March 30, 2012



MARCH 30, 2012

1:00 P.M.



1. Roll Call

Mr. Stephen Bough, Governor

Ms. Elizabeth Bradbury, Governor

Mr. Gordon Elliott, Chair of the Board

Mr. Peter Hofherr, Governor

Mr. Stephen Hoven, Governor

Ms. Paige Jenkins, Student Governor

Mr. Orvin Kimbrough, Governor

Ms. Beverly Miller, Governor

Ms. Cathy Smith, Vice Chair of the Board (by conference call)

Mr. John Winston, Governor

Also Present-
Clifton Smart III, Interim President

Drew Bennett, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus

Frank Einhellig, Interim Provost

Earle Doman, Vice President for Student Affairs

Ken McClure, Vice President for Administrative and Information Services

Jim Baker, Vice President for Research and Economic Development and International Programs

Kenneth Coopwood, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion

Stephen Foucart, Interim Chief Financial Officer

Brent Dunn, Vice President for University Advancement

Penni Groves, Interim General Counsel

John McAlear, Secretary of the Board

2. Presiding --- The presiding officer for the meeting was Mr. Gordon Elliott, Chair of the Board of Governors. He called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. in the Traywick Parliamentary Room in the Plaster Student Union on the campus of Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri.

3. Approval of Minutes:

a. Board of Governors’ Meetings --- Mr. Elliott mentioned that the first item of business was the approval of the minutes for the open and closed meetings of February 17, 2012. Mr. Kimbrough so moved, receiving the second of Mr. Winston.

Motion passed 9-0.

4. Consent Agenda --- Mr. Elliott noted that the next item of business on the agenda was the approval of the Consent Agenda for this meeting. The items included in the Consent Agenda are:


Adoption of the 2013 Meeting Schedule of the Missouri State University Board of Governors (Administration No. 26-12).

Academic Affairs

Approval of recommendations regarding the Child Development Center (Administration No. 27-12).

West Plains Campus

Approval of Activity Report dated March 9, 2012 (West Plains Campus Activity Report No. 93-12).

Approval of removal of designated signatory to checks on bank accounts of Missouri State University-West Plains (West Plains Administration No. 14-12).

Approval of actions concerning West Plains Campus academic employees (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 336-12).

Approval of actions concerning West Plains Campus non-academic employees (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 337-12).

Springfield Campus Purchases/Contracts

Approval of Procurement Activity Report for the period February 18, 2012, through March 14, 2012 (Purchasing Activity Report No. 368-12).

Facilities and Equipment

Approval of Activity Report for the month of February 2012 (Activity Report No. 231-12).

Reroof the west wing at McDonald Arena (Bids & Quotations No. 1385-12); Summit Roofing, LLC, low bid of $70,877; total project budget established at $110,000.

Site improvements at the Residence Halls (Bids & Quotations No. 1386-12); Nesbitt Construction, Inc., bid of $99,900; total project budget set at $130,000.

Human Resources Items

Actions concerning academic employees (Human Resources No. 1382-12).

Actions concerning non-academic employees (Human Resources No. 1383-12).

Ms. Bradbury made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda receiving a second from Mr. Winston.

Motion passed 9-0.

5. President’s Report --- Mr. Clif Smart, Interim President, reported that we will recognize four students and three faculty members from the Music Department. Dr. Carey Adams, Dean of the College of Arts & Letters, then introduced the William T. White String Quartet, made up of Yajing Zhang and Xiao Hu (students of Dr. David Hays), Ryan Hardcastle (student of Dr. Amy Muchnick), and Matthew Price (student of Dr. Michael Murray). Dr. Adams announced that the White String Quartet won first prize at the West Central Division finals of the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) Chamber Music Competition and were finalists in the MTNA national competition in New York City. The Quartet then performed a selection for those attending the meeting.

Mr. Smart, in an update from Jefferson City, announced that the House passed its version of the State Budget. They restored the money for higher education that had been taken out by Governor Nixon. However, this is not the most likely scenario that will occur. The budget still has to move through the Senate and then be signed by Governor Nixon. For now, we are still planning on a 7.8% reduction ($6 million) in our State Appropriation.

