March 1-2, 2012
1. Roll Call
Mr. Stephen Bough, Governor
Ms. Elizabeth Bradbury, Governor
Mr. Gordon Elliott, Chair of the Board
Mr. Peter Hofherr, Governor
Mr. Stephen Hoven, Governor
Ms. Paige Jenkins, Student Governor
Mr. Orvin Kimbrough, Governor
Ms. Beverly Miller, Governor
Ms. Cathy Smith, Vice Chair of the Board
Mr. John Winston, Governor
Also Present-
Clifton Smart III, Interim President
Drew Bennett, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus
Frank Einhellig, Interim Provost
Earle Doman, Vice President for Student Affairs
Ken McClure, Vice President for Administrative and Information Services
Jim Baker, Vice President for Research and Economic Development
Kenneth Coopwood, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion
Stephen Foucart, Interim Chief Financial Officer
Brent Dunn, Vice President for University Advancement
Penni Groves, Interim General Counsel
Paul Kincaid, Chief of Staff
June McHaney, Director of Internal Audit
Kyle Moats, Director of Intercollegiate Athletics
Randy Blackwood, Executive Director of Athletics & Entertainment Facilities
Tammy Jahnke, Dean of the College of Natural & Applied Sciences
John McAlear, Secretary of the Board
2. Presiding --- The presiding officer for the meeting was Mr. Gordon Elliott, Chair of the Board of Governors. He called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Burlington Route Room in the St. Louis Union Station Marriott in St. Louis, Missouri.
3. Update on Long-Range Plan --- Mr. Clif Smart, Interim President, first summarized that the three overarching and enduring commitments of Missouri State’s 2011-2016 Long-Range Plan, Fulfilling Our Promise, are: Student Learning, Inclusive Excellence, and Institutional Impact. He indicated that today’s review will cover each of the six themes of the plan: 1) Access to Success; 2) Public Affairs Integration; 3) Engaged Inquiry; 4) Partners for Progress; 5) Valuing and Supporting People; and 6) Responsible Stewardship. He added that these themes will not be addressed in the same order as included in the Plan due to some individuals needing to leave the retreat early.
a. Access to Success – Missouri State will expand access to educational opportunities and prepare students for successful citizenship and careers in a globally competitive world. Mr. Smart indicated that the nine key objectives of this theme are: 1) maintain modest growth and increase diversity; 2) monitor course demand for more efficiency; 3) increase the retention of first-time freshmen; 4) improve six-year graduation rate; 5) increase the number of graduates in Missouri’s critical disciplines of workforce need; 6) increase the number of graduates in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math); 7) improve student learning outcomes; 8) increase alternative pathways; and 9) maintain competitive cost of attendance.
Mr. Smart reported that we have had slow continuous growth since we instituted a selective admissions policy in 1995, and since then, we have only had two years with a small decrease in enrollment when compared to the previous year. He also showed that when combining the student numbers for our minority students and our nonresident alien students, and comparing them to our total student body numbers, these two classifications have gone from 12.6% in Fall 2009 to 15.8% in Fall 2011, a significant increase of 3.2%. Dr. Earle Doman, Vice President for Student Affairs, remarked that increased diversity has been stressed - three of our seven traveling student recruiters are from underrepresented categories. Dr. Ken Coopwood, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion, indicated that positive experiences of our minority students will bring more minority students to campus. After a short discussion, it was also added that we do not want to forget about recruiting first-generation, economically disadvantaged students. To maintain modest growth, academic leadership across campus has been focusing on potential areas of growth. Expansion of health care programs is planned as well as addressing other high-demand disciplines. We will need to place our resources where there is the demand and growth instead of just across the board.
Dr. Frank Einhellig, Interim Provost, addressed improving student learning outcomes by mentioning course transformation. The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning has refocused – we are looking at modern technology, increasing our online and blended courses, and using more technology in our regular courses. Regarding the need for the increase in alternative pathways, we will continue to focus on increasing the number of online programs and courses, dual-credit students, and evening students. Standard class patterns for evening courses will be in effect for the Spring 2013 semester which will improve the ability for students to take more than one evening course.
