June 22, 2018

JUNE 22, 2018 1:00 PM

1.    Roll Call
Present - Ms. Carrie Tergin, Chair
Ms. Amelia Counts, Governor
Mr. Craig Frazier, Governor
Ms. Virginia Fry, Governor
Mr. Gabriel E. Gore, Governor
Ms. Beverly Miller, Governor
Mr. William Miller, Student Governor
Mr. Kendall Seal, Governor
Ms. Carol Silvey, Governor
Mr. Greg Spears, Governor 

Also present - Clifton M. Smart III, President
Donna Christian, Director of Internal Audit and Compliance
Ryan DeBoef, Chief of Staff and Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations
Rachael Dockery, General Counsel
Brent Dunn, Vice President for University Advancement
Frank Einhellig, Provost
Stephen Foucart, Chief Financial Officer
Shirley Lawler, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus
Victor Matthews, Dean of the College of Humanities and Public Affairs
Kyle Moats, Director of Athletics
Matt Morris, Vice President for Administrative Services
Jeff Morrissey, Chief Information Officer
Wes Pratt, Chief Diversity Officer and Assistant to the President
Suzanne Shaw, Vice President for Marketing and Communications
Dee Siscoe, Vice President for Student Affairs
Kristan Gochenauer, Secretary of the Board

2.    Presiding – The presiding officer for the meeting was Ms. Carrie Tergin, Chair of the Board of Governors.  She called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. in the Magnolia Room in the West Plains Civic Center in West Plains, Missouri.  

Ms. Tergin thanked Governor Carol Silvey for her hospitality and welcomed Mr. Jack Pahlmann, the mayor of West Plains.

3.    Approval of Minutes – Ms. Tergin mentioned that the first item of business was the approval of the minutes for the open and closed meetings of May 17, 2018. Mr. Gabriel Gore so moved, receiving the second of Ms. Carol Silvey.
Motion passed 9-0.

4.    Consent Agenda – Ms. Tergin noted that the next item of business on the agenda was the approval of the Consent Agenda for this meeting.  The items included in the Consent Agenda are:

Approval of FY2018-2019 Employment Agreements for Athletics Administrators  
(Human Resources No. 1587-18).

Approval of FY2018-2019 Employment Agreements for Assistant Coaches (Human Resources No. 1588-18).

Approval of FY2018-2019 Employment Agreements for Athletics Head Coaches (Human Resources No. 1589-18).

Approval of Extension to Employment Agreement for Head Baseball Coach Keith Guttin (Human Resources No. 1590-18).

West Plains Campus
Approval of Actions Concerning West Plains Campus Academic Employees (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 421-18).

Approval of Actions Concerning West Plains Campus Non-Academic Employees (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 422-18).

Academic Affairs
Approval of Revisions to the Faculty Handbook (Springfield Campus) (Curriculum No. 386-18).

Approval to Apply for a Grant in Support of the MSU Bear POWER Program (Miscellaneous No. 33-18).

International Programs
Approval of Adjustments of Distribution of Revenues Generated by the Foreign Language Institute (Finance No. 1069-18).

Procurement and Financial
Approval of Procurement Activity Report (Procurement Activity Report No. 467-18).

Approval of Rental Rates for Space in the Kenneth E. Meyer Alumni Center for Various Departments and University Related Offices (Agreement No. 410-18).

Facilities and Equipment
Approval of Activity Report for the Months of April 2018 and May 2018 (Activity Report No. 302-18).

Approval of Proposal and Award of a Contract for the FY19 Job Order Contracting Services – Mechanical Repair and Replacement (Agreement No. 411-18).

Approval of Bids and Award of a Contract for the Construction of National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) Plots (Bids & Quotations No. 1559-18). 

Approval of Bids and Award of a Contract for the Creation of a Temporary Parking Lot at the Mill Street Warehouse (Bids & Quotations No. 1560-18).

Approval of Bids and Award of a Contract for the Renovation of Rooms 311 and 315 of Carrington Hall (Bids & Quotations No. 1561-18).

Approval of an Agreement Granting a Drainage, Sanitary Sewer and Temporary Construction Easement to the Twin Lakes Properties, LLC to allow for Property Development by Twin Lakes Properties to the East of The Woodlands (Agreement No. 412-18).

Human Resources Items
Approval of Actions Concerning Academic Employees (Human Resources No. 1591-18).

Approval of Actions Concerning Non-Academic Employees (Human Resources No. 1592-18).

Approval of Actions Concerning Academic and Non-Academic Employees Salary July Adjustments (Human Resources No. 1593-18).

Approval of Actions Concerning Academic Employees Salary August Adjustments (Human Resources No. 1594-18).

Approval of FY19 Additional Fringe Benefits to be funded by Missouri State University or the Missouri State University Foundation (Human Resources No. 1595-18).