Mr. Smart then presented a resolution (Fees No. 138-12) establishing the 2012-2013 Fee Schedule, effective July 1, 2012. He highlighted that we are keeping the increase in the undergraduate, resident tuition within the CPI so we will not be asking for a waiver. This $6.48 increase brings the credit hour cost to $200.48. He added that the proposed credit hour increase at the West Plains campus is $4 – going from $107 to $111. Mr. Steve Foucart, Chief Financial Officer, next briefed the Board on some of the other fee changes including a new College of Business Administration additional $25 per-credit-hour fee for 300-599 level courses and residence hall room and board rates going up 4%. Mr. Kimbrough moved to adopt the proposed fee schedule, receiving the second of Mr. Winston.

Motion passed 9-0.

He then presented a resolution (Facilities No. 39-12) that the university acknowledge a major gift from Jim D. Morris to the Missouri State University Foundation to construct a two-level complex, located on the south side of the JQH Arena floor for locker rooms and coaches’ offices for both the Bears and Lady Bears programs, by naming this new complex the Jim D. Morris Basketball Complex. Moved by Mr. Hofherr and seconded by Mr. Hoven.

Motion passed 9-0.

6. Academic Affairs:

a. Report from Academic Affairs Committee – Ms. Bradbury, Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, reported that Dr. Etta Madden gave a progress report from the General Education Task Force. Dean Carey Adams also gave a profile of the College of Arts and Letters.

b. Faculty Senate Report --- Dr. Terrel Gallaway, Chairperson for the Faculty Senate, gave a report to the Board which included a summary of the results of the recent Faculty Concerns Survey. This biannual assessment of the President and Provost showed that: 1) the overall mean evaluations show notable improvement from 2007 and 2009 ratings; 2) job performance of both candidates indicated favorable agreement of leadership provided to date; and 3) problems remain but faculty are aware new leadership will take time to address pre-existing conditions.

c. Report from the Provost --- Dr. Frank Einhellig, Interim Provost, reported that 39 faculty members recently were granted tenure or received promotions. He next reported that we have hired 35 new faculty and academic administrators for the coming year and we have about 15 positions yet to be hired. We may not be successful in filling all of these positions. He then announced that we just received notification from the Higher Learning Commission that we are now authorized to offer the Doctorate of Nursing Practice. He ended his report by announcing that we have recently received two grants ($165,000 and $228,000) through the Missouri Department of Higher Education for Improving Teacher Quality.

7. Research and Economic Development and International Programs --- Dr. Jim Baker, Vice President for Research and Economic Development and International Programs, reported that we were awarded about $2.1 million in sponsored programs in the month of February. He next indicated that we are doing so many different things with our international programs, he is going to start giving a report on International Programs at each of the Board meetings. Study Away participants have increased 35% over the past two years.

He then presented a resolution (Board Policies No. 73-12) approving amendments to Governing Policy G5.06 International Student Scholarships, including granting the authorization to the Vice President for Research and Economic Development and International Programs to approve fees for short-term noncredit English Language Institute classes. Moved by Mr. Hoven and seconded by Mr. Kimbrough.

Motion passed 9-0.

8. Diversity and Inclusion --- Dr. Kenneth Coopwood, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion, reported on the upcoming first retreat for his division. A unique component of the retreat will be the establishment of unit collaborative goals – goals which, by design, cannot be achieved without intentional sharing of resources and talents between the respective department heads.

9. West Plains Campus --- Dr. Drew Bennett, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus, first reported on the February 23, 2012, announcement of the largest gift the West Plains Campus has ever received and the largest single scholarship gift our University System has ever received – the Lorene Thompson Brooks estate of $4 million. These funds will endow our Corps of Opportunity Program and fully fund two athletic scholarships. In recognition of this gift, we will rename the Corps of Opportunity Program the Ed and Lorene Thompson Brooks Corps of Opportunity Program.

He next presented a resolution (West Plains Campus Agreement No. 30-12) for the approval of an Affiliation Agreement with the South Howell County Ambulance District. Moved by Mr. Hofherr. Seconded by Mr. Hoven.

Motion passed 9-0.

Dr. Bennett then presented a resolution (West Plains Awards No. 2-12) approving Paul A. Childers as the recipient of an Honorary Associate of Applied Science Degree. Moved by Mr. Bough and seconded by Mr. Winston.

Motion passed 9-0.