Mr. Smart then summarized the goal of maintaining a competitive cost of attendance. We are currently planning only a CPI increase in undergraduate, in-state tuition which would be $6.48 per credit hour. With all of the four-year state institutions of higher education planning on staying within the CPI increase, our position based on cost of attendance will stay about the same. He touched on the new, planned College of Business Administration (COBA) course fee that was discussed at the February 17, 2012, Board of Governors meeting. We will be exploring this type of differential fee for other Colleges. These types of fees will be reviewed one fee at a time as they must improve the academic program and meet a demand. Governor Kimbrough commented that the process in considering differential fees needs to be consistent with how the COBA fee was determined. Mr. Smart said that with decreasing state appropriations, this concept is important so that we can pay for our growing programs. Governor Hofherr remarked that he sees this concept as one of affordability versus value. We need to be able to show how the increased cost to the student has increased the value received.
4. JQH Arena – During lunch, Mr. Randy Blackwood, Executive Director of Athletics & Entertainment Facilities, gave a short history of the JQH Arena, from the 2008 opening sold-out show with The Eagles to the more recent 2012 sold-out show with Brad Paisley.
5. Update on Long-Range Plan (continued):
b. Responsible Stewardship – Missouri State will honor the public trust by preserving and protecting the University’s assets for future generations of students. Mr. Ken McClure, Vice President for Administrative and Information Services, indicated that the State has not provided statewide capital funds for higher education for about 12 years. Student-initiated fees, private gifts, and bonding are how new capital projects are funded. He next focused on how important sustainability has become on our campus. Our students have led the campus in this direction. The students approved a separate sustainability fee of $2 for the Fall and Spring semesters that they have to pay which will fund environmentally conscious projects that they choose. Missouri State has earned a bronze rating from the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Ratings System, developed by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. Our long-range plan goal is to achieve a silver rating.
Mr. Smart next reported on how he has tried to improve the University’s transparency and accountability to our constituencies. He has issued 12 Clif’s Notes from June 26, 2011, to February 14, 2012. The campus-wide budget process has been improved – faculty members on the Executive Budget Committee are elected by their colleagues. Ms. June McHaney, Director of Internal Audit, next reported that her department completes about 12-17 internal audits each year. She indicated that the Ethics Hotline entries (monitored by Internal Audit and the General Counsel Office) are investigated and resolved.
c. Valuing and Supporting People – Missouri State will value and support faculty and staff in the context of a dynamic University setting that engages their full potential in an environment of inclusive excellence. Mr. Smart began the discussion on this theme by reporting that only 27.41% of faculty have salaries at or above the median salary for their rank and discipline. He added that only 25.82% of staff have salaries at or above the midpoint of their salary range (the midpoint is set to market salary levels for all jobs in each range). We were able to fund a mid-year 2% salary increase, effective January 1, 2012. As far as diversity, with only 13 African American faculty members, we fall far short of where we want to be. Staff numbers are better with 120 minorities out of a total of 1,331 total staff. Dr. Coopwood next reported on some new initiatives to address our diversity needs. A diversity component has been added to the Appraisal Development Plan (the employee evaluation process). All supervisors are to be evaluated on their attainment of diversity goals. Another initiative in process is the Faculty Diversity Composition Initiative which is a scholarship opportunity designed to enhance diversity and equal opportunity at Missouri State by supporting candidates to obtain terminal degrees.
Governor Bough next reported on a document he has prepared, entitled Governor’s Activity/Commitment List for DIVERSITY & INCLUSION. He explained that this concept came from Shook, Hardy & Bacon, L.L.P. a large U.S. law firm, based in Kansas City, with their permission. The activity/commitment items are compiled for members of the Board of Governors for individual consideration of diversity and inclusion activity. He further explained that after using this concept, the employee diversity of Shook, Hardy & Bacon, L.L.P. improved greatly.
d. Public Affairs Integration – Missouri State will equip and inspire graduates to engage in global policy issues and creatively apply their education to identify solutions to pressing worldwide challenges. Dr. Einhellig reported that the General Education Task Force has continued its efforts to develop a redesigned general education program within which public affairs learning documents will be more evident and intentional. Dr. Jim Baker, Vice President for Research & Economic Development, also stated that it is crucial that our students have contact with international students here or away. Our long-range plan goal is to increase student participants in study-away programs to 450 students by 2015/2016.