Ms. Beverly Miller made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, receiving a second from Ms. Virginia Fry.

Motion passed 9-0.

5.    Committee Reports:
A.    Mr. Gregory Spears shared that the closed Risk Management and Audit Committee meeting included review of the Enterprise Risk Management reports for both the Springfield and West Plains Campuses.  He noted that the committee also met with the University’s internal auditor. 

B.    Mr. Craig Frazier gave an overview of the Finance and Facilities Committee meeting.  The meeting included a year-to-date financial review and a review of the Foundation’s financials, which show the Foundation is on pace to end the fiscal year at a record high. President Clif Smart then discussed the fiscal year 2019 internal operating budget, which will be recommended for approval.  In addition, the procurement and facilities and equipment consent agendas were reviewed, and a West Plains facility update was given.  

C.    Ms. Beverly Miller discussed the Programs and Planning Committee meeting.  She shared that the committee reviewed revisions to the award and recognition policies, the accessibility policy, the Title IX Policy on sexual assault, stalking and other forms of sexual misconduct and the code of student rights and responsibility policies for both the Springfield and West Plains campus. 

Ms. Rachael Dockery, General Counsel, gave an overview of the policies and then requested approval of revisions to University award policies G3.05 honorary doctoral degrees; G3.08 Board of Governors awards for excellence in public affairs; G7.02-8 employee recognition programs; and G3.08-1 external recognition and awards, with additional revisions as discussed at the Programs and Planning Committee meeting (Board Policies No. 115-18).  A motion was made by Mr. Kendall Seal to approve the resolutions, receiving a second from Ms. Silvey.

Motion passed 9-0.

Ms. Dockery then discussed and requested approval of revisions to the code of student rights and responsibilities-Springfield (Student Policies No. 113-18) and West Plains (West Plains Student Policies No. 15-18) campuses.  Ms. Miller moved to approve the resolution, receiving a second from Mr. Craig Frazier. 

Motion passed 9-0. 

Ms. Dockery reviewed and requested approval of revisions to G1.31 Title IX policy on sexual assault, stalking and other forms of sexual misconduct (Board Policies No. 116-18) as well as revisions to the Op1.02-11 sex discrimination and VAWA offenses policy and investigation procedures as discussed at the Programs and Planning Committee meeting.  Mr. Gore made a motion to approve the resolution, receiving a second from Mr. Gregory Spears. 

Motion passed 9-0.

Ms. Dockery then reviewed and recommended approval of the G1.05-1 accessibility policy (Board Policies No. 117-18).  A motion to approve the resolution was received from Ms. Amelia Counts.  Mr. Gore seconded the motion.

Motion passed 9-0.

6.    Presidents Report – President Clif Smart gave an overview of the FY19 internal operating budget recommendations, which are based on the Governor’s budget from January 2018. He then recommended approval of the fiscal year 2019 internal operating budget resolution (Finance No. 1070-18).  Mr. Frazier made a motion and Ms. Fry seconded it. 

     Motion passed 9-0.

    President Smart then reviewed the FY20 capital improvements priorities outlining the process.  He recommended approval of the fiscal year 2020 capital improvement priorities resolution    (Finance No. 1071-18).  Ms. Silvey and Mr. Spears made a motion and a second, respectively. 

    Motion passed 9-0.

    President Smart discussed the one-time retention payment, which will be included in the August 2018 paycheck for employees hired on or before January 1, 2018. Approval was requested for a one-time retention payment from University funds (Finance No. 1072-18). Ms. Silvey made a motion to approve, receiving a second from Ms. Counts.

    Motion passed 9-0.

7.    West Plains – Dr. Shirley Lawler, Chancellor of the West Plains campus, welcomed the Board to the West Plains campus. She thanked community members Mayor Jack Pahlmann, Mr. Tom Stehn, City Administrator, and Ms. Heather Camps, office of Congressman Jason Smith, for attending the meeting. Dr. Lawler shared how welcoming both the campus and community have been her first three weeks on the job and discussed the importance of Missouri State University-West Plains to the community. She shared that the focus is on enrollment, noting the headcount is up 5% for fall 2018, and the overall goal is to continue to listen to the community and build on what already exists. 

Dr. Lawler then introduced Dr. Dennis Lancaster, Dean of Academic Affairs, to give a presentation on the Making Our Missouri Statement Moment – West Plains Relationship with the West Plains R-V11 School District. Dr. Lancaster highlighted the early degree program partnership with West Plains R-V11 school district, which started in fall 2009, discussing the student benefits and lessons learned. He introduced Mr. Ronnie Harper, Dean of Students at the West Plains High School.  Mr. Harper highlighted the program’s success, the opportunities it provides and the importance of continued communication between the school district and Missouri State University-West Plains. 

