JUNE 22, 2012
1. Roll Call
Present- Mr. Stephen Bough, Governor (by conference call)
Ms. Elizabeth Bradbury, Governor (by conference call)
Mr. Gordon Elliott, Chair of the Board
Mr. Peter Hofherr, Governor
Mr. Stephen B. Hoven, Governor
Ms. Paige Jenkins, Student Governor
Mr. Orvin Kimbrough, Governor
Ms. Beverly Miller, Governor (by conference call at 1:05 p.m.)
Ms. Cathy Smith, Vice Chair of the Board
Mr. John Winston, Governor
Present- Clifton Smart III, Interim President
Drew Bennett, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus
Frank Einhellig, Interim Provost
Earle Doman, Vice President for Student Affairs
Ken McClure, Vice President for Administrative and Information Services
Kenneth Coopwood, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion
Stephen Foucart, Interim Chief Financial Officer
Brent Dunn, Vice President for University Advancement
Penni Groves, Interim General Counsel
John McAlear, Secretary of the Board
2. Presiding --- The presiding officer for the meeting was Mr. Gordon Elliott, Chair of the Board of Governors. He called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. in the Magnolia Room in the West Plains Civic Center in West Plains, Missouri.
3. Approval of Minutes:
a. Board of Governors’ Meetings --- Mr. Elliott mentioned that the first item of business was the approval of the minutes for the open meeting of April 30, 2012, and the open and closed meetings of May 17, 2012. Mr. Kimbrough so moved, receiving the second of Mr. Winston.
Motion passed 8-0.
4. Consent Agenda --- Mr. Elliott noted that the next item of business on the agenda was the approval of the Consent Agenda for this meeting. The items included in the Consent Agenda are:
Approval of twelve-month extension of the Consultation Agreement with Jerry Burch as Legislative Consultant to the University (Agreement No. 288-12).
Academic Affairs
Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Springfield (Agreement No. 289-12).
West Plains Campus
Approval of Activity Report dated June 22, 2012 (West Plains Activity Report No. 95-12).
Approval of Purchasing Activity Report dated June 22, 2012 (West Plains Purchasing Activity Report No. 30-12).
Approval of actions concerning West Plains Campus academic employees (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 341-12).
Approval of actions concerning West Plains Campus non-academic employees (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 342-12).
Approval of expenditures to implement the capital projects approved by the West Plains students (West Plains Purchase Approval No. 45-12).
Springfield Campus Purchases/Contracts
Approval of Procurement Activity Report for the period May 18, 2012, through June 5, 2012 (Purchasing Activity Report No. 372-12).
Facilities and Equipment
Approval of Activity Report for the month of April 2012 (Activity Report No. 233-12).
Approval of Activity Report for the month of May 2012 (Activity Report No. 234-12).
Approval of the second renewal of the contract for FY11 Job Order Contracting Services (Bids & Quotations No. 1399-12); Bales Construction Company, Inc., maximum amount for the year of $300,000 and maximum amount per project of $50,000. This renewal is for the period July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2013.
Approval of proposals and award of a contract for the FY13 Job Order Contracting Services-Electrical Repair and Replacement (Bids & Quotations No. 1400-12); DeWitt and Associates, Inc., maximum amount for the year of $200,000 and maximum amount per project of $95,000. This contract has options to renew for two additional consecutive fiscal years.
Approval of proposals and award of a contract for the FY13 Job Order Contracting Services-Insulation Repair and Replacement (Bids & Quotations No. 1401-12); Gold Mechanical, Inc., maximum amount for the year of $200,000 and maximum amount per project of $95,000. This contract has options to renew for two additional consecutive fiscal years.
Approval of proposals and award of a contract for the FY13 Job Order Contracting Services-Plumbing Repair and Replacement (Bids & Quotations No. 1402-12); Connelly Plumbing Co., maximum amount for the year of $200,000 and maximum amount per project of $95,000. This contract has options to renew for two additional consecutive fiscal years.
Human Resources Items
Actions concerning academic employees (Human Resources No. 1388-12).
Actions concerning non-academic employees (Human Resources No. 1389-12).
Salary adjustments by rolling car allowances into base salaries for certain employees for greater transparency (Human Resources No. 1390-12).
Overview of FY13 Salaries and Benefits for Intercollegiate Athletics’ Coaches and Administrators (Human Resources No. 1391-12).
