeting included a year-to-date financial review showing enrollment growth.  President Clif Smart updated the Board on appropriations news from Jefferson City and the final budget passed by the legislature, which includes a 6.58% budget reduction. The University’s fiscal year 2018 budget for Springfield and West Plains campus were summarized.  Discussion then moved to the new residence hall, of which draft design plans were shown and a decision on whether to move forward will be made in the next several months.

6.    President’s Report – President Smart welcomed everyone to commencement weekend at Missouri State.  He stated that in the three commencement ceremonies tomorrow, we will graduate 2,651 students on the Springfield campus, including 1,995 undergraduate degrees and 656 graduate degrees, 93 which are doctorates.  On Saturday, 257 student will graduate with associate degrees on the West Plains campus.

As part of the Making Our Missouri Statement Moment, President Smart asked Dr. Rachelle Darabi, Associate Provost for Student Development & Public Affairs, to read the resolution for approval to acknowledge the excellence in public affairs for faculty and staff award recipients (Awards No. 74-17).  Faculty award winners were Catherine English, Paula Rector and Adena Young-Jones.  Staff award winners were Alex Johnson, Dandan Liu and Patrick Parnell.  Moved and seconded, respectively, by Mr. Seal and Ms. Tergin

Motion passed 9-0.        

President Smart gave a report on the Association of Governing Board’s (AGB) Annual Conference, which he attended with Governors Fry, Miller, Seal, Spears, and Tergin, and Kristan Gochenauer. He highlighted four ideas that can benefit the University from the conference 1.) The value and risks associated with International students; 2.) Workshop on enterprise risk management; 3.) Several sessions on unbundling degrees; and 4.) Updates on federal policy issues. There was a concession that what was discussed at the conference is what we are doing at Missouri State University, demonstrating our pro-activeness and innovation.

President Smart then presented a resolution recognizing the extraordinary service of Mr. Joe Carmichael while serving on the Board of Governors for Missouri State University.  Moved and seconded, respectively, by Ms. Tergin and Mr. Spears.

Motion passed 9-0.

Mr. Carmichael thanked the Board sharing that he enjoyed serving alongside a great group of individuals who are working together to improve the University.

7.    West Plains – Dr. Drew Bennett, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus, updated the Board on the impact of the April 29, 2017 flooding in West Plains.  According to the Emergency Manager in West Plains, West Plains received 9.2 inches of rain in a six-hour period causing damage to homes and businesses as well as the Grizzly Lofts and the building that houses the GOCAT program.  The campus did close for two days and classes were cancelled for the week to allow for cleanup and students to make it back to campus and housed amidst the wide spread flooding. 

8.    Academic Affairs:
A.    Faculty Senate Report – Mr. Micheal Foster, Chairperson of the Faculty Senate, first offered congratulations on the election of Ms. Fry as Chair and Ms. Tergin as the Vice Chair of the Board.  He reported that during this past academic year, Faculty Senate passed five resolutions, twenty curricular changes and numerous bylaws amendments.  Faculty Senate has agreed upon new language to be included in the Faculty Handbook, with a formal resolution to be presented for approval at the June Board meeting. Mr. Foster then introduced Dr. Cynthia MacGregor, the new Faculty Senate Chair, and thanked the Board and President Smart for their leadership, vision and trust.   
B.    Report from the Provost – Dr. Frank Einhellig, Provost, recommended approval of the resolution for a new program – Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Communications (Curriculum No. 381-17) and approval of a resolution for new program – Bachelor of Science in English/Creative Writing and Literature (Curriculum No. 382-17).  A motion was made by Mr. Gregory Spears and seconded by Ms. Beverly Miller.

Motion passed 9-0.

He then presented a resolution of appreciation for Mr. Micheal Foster’s exemplary service as Chair of the Faculty Senate for the 2016-2017 academic year.  Moved and seconded, respectively, by Ms. Tergin and Mr. Gore.

Motion passed 9-0.

Dr. Einhellig then named the recipients of the Missouri State University Foundation Awards for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service for 2017, some of whom were present:

•    Service – Amy Blansit (Kinesiology) and Dr. Carol Maples (Theatre & Dance)
•    Research – Keith Ekstam (Art & Design) and Dr. Wafaa Kaf (Communication Sciences & Disorders)
•    Teaching – Dr. Paul Durham (Biology) and Dr. Kurt Heinlein (Theatre & Dance)
•    Governor’s Award for Excellent in Teaching – Dr. Paul Durham (Biology)

Dr. Kevin Pybas, Chair of the thirteenth annual Public Affairs Conference, reported on the success of this year’s conference, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: Perspectives on Self-Government, stating that he sought out speakers who were “bridge builders”, people who would reach out and could have the hard conversations.  He gave a great deal of credit to the committee members and noted that the conference was well attended.