10. Student Affairs:

a. Report from Student Affairs Committee --- Ms. Beverly Miller, a member of the Student Affairs Committee, reported that they heard a very interesting presentation by Mr. Mark Brixey, Director of the Baker Bookstore. Dr. Rachelle Darabi gave an update on the early discussions regarding the new Board of Governors’ recognition of faculty and staff.

b. Report from Student Body President --- Mr. Scott Turk, President of the Student Body, reported that the Student Government Association did pass a resolution recommending the abolishment of the plus/minus grading system. They also passed a resolution supporting the allocation of SCUF (Student Computer Usage Fee) funds for the hiring of an architect in order to continue in a timely manner with the renovations of the Glass Hall open-access computer lab. Mr. Elliott commented that he would refer the plus/minus grade resolution to the Academic Affairs Committee and ask that committee to study the issue and make a recommendation to the Board.

c. Vice President for Student Affairs --- Dr. Earle Doman, Vice President for Student Affairs, first offered a resolution commending Mr. Brandt Shields for service as Student Governor for Missouri State University. Moved by Ms. Bradbury and seconded by Mr. Kimbrough.

Motion passed 9-0.

Dr. Doman next reported on Student Alternative Spring Breaks. The two alternative spring breaks this semester were Chicago and Memphis. The Chicago break focused on hunger and homelessness and the Memphis break focused on health care and the access to health care.

Dr. Doman ended his report by providing an undergraduate student recruitment update including the upcoming Spring Showcase.

11. Financial:

a. Report from Finance Committee --- Mr. Kimbrough, Chair of the Finance Committee, reported that they heard reports on Budget to Actual projections, the fee resolution, internal audit reports, and the health plan RFP process.

b. Development Report --- Mr. Brent Dunn, Vice President for University Advancement, reported that through the eight months ending on February 29, 2012, we are up about $2 million in total gifts received when compared to last year.

c. Financial Report --- Mr. Steve Foucart, Interim Chief Financial Officer, first reported, for the benefit of the new members, that on October 28, 2011, the Board approved architectural and engineering services in conjunction with the potential construction of the new Walnut Street Housing Project for Residence Life. He is presenting today a resolution (Finance No. 1017-12) that will allow him to proceed with preparing for a potential bond issue, if in fact, the Board does approve, at a future meeting, to go forward with the construction project. Before asking for approval of this resolution, Mr. Foucart asked Mr. Doug Sampson, University Architect and Director of Campus Planning, Design and Construction, to provide an overview of the Residence Life project. Mr. Sampson reported that since 1991, Residence Life has added about 115 beds to its inventory. To meet the demands of upper-class students, whose number one request is for private bedrooms, they have designed a project with about 295 beds planned, 88% of which are in private bedrooms. Mr. Elliott commented that his main concern is how much this project can stand on its own. Mr. Foucart replied that the preliminary review in October was that the Residence Life fund would be able to sustain this project. He added that he will be working with Bond Counsel and Moody’s over the next 60 days in developing the economics of this project. Mr. Foucart then asked for approval of this resolution allowing him to prepare for a potential bond issue. Moved by Mr. Bough. Seconded by Mr. Kimbrough.

Motion passed 9-0.

He the presented a resolution (Purchasing Activity Report No. 369-12) for additional purchasing activities from March 15, 2012, through March 30, 2012. Moved by Mr. Hoven and seconded by Ms. Bradbury.

Motion passed 9-0.

12. Facilities & Equipment --- Mr. Ken McClure, Vice President for Administrative and Information Services, presented the following resolutions for the Board’s consideration:

The addition and renovation at the Blair-Shannon Dining Center (Bids & Quotations No. 1387-12); Dewitt & Associates, Inc., low bid of $1,269,400 for the base bid plus alternative 3; total project budget set at $1,795,700.

The addition and renovation at the Garst Dining Center (Bids & Quotations No. 1388-12); Larry Snyder & Company, low bid of $2,583,000 for the base bid plus alternate 4; total project budget set at $3,647,495.

The 2012 Residence Hall renovations (Bids & Quotations No. 1389-12); Bales Construction Co., Inc., low bid of $2,696,000 for the base bid plus alternates 1 and 2; total project budget established at $3,000,000.

The food court renovations at Plaster Student Union (Bids & Quotations No. 1390-12); Larry Snyder and Company, low bid of $303,000; total project budget set at $575,000.

Exterior improvements at Wells House, Woods House, and Blair-Shannon House (Bids & Quotations No. 1391-12); MTS Contracting, Inc., low bid of $627,900 for the base bid plus alternates 1, 2, and 3; total project budget set at $780,000.