Additional fringe benefits to be funded by Missouri State University or the Missouri State University Foundation (Human Resources No. 1392-12).
Mr. Hoven made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, receiving a second from Mr. Hofherr.
Motion passed 9-0.
5. President’s Report --- Mr. Clif Smart, Interim President, first reported that one of the major items on the agenda is the approval of the FY2013 Internal Operating Budget which was previewed at the May board meeting. The budget was prepared with an expected 7.8% reduction in our state appropriation. He then stated that Governor Jay Nixon announced this morning that he would withhold one percent from the flat appropriation passed by the legislature. This amounts to about $800,000 for Missouri State University. The budget which will be presented later today anticipated a state appropriation reduction of almost $6 million. We can now start planning strategically how best to use this additional $5.2 million.
He next announced that two items being pulled from today’s agenda are the Walnut Street housing project and the respective bonding for the project. The bids for this project came in significantly over the project budget. We will come back by the October meeting with a recommendation on how to proceed with our need for apartment-style housing.
Mr. Smart then reported on his recent trip to China in late May. He summarized the trip into three categories. First, we had our first alumni event in China; second, we had an opportunity to expand our partnerships with our long-time friends at Liaoning Normal University and Qingdao University; and third, we began new negotiations with some of the top-tier universities in China.
He then presented a resolution (Administration No. 28-12) approving 15 Key Performance Indicators to evaluate progress on the current long-range plan. This resolution was first presented at the May meeting and we had a good discussion on how to improve what we had at that time. He reminded the Board that they had asked us to incorporate public affairs activities for faculty and staff as well as sustainability and both of these requests were included in Indicator # 8. Ms. Bradbury thanked Mr. Smart for his responsiveness to the conversation held at the May meeting. Mr. Kimbrough moved to approve the resolution, receiving the second of Ms. Smith.
Motion passed 9-0.
6. Academic Affairs:
a. Report from Academic Affairs Committee – Mr. Peter Hofherr, acting chairperson of the Academic Affairs Committee, thanked Chancellor Bennett and the West Plains faculty for such wonderful presentations today which deepened the Board’s knowledge of the campus’s programs.
b. Report from the Provost --- Dr. Frank Einhellig, Interim Provost, first presented a resolution (Curriculum No. 352-12) for the approval of a Bachelor of Science in Health Services. Moved by Mr. Hoven and seconded by Mr. Winston.
Motion passed 9-0.
Dr. Einhellig next gave each of the governors a copy of Outcasts United, written by Warren St. John which is the common reader for the coming year. The Common Reader Program has all incoming new Freshmen read the same book in connection with their Freshmen Experience course. This book dovetails into the Public Affairs theme for the year – Inclusive Excellence. He ended his report by announcing that Dr. Carol Langer of University of Colorado-Pueblo has been hired as the Director of the School of Social Work.
7. Research and Economic Development & International Programs --- Mr. Allen Kunkel, Associate Vice President for Economic Development, reported that the Sponsored Research & Programs Activity Report for the eleven–month period ending May 31, 2012, shows that proposals submitted, named investigators, and grants/contracts awarded have significantly increased when compared to the same period last year. Funds requested and funds awarded are down for the same period. He then reported that the number of international students admitted at this time for the upcoming Fall semester is up 191 over last year at this same time. He reported that we have received student applications from 79 countries.
8. Diversity and Inclusion --- Dr. Kenneth Coopwood, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion, provided an update of the MSU Faculty Diversity Composition Initiative. We are at a point where we can offer this initiative to engage the entire academic community in identifying promising students who might be future faculty members at MSU. He next presented a resolution (Board Policies No. 74-12) amending the Diversity Hiring and Recruitment Policy. This amendment adds Forgivable Loans and Loan Reimbursement programs which are possible vehicles used in this new initiative. Moved and seconded, respectively by, Mr. Hoven and Ms. Smith.
Motion passed 9-0.
Dr. Coopwood ended his report by highlighting a few of the major projects that the Division for Diversity and Inclusion will undertake in the next few years, including a climate study, a collaborative diversity conference, accreditation leadership engagement, faculty mentoring development initiatives, and the establishment of key performance indicators for their own division.