9.    Facilities and Equipment:
A.    Mr. Matt Morris, Vice President for Administrative Services, recommended approval of a bid and award of a contract for the renovation of the third floor of the Professional Building (Bids & Quotations No. 1546-17). A low bid in the amount of $785,200 was received by DeWitt & Associates for the base bid plus alternates 1, 2, and 3 for the renovation.  Total project budget is $1,100,000.  Ms. Miller so moved, receiving the second of Mr. Gore.

Motion passed 9-0.

10.    Diversity and Inclusion: 
A.    Mr. Wes Pratt, Assistant to the President/Chief Diversity Officer, reported on the 2017 Collaborative Diversity Conference titled Practice what you preach in diversity and inclusion.  Mr. Pratt stated that the conference was a success secondary to the hard work of the committee, the quality of the speakers and presentations and the support of sponsors.  

11.    Student Affairs:
A.    Report from Student Body President – Mr. Adam Coffman, former Student Body President, thanked Brianna Duda, former Student Body Vice President for her hard work behind the scenes.  He thanked President Smart and the Board for their support this past year.  Mr. Coffman then introduced the 2017-2018 Student Body President, Brandon McCoy, a senior majoring in Economics, and the 2017-2018 Student Body Vice President, Caitlin Schaefer, a senior majoring in Management.  
B.    Dr. Dee Siscoe, Vice President for Student Affairs, requested approval of revision and renaming of G5.04 Residence Policy to G5.04 Determination of Residence for Tuition and Fee Purposes (Student Policy No. 112-17).  A motion was made by Mr. Seal and seconded by Mr. Spears.

Motion passed 9-0.

She then asked for approval of the Wyrick Expenditures Proposal passed by student vote April 2017 to construct an outdoor seating plaza at Hammons Foundation, which will be implemented in FY2018 (Finance No. 1059-17).  Mr. Gore so moved, receiving the second of Mr. Spears.

Motion passed 9-0.

Dr. Siscoe then offered a commendation to Adam Coffman for service as Student Body President and a commendation to Brianna Duda for service as Student Body Vice President. A motion was made by Ms. Silvey and seconded by Ms. Miller.

Motion passed 9-0.

Dr. Siscoe asked for approval of the 2017 Wall of Fame Inductees (Awards No. 75-17) approving former Missouri State University employees to be added to the Wall of Fame.  The 2017 recommended inductees are – Dr. John Bowdidge; Dr. John Catau; Ms. Marilyn Chana; Mr. Bruce Johnson; Mr. Mike McElhaney and Ms. Sally Rowe.  Moved and seconded, respectively, by Ms. Silvey and Mr. Craig Frazier.

Motion passed 9-0.

12.    New Business:
A.    Presentation and Discussion of Status of International Programs and Recruitment – Dr. Jim Baker, Vice President for Research and Economic Development & International Program, and Brad Bodenhausen, Associate Vice President for International Education & Training, did a presentation on the status of International Programs, correlation to our long-range plan, current enrollment and the current and on-going challenges the program faces.  Key to continued success is adapting to meet international needs through specific outreach and partnerships and customized programs.  

13.    Closed Meeting – It was determined that the Board of Governors needed to meet in a closed session to consider items of business provided in the Revised Statutes of Missouri.  Ms. Fry asked if a resolution authorizing a closed meeting of the Board was prepared.  Thereupon, the following resolution was presented for consideration:

BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Governors for Missouri State University that a closed meeting with closed records and closed vote, be held during a recess of this May 18, 2017 meeting of the Board of Governors to consider items of business pursuant to: 

A.    R.S.Mo. 610.021(1).  “Legal actions, causes of action, or litigation involving a public governmental body...”

B.    R.S.Mo. 610.021(2).  “Leasing, purchase or sale of real estate by a public governmental body...”; and

C.    R.S. Mo. 610.021(11) and (12).  “Specifications for competitive bidding...;” and “Sealed bids and related documents...”

    Mr. Gore moved the approval of the resolution and Mr. Spears seconded the motion.

    A roll call vote on the motion was as follows: those voting in favor – Governors Frazier, Fry, Gore, Hoven, Miller, Seal, Silvey, Spears, and Tergin; those voting against – none.

    Ms. Fry declared the resolution passed unanimously. The open meeting recessed at 3:44 p.m. to go into closed session.

    The open meeting was reconvened at 5:27 p.m.

    Date of Next Meeting – The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting was set for Friday, June 23, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. in West Plains, Missouri.

14.        Adjournment – Ms. Fry adjourned the meeting at 5:28 p.m., on the motion of Ms. Miller, the second of Mr. Gore, and the unanimous vote of the Board.

Kristan Gochenauer
Secretary to the Board