e. Engaged Inquiry -- Missouri State will pursue research and scholarly activities that enrich the learning experience of students and are responsive to the needs of the region and state. Dr. Baker stated the importance of our faculty members performing scholarly activity (journal articles, books, performances, etc.) for accreditation needs. As far as long-range plan sponsored program goals of $25 million, this is a reach as many of our faculty members who can write and receive grants have retired. However, it was mentioned that research activity is important when it can be brought into the classroom. Governor Jenkins confirmed this is value added.
f. Partners for Progress – Missouri State will be actively involved in and serve as a catalyst for positive change as an essential partner in improving the quality of life for Missourians and enhancing the economic vitality of the region and state. Dr. Baker first summarized the Jordan Valley Innovation Center impact to the community. He next touched on the Robert W. Plaster Center for Free Enterprise and Business Development (to be located in the old Willowbrook Building) and the goal of developing jobs for Springfield. He explained that the Small Business and Technology Development Center and the Management Development Institute have recently been transferred to his division and they will be housed downtown in the Willowbrook facility. He next brought the Board up to date on the upcoming expansion of Brick City – we will then have the entire Art & Design Department located in Brick City.
Chair Gordon Elliott recessed the meeting at 5:25 p.m. to be reconvened at 8:30 a.m. on March 2.
6. West Plains Campus Draft Long-Range Plan--- Dr. Drew Bennett, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus, first gave some five-year trends: 1) 21% increase in total enrollment; 2) 35% increase in the number of West Plains students transferring to Springfield; 3) 6% higher average retention rate over other 2-year Missouri institutions; and 4) 7% higher average graduation rate over other 2-year Missouri institutions. He added that MSU-West Plains students’ average score has been above the national mean score on all five CAAP tests for 16 consecutive years. Dr. Bennett provided the vision of their long-range plan, entitled Putting Students First – “Missouri State University-West Plains will be a national model among two-year, learning-centered institutions, combining admission opportunity with academic excellence, student service innovation, community partnership, and global awareness in an environment strengthened by dynamic growth and entrepreneurial spirit.”
7. 25-Year Vision --- Mr. Smart began this discussion by reviewing the “Missouri State University is a public, comprehensive metropolitan system with a statewide mission in public affairs,…..” He added that we have been a member of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities since 1993. This coalition has been accepted as Missouri State’s peer group for statewide performance measures. Some of the universities in this coalition include DePaul, Syracuse, Temple, and Louisville and their characteristics include: 1) urban university community engagement enriches metropolitan communities while strengthening the universities’ core commitment to teaching and research; and 2) the research, teaching and engagement agendas reflect the traits and ambitions of the regions where universities are located. Mr. Smart reflected that our 25-year vision is to successfully achieve the characteristics, commitments, and expectations of the top urban and metropolitan universities, while creating Missouri State’s own identity. We need to focus on improving high-impact programs and activities, adding appropriate professional degrees to achieve goals, and developing campus facilities consistent with the goals. It was discussed that while focusing on high-impact goals, we need to make sure that other programs are not determined to be of “lesser” value. It was also added that solid quality academic programs are needed across the board and that in 25 years, we need to be globally connected.
8. FY2013 Internal Operating Budget & Other Legislative Updates--- Mr. Smart next reported on the conference call he just concluded with Governor Jay Nixon and the other higher education presidents in the state. A House budget substitute bill puts $66 million back into higher education; however, this includes taking $28 million from Blind Health Care. Governor Nixon cannot support this drastic cut to those who are blind.