9. West Plains Campus --- Dr. Drew Bennett, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus, first highlighted Ms. Barbara Nyden - 2011-2012 Chair of the West Plains Faculty Senate, an exceptional educator, and cosponsor of three different student organizations. Ms. Nyden gave an overview of campus accomplishments including: a) the upcoming 30th anniversary in 2013 of the operation of their nursing program which has graduated 820 students to date; b) the addition of a three-credit-hour service learning course to encourage student engagement in campus outreach activities; and c) the fourth volume of the Elder Journal is soon to go to press and submissions are currently being accepted for volume five. Dr. Bennett next highlighted Mr. Grayson Gordon - president of the West Plains Staff Senate for the third time, a member of the Information Technology Services Department, and a sometimes teacher of Introduction to Computing. Mr. Gordon first thanked the Board for the approval of the Shared Leave Pool which had been a staff agenda item for several years and for the mid-year salary raise last year. He reported that 53% of the West Plains staff give back to the University in the form of cash gifts and when including in-kind donations, this increases to 92%. Dr. Bennett next highlighted Mr. Tony Ary, West Plains Campus Student Body President – a graduate with an Associate of Arts Degree in General Studies who is continuing to take courses toward a Bachelor in General Business with a minor in Finance, and a captain of the Grizzly Cheer Team. Mr. Ary reported on Student Government’s goals for the upcoming year – increased student engagement, more support at Grizzly athletics events, and building a stronger connection with the Springfield and Mountain Grove campuses.
Dr. Bennett next presented a resolution (Board Policies No. 75-12) for the approval of the 2012-1016 Long-Range Plan for Missouri State University-West Plains entitled Putting Students First. He explained that this plan follows the format of the long-range plan for the Springfield campus. The six strategic directions of the plan are: 1) Student Access and Success; 2) First Choice; 3) Student Engagement; 4) Academic Programming; 5) Culture of Student Learning and Institutional Effectiveness; and 6) Community, Funding, and System Support. Moved by Mr. Winston. Seconded by Mr. Hofherr.
Motion passed 9-0.
10. Student Affairs:
a. Report from Student Affairs Committee --- Ms. Cathy Smith, Chair of the Student Affairs Committee, remarked that they heard a very good report on student engagement on the West Plains campus.
b. Report from Student Body President --- Ms. Paige Oxendine, President of the Student Body, reported that the SGA website is being converted to a Web Press format, the official Web content management system for the University. SGA is making plans for the back-to-school Administrative Banquet, which is held at the beginning of the academic year to allow SGA cabinet members to become acquainted with various campus administrators. Regarding the plus/minus resolution to be voted on later in today’s meeting, it is the Student Government Association’s intention to continue to represent student interests in this very important issue and to continue to look at ways to improve the current system.
c. Vice President for Student Affairs --- Dr. Earle Doman, Vice President for Student Affairs, reported that we are slightly up in both head count and credit hours for the current summer term when compared to last summer. To show a significant change in what students are seeking, he reported that in the summer of 2006, 811 students (12%) were taking at least one online course; while, this summer, 2,322 students (33%) were taking at least one online course.
11. Financial:
a. Development Report --- Mr. Brent Dunn, Vice President for University Advancement, reported that through the eleven months ending on May 31, 2012, total gifts received are at $19 million compared to $15.2 million last year at this time. We have already surpassed last year’s annual all-time record ($16.7 million) with one more month remaining.
He then presented a resolution (Agreement No. 290-12) for the approval of the lease agreement between the University and the Missouri State University Foundation for the University’s rental of space in the Foundation’s Kenneth E. Meyer Alumni Center. Moved and seconded, respectively, by Mr. Hofherr and Mr. Hoven.
Motion passed 9-0.
b. Financial Report ---Mr. Steve Foucart, Interim Chief Financial Officer, first presented a resolution (Finance No. 1019-12) for the approval of the FY13 Internal Operating Budget consisting of $165 million in budgeted operating revenues, $79 million in budgeted non-operating revenues, $228 million in budgeted expenses, $15 million in budgeted transfers, and about $1.1 million in budgeted non-recurring allocations which provides an increase in net assets of about $1.7 million. Moved and seconded, respectively, by Mr. Kimbrough and Ms. Smith.
Motion passed 9-0.
He then presented a resolution (Purchasing Activity Report No. 373-12) for Office of Procurement Services activities from June 6, 2012, through June 22, 2012. Moved by Mr. Kimbrough and seconded by Mr. Hoven
Motion passed 9-0.
