November 18, 2010




November 18, 2010

1. Roll Call:

Present - Ms. Elizabeth Bradbury, Chair of the Board (by conference call)

Mr. Gordon Elliott, Vice-Chair of the Board (by conference call)

Mr. Brian Hammons, Governor (by conference call)

Ms. Cathy Smith, Governor (by conference call)


Present - James E. Cofer, Sr., President

Paul Kincaid, Chief of Staff

Clif Smart, General Counsel

Ken McClure, Vice President for Administrative and Information Services

Nila Hayes, Chief Financial Officer

Doug Sampson, University Architect and Director of Campus Planning

Brent Dunn, Vice President for University Advancement

John McAlear, Secretary of the Board

2. Presiding — Ms. Elizabeth Bradbury, Chair of the Board of Governors, called the Executive Committee conference-call meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. in Room 203 of Carrington Hall on the campus of Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri.

3. Facilities & Equipment --- Mr. Ken McClure, Vice President for Administrative and Information Services presented the following resolution for the Executive Committee to consider:

Approval of bids and award of a contract for the Science Scholars’ Laboratory addition to Greenwood Laboratory School (Agenda Item No. II.A.); Rich Kramer Construction, low bid of $2,315,320 for the base bid plus alternates 2 and 7; total project budget established at $2,600,000.

Mr. McClure explained that when this project was originally bid, the bids were over the planned budget. The university and Rich Kramer Construction have identified approximately $84,000 in savings which will lower the construction cost to $2,231,320. This $84,000 will be added to the construction contingency line of the project to keep the overall project budget at $2,600,000. It was further explained that $2,500,000 of the total funding is from gifts and pledges from Greenwood alumni, parents, and friends. Mr. McClure indicated that the remaining $100,000 in funding will come from the University’s Maintenance and Repair budget as we are taking this opportunity to add Greenwood to the University’s chilled water loop, as there have recently been significant maintenance issues with the Greenwood chillers.

Ms. Smith moved for the approval of the resolution, receiving the second of Mr. Elliott. A roll call vote was taken.

Motion passed 3-0 (Governors Elliott, Hammons, and Smith).

4. Adjournment — Ms. Bradbury adjourned the conference call meeting at 9:25 a.m. on the motion of Mr. Elliott, the second of Mr. Hammons, and the unanimous vote of the committee.

John W. McAlear
Secretary of the Board