9. Intercollegiate Athletics --- Mr. Kyle Moats, Director of Athletics, summarized the current state of affairs for 16 athletic programs in the Intercollegiate Athletics Department. The current Faculty Athletics Representative is Dr. James Hutter, Associate Professor in the School of Agriculture. He reported that Missouri State University finished second in the MVC all-sports trophy race last year and is currently in first place in this year’s race. He gave the Mission Statement of the MSU Athletics Achievement Center: “Advocate and promote the fundamental principle of life-long learning by creating culture that encourages and fosters accountability, responsibility, and preparation which leads to the graduation of student-athletes. Mr. Moats added that the overall student-athlete GPA of 2.91 last year was the highest GPA in nine years. As part of meeting Title IX requirements, we fall under Prong 1 – we are providing athletic participation opportunities that are substantially proportionate to the student enrollment. Our student-athlete population of 56% female students and 44% male students mirrors the overall university male/female student population. Projected athletics revenues for FY12 are about $9 million and the FY12 university subsidy is about $5.1 million.
10. Board of Governors’ Organizational/Procedural Matters & Sunshine Law Update – Ms. Penni Groves, Interim General Counsel, summarized some of the key points of Missouri’s Sunshine Law. She explained that both the Board of Governors and the Board of Governors’ committees are public governmental bodies and are subject to the Sunshine Law. This law provides for transparency…that meetings of public governmental bodies are to be open to the public. She reviewed the common exceptions to the Sunshine Law – items that are allowed to be discussed in closed sessions – the most common exceptions being personnel and legal matters. Ms. Groves added that public records are obtainable, if requested; but that, we should not get in the habit of creating the record, if it does not already exist. Ms. Groves ended her discussion on public records reminding the Board that if a governor sends an email to four other governors regarding university business, Ms. McHaney would need to be copied as this communication would be considered a public record.
Mr. Smart next brought up the subject of the upcoming presidential search. He briefed the Board on the last two presidential searches – that of 2004-2005 when Dr. Michael Nietzel was hired as President; and 2010, when Dr. James Cofer was hired. He said that Mr. Elliott, as Chair, appoints the search committee, which would then need to be approved by the Board. He reminded the Board that the search committee’s job is to recommend three to four finalists to the Board, and it is the Board that selects the president.
Mr. Smart then mentioned that the Board’s contract with Mr. Bill Funk’s firm, which was used by the University in the presidential search that ended with Dr. Cofer being hired, provides the University a free search (except for direct expenses), if the individual selected leaves the president’s position in less than 24 months on the job. The other two options would be to not use a search firm and to perform a new RFP process to select a search firm.
A discussion was then held on a potential search timeline and the Board’s consensus was that the next president of Missouri State University needed to be selected sometime before the end of this calendar year.
11. Closed Meeting --- It was determined that the Board of Governors needed to meet in a closed session to consider items of business provided in the Revised Statutes of Missouri. Mr. Elliott asked if a resolution authorizing a closed meeting of the Board was prepared. Thereupon, the following resolution was presented for consideration:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Governors for Missouri State University that a closed meeting, with closed records and closed vote, be held during a recess of this March 1-2, 2012, meeting of the Board of Governors to consider items of business pursuant to:
a. R.S.Mo. 610.021(1). “Legal actions, causes of action, or litigation involving a public governmental body…”
b. R.S.Mo. 610.021(3). “Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body…”
c. R.S.Mo. 610.021(13). “Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment,…”
Ms. Bradbury moved the approval of the resolution and Mr. Kimbrough seconded the motion.
A roll call vote on the resolution was as follows: those voting in favor – Governors Bough, Bradbury, Elliott, Hofherr, Hoven, Kimbrough, Miller, Smith, and Winston; those voting against – none.
Mr. Elliott declared the resolution passed unanimously.
The open meeting was recessed at 1:40 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 3:00 p.m.
12. Board of Governors’ Organizational/Procedural Matters & Sunshine Law Update (continued) --- Board members held a brief discussion on the makeup of a Presidential Search Committee. The consensus (a vote was not necessary) of the Board was that the committee should be comprised of the following: 6 faculty members (one from each college); 3 members from the Board of Governors; 2 students; 1 academic administrator; 1 MSU-West Plains representative; 2 staff members; and 5 representatives from constituent groups outside the University (alumni, business community, donors, community leaders, etc.).
13. Date of Next Meeting --- The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting was set for Friday, March 30, 2012, at 1:00 p.m. on the Springfield Campus.
14. Adjournment --- Mr. Elliott adjourned the meeting at 3:30 p.m. on the motion of Mr. Winston, the second of Mr. Kimbrough, and the unanimous vote of the Board.