Dr. Lawler next introduced Dr. Frank Priest, Professor of English and Chair of the Faculty Senate – West Plains.  Dr. Priest gave a presentation on West Plains faculty accolades, accomplishments and community involvement.  He noted that their motto is “students come first”, and feel their greatest accomplishment is seeing students succeed. West Plains Faculty Senate is excited to work with the new chancellor and continue to give back to the students and the community.

Dr. Lawler then introduced Mr. Bruce Cavitt, Academic Advisor and Chair of the Staff Senate – West Plains.  Mr. Cavitt provided an update on events on campus including flood recovery, the chili cook-off and Lee Denim Day. Goals this year include being a liaison to administration, supporting the staff, providing quality experiences for students and funding of the staff senate scholarship.

Dr. Lawler introduced Ms. Carlea Badolian, President of the West Plains Student Government Association, and Ms. Lindsey Parker, Vice President of the West Plains Student Government Association. Ms. Badolian shared how excited they are to represent Missouri State University – West Plains Student Government Association (SGA). She then provided an overview of 2017-2018 SGA accomplishments as well as a list of priorities for the 2018-2019 school year. 

8.    Academic Affairs:
A.    Report from the Provost – Dr. Frank Einhellig, Provost, recommended approval of the new program Master of Science in nutrition and dietetics (Curriculum No. 387-18).  A motion was made by Mr. Spears and seconded by Mr. Frazier.

      Motion passed 9-0.

Dr. Einhellig highlighted student research forums in the Graduate College, College of Health and Human Services and College of Natural and Applied Sciences.  He noted the high impact of these student experiences through engagement in research projects with faculty and their peers.  Three forums with over 366 students were held during the 2017-2018 school year where students gave both oral and poster presentations.

Dr. Einhellig then provided the Board of Governors with an update on the hiring of academic administrators.  He reported that four associate deans have been hired internally; nine department heads have been hired, three externally, and there are currently fifteen faculty positions yet to fill.

9.    Student Affairs:
A.    Report from the Student Body President – Mr. Isaiah Villarreal, Student Body President, reported his Cabinet has been busy this summer.  He recently traveled to Washington DC and attend the Presidential Leadership Conference, which allowed for networking with other student body presidents from across the nation.  Mr. Villarreal is excited to look at new initiatives and continued discussions with students at other institutions across the state and nation.  He also reported that he looks forward to speaking to all new incoming freshman to campus.

10.    Staff Senate Report – Mr. Robert Moore, Chairperson of the Staff Senate, stated that his primary platform has been relationships noting a record number of staff morale events.  He is proud of what Staff Senate has accomplished this past year to include updates to the bylaw policy. Mr. Moore thanked individuals for their support during the past year and introduced the incoming chair, Mr. Jon Lee, Senior Systems Analyst, and the chair elect, Ms. A’dja Jones, Assistant Director-Achievement Center.

11.    Facilities and Equipment – Mr. Matt Morris, Vice President for Administrative Services, recommended the approval of proposal and award of a contract for the fy19 job order contracting services. Moved and seconded, respectively, by Ms. Silvey and Ms. Counts.

          Motion passed 9-0.

12.    New Business – Ms. Tergin recommended approval of the 2019 Board of Governors meeting schedule resolution.  Mr. Spears made a motion, receiving a second from Ms. Counts.

Motion passed 9-0.

Ms. Kristan Gochenauer, Secretary to the Board of Governors, will send out the 2019 Board of Governors’ meeting dates to the Board.

13.    Closed Meeting – It was determined that the Board of Governors needed to meet in a closed session to consider items of business provided in the Revised Statutes of Missouri.  Ms. Tergin asked if a resolution authorizing a closed meeting of the Board was prepared.  Thereupon, the following resolution was presented for consideration:

BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Governors for Missouri State University that a closed meeting, with closed records and closed vote, be held during a recess of this June 22, 2018, meeting of the Board of Governors to consider items of business pursuant to:        

A.    R.S.Mo. 610.021 (3).  “Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body…”

B.    R.S.Mo.  610.021 (13).  “Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment…”

Mr. Gore moved the approval of the resolution and Ms. Fry seconded the motion.

A roll call vote on the motion was as follows:  those voting in favor – Governors Counts, Frazier, Fry, Gore, Miller, Seal, Silvey, Spears, and Tergin; those voting against the motion – none.

Ms. Tergin declared the resolution passed unanimously. The open meeting was recessed at 2:25 p.m. to go into closed session.

The open meeting reconvened at 4:09 p.m.

14.        Date of Next Meeting – The date of the next scheduled meeting was set for Thursday, August 9, at 11:30 a.m. at the Doubletree Hotel by Hilton, in Jefferson City, Missouri.

15.        Adjournment – Ms. Tergin adjourned the meeting at 4:09 p.m., on the motion of Ms. Silvey, the second of Ms. Counts, and the unanimous vote of the Board.
Kristan Gochenauer
Secretary to the Board