12. Facilities & Equipment --- Mr. Ken McClure, Vice President for Administrative and Information Services, presented the following resolutions for the Board’s consideration:
Approval of FY14 Capital Appropriations Request (Finance No. 1020-12).
McQueary Family Health Sciences Hall Instructional Technology System (Bids & Quotations No. 1403-12); Conference Technologies, Inc., best bid of $89,888 for the base bid; total project budget set at $155,000.
Professional services in conjunction with the study of Sunvilla Tower (Architects & Engineers No. 682-12); Cannon Design, for a fee of $136,250 plus reimbursable expenses.
Approval of U.S. Government Lease for real property regarding the National Weather Service’s Transmitter on the University’s VHF Tower (Agreement No. 291-12). (Mr. McClure commented that this resolution has the University leasing its space. We have a legislative restriction on leasing our space which was passed last year. This restriction was overturned this legislative session with an emergency clause but not yet signed by Governor Jay Nixon. Mr. McClure will wait to sign this lease until after Governor Nixon signs the bill).
Approval of first amended lease agreement for general office and education space for Park Central Office Building, and third floor of Levy-Wolfe Building (Agreement No. 292-12)
Approval of lease agreement regarding farm property owned by Leo Journagan and Beverly Jean Journagan (Agreement No. 293-12).
Moved by Mr. Kimbrough and seconded by Mr. Hoven.
Motion passed 9-0.
Ms. Dixie Williams, new Chairperson of the Staff Senate on the Springfield campus, thanked the Board for the shared leave pool which was an initiative that came from Staff Senate. As of three weeks ago, there is more than a year of time donated to this pool. She commented that they will be looking at more employee assistance programs this coming year and more collaboration with the West Plains Staff Senate.
13. New Business – Ms. Bradbury presented and moved a resolution (Board Policies No. 76-12) reaffirming “Plus/Minus” grading on the Springfield Campus. Ms. Bradbury summarized that the Board of Governors approved using “Plus/Minus” grading effective in the Fall Semester of 2009 at the option of the individual faculty members. It was also agreed that the Board would review the program after some experience. She explained that this resolution is the result of that review. The Academic Affairs Committee of the Board has heard from all involved parties. The Springfield faculty continue to support the opportunity to use “Plus/Minus” grading. The Springfield Student Government recommends ending the program. The Provost’s office provided data that showed that average G.P.A. before and after “Plus/Minus” are essentially unchanged. Therefore, she stated that the Academic Affairs Committee recommends that the Board reaffirms that the Springfield faculty can use “Plus/Minus” grading at their discretion and that the administration be tasked with developing appropriate operating policies for this governing policy. Ms. Bradbury thanked Ms. Oxendine for offering to work with the administration to ensure that this system works the very best it can. Mr. Hofherr provided the second to Ms. Bradbury’s motion. Mr. Smart added one of the concerns expressed was inconsistent use of the system in cases of the same course when there are multiple sections being taught at the same time. He commented that the administration will work to improve this consistency.
Motion passed 9-0.
14. Closed Meeting --- It was determined that the Board of Governors needed to meet in a closed session to consider items of business provided in the Revised Statutes of Missouri. Mr. Elliott asked if a resolution authorizing a closed meeting of the Board was prepared. Thereupon, the following resolution was presented for consideration:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Governors for Missouri State University that a closed meeting, with closed records and closed vote, be held immediately following this June 22, 2012, meeting of the Board of Governors to consider items of business pursuant to:
a. R.S. Mo. 610.021 (1). “Legal actions, causes of actions, or litigation involving a public governmental body…”
b. R.S.Mo. 610.021 (2). “Leasing, purchase or sale of real estate by a public governmental body…”
c. R.S.Mo. 610.021(3). “Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body…”
- R.S.Mo. 610.021(13). “Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment,…”
Mr. Hoven moved the approval of the resolution and Mr. Hofherr seconded the motion.
A roll call vote on the resolution was as follows: those voting in favor – Governors Bough, Bradbury, Elliott, Hofherr, Hoven, Kimbrough, Miller, Smith, and Winston; those voting against – none.
Mr. Elliott declared the resolution passed unanimously.
15. Date of Next Meeting --- The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting was set for Friday, August 3, 2012, at 9:00 a.m.
16. Adjournment--- Mr. Elliott adjourned the meeting at 3:10 p.m. on the motion of Mr. Kimbrough, the second of Mr. Hofherr, and the unanimous vote of the Board.
John W. McAlear