Moved by Mr. Hoven and seconded by Mr. Winston.

Motion passed 9-0.

13. Unfinished Business – Ms. Penni Groves, Interim General Counsel, presented a resolution (Bylaws No. 21-12) approving revisions to the Bylaws of the Board of Governors. She explained that this was first presented at the February 17, 2012, Board meeting and can be acted on today. The one change is to clarify the enrollment requirements of the Student Member of the Board of Governors. Moved by Ms. Bradbury and seconded by Mr. Kimbrough.

Motion passed 9-0.

14. New Business --- Mr. Elliott next reported that it was decided at their mid-year retreat earlier this month to initiate the search for Missouri State University’s eleventh president. The composition of the search committee was agreed upon. We invited nominations for members of the committee and received a group of outstanding nominees. He next distributed a document naming the 20-person search committee for the upcoming presidential search. Those individuals being recommended to serve on this committee include:

Six Faculty from Six Academic Colleges

  • Mr. Roberto Canales, Associate Professor of Physician Assistant Studies – Health & Human Services
  • Dr. Charlene Berquist, Professor of Communications – Arts & Letters
  • Mr. Dana Frederick, Instructor in Management – Business Administration
  • Dr. Terrel Gallaway, Associate Professor of Economics – Humanities & Public Affairs
  • Dr. Sue George, Professor of Childhood Education and Family Studies – Education
  • Dr. Janice Greene, Professor of Biology – Natural and Applied Sciences

One Academic Administrator

  • Dr. Anson Elliott, Director of the William H. Darr School of Agriculture

Two Staff Members

  • Ms. Miko McFarland, Study Away Advisor
  • Mr. Kyle Yates, Associate Director of Athletics for Compliance

Two Students

  • Mr. Nii Kpakpo Abrahams, Joplin – Junior majoring in communications and ethical leadership
  • Ms. Paige Jenkins, Bolivar – Senior majoring in agronomy, Student Member of the Board of Governors

One Representative from the West Plains Campus

  • Ms. Brenda Malkowski, Director of University/Community Programs – alumna

Five Members from Outside the University (alumni, business community, donors, community leaders)

  • Mr. Jim Anderson, Springfield (Search Committee Vice Chair) – alumnus, President of the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Ms. Jann Dye, Waynesville – alumna, retired educator, volunteer community leader, former member of the Missouri State Board of Governors
  • Ms. Pat Sechler, Springfield – Senior Vice President of Liberty Bank, multi-term and current member of the Missouri State University Foundation Board of Trustees
  • Mr. Kelby Stuckey, Springfield – alumnus, basketball letterman, Attorney for the City of Springfield
  • Mr. Joe Turner, Springfield (Search Committee Chair) – President and CEO of Great Southern Bank, former member of the Missouri State Board of Governors, current member of the Missouri State University Foundation Board of Trustees

Three Current Members of the Board of Governors

  • Mr. Gordon Elliott, Springfield – alumnus, Chair of the Board of Governors, retired CPA and founder of the CPA firm Elliott, Robinson & Co., CEO of Elliott Lodging
  • Mr. Steve Hoven, St. Louis – alumnus, corporate vice president for public affairs for SSM Health Care
  • Ms. Cathy Smith, Trenton – alumna, Vice Chair of the Board of Governors, vice president/secretary of L.E.T., Inc., volunteer community leader


  • Mr. Wes Pratt, Equal Opportunity Officer

Staff for Committee

  • Ms. Marilyn Dennis, Staff Emeritus

Mr. Elliott commented that one of his top priorities as Chair of the Board is to insure that the University is a strong partner with the community. That is why he is recommending that two of our outstanding community leaders, Mr. Joe Turner and Mr. Jim Anderson, serve as chair and vice chair, respectively, of the search committee.

Mr. Kimbrough moved to approve the members of the committee as presented. Ms. Bradbury provided the second to the motion.

Motion passed 9-0.

15. Date of Next Meeting --- The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting was set for Thursday, May 17, 2012, at 1:30 p.m. on the Springfield Campus.

16. Adjournment--- Mr. Elliott adjourned the meeting at 3:30 p.m. on the motion of Mr. Kimbrough, the second of Mr. Bough, and the unanimous vote of the Board.