July 19-20, 2007

JULY 19/20, 2007

1. Roll Call

Present- Mr. Michael Duggan, Governor
Mr. Gordon Elliott, Governor
Mr. Brian Hammons, Governor
Ms. Mary Sheid, Vice President of the Board
Mr. Ryan Sivill, Student Governor
Ms. Cathy Smith, Governor
Mr. John Winston, Governor

Absent- Ms. Phyllis Washington, Governor

Present- Michael Nietzel, President
Michael Franks, Facilitator
John McAlear, Secretary of the Board

2. Presiding --- The presiding officer for the meeting was Ms. Mary Sheid, Vice President of the Board of Governors. She called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. at the Best Western Big Spring Lodge in Neosho, Missouri.

3. Status of 2006-2007 Priorities --- Dr. Michael Nietzel first reviewed with the Board the accomplishments toward the twelve 2006-2007 priorities that were discussed at last year’s retreat: 1) implement compensation and evaluation system; 2) establish greater statewide and national presence; 3) promote success of new administrative leaders; 4) advance state and federal legislative agenda; 5) prepare new comprehensive fund-raising campaign; 6) continue major capital and infrastructure initiatives; 7) promote diversity efforts; 8) advance academic affairs priorities; 9) improve budget process; 10) increase research achievements; 11) promote a successful intercollegiate athletics program; and 12) develop and prepare full membership of Board of Governors.

4. Top Ten Priorities for 2007-2008 --- Dr. Nietzel next presented ten priorities for the 2007-2008 year: 1) progress on capital projects; 2) improve retention/graduation rates; 3) strategic expansion of distance learning; 4) develop research infrastructure and environment; 5) new degree programs; 6) launch new comprehensive campaign/increase opportunities for alumni outreach; 7) assess and improve campus safety and security; 8) finish the scorecard; 9) assess and refine financial aid and tuition policies; and 10) follow through and funding of initiatives.

After additional input from the Board, it was decided to add two additional priorities for this coming year: 11) continue to promote ethnic diversity efforts, particularly for faculty/staff; and 12) continue to promote a successful intercollegiate athletics program by focusing on: a) competitiveness; b) compliance; c) integration into campus life; d) fiscal stability; and e) achievement of academic success of student athletes. Also, it was decided to add a national presence goal to priority number six.

5. Research & Economic Development --- Dr. Jim Baker, Vice President for Research and Economic Development, reported that we received a record $21,779 million in external funds in FY07. He hopes they can reach a base level of $25 million annually. He next reported that they have secured $2.6 million in federal and $5.0 million in state funding to complete Phase II of the Jordan Valley Innovation Center. He stated that at the present time, the Jordan Valley Innovation Center houses the Center for Applied Science and Engineering (CASE), the Center for Biomedical and Life Sciences (CBLS), the Missouri Innovation Center, and JVIC, Inc. He added that Missouri State University has been selected to administer the Springfield Center of Excellence for Life Science Research, to also be housed in the Jordan Valley Innovation Center. Missouri will have four such centers. Dr. Baker remarked that JVIC’s corporate partners have requested that we consider attaining TRUST Facility Status for one section of JVIC. He explained that TRUST is a specific term that refers to microelectronics related activities that will allow the Department of Defense to procure, verify, manufacture, package, and design parts for their systems. A TRUST facility is a place that one or more of these related activities can take place. This could help secure a sizable market for our corporate partners and would enhance the ability of JVIC to retain local manufacturing and would also enhance the ability of JVIC scientists to compete for and receive federal research funding.

6. Facilities Needs --- Mr. Greg Burris, Vice President for Administrative and Information Services, gave a report on “Facilities Needs.” This report highlighted the following: 1) the need for more Campus Master Planning; 2) FREUP summary 3) research space needs; 4) sustainability options; 5) facility-related safety & security issues; 6) scope of work in JVIC Phase II; 7) status of a University Recreation Center; 8) the need for a Downtown Arts Complex; 9) a summary of Public-Private Development Opportunities; 10) space requirements of the Engineering Program; 11) the boiler modernization project; 12) status of Title IX facility upgrades; 13) parking requirements on the Springfield campus; 14) current estimated deferred maintenance of $81 million; and 15) a need for a second City/University cooperative agreement.

7. Planning & Prioritization
--- Mr. Michael Franks, former President of the Board and facilitator/host of the board retreat led a discussion on board priorities. He also led the discussion on what distinguishes Missouri State from other area educational institutions. He started out with “The Building Blocks of Success” – a) great leadership; b) organizational depth; c) great students; and d) thoughtful planning. It was commented that the university needed to emphasize succession planning and greater training of potential leaders/managers. It was also discussed that it will become more and more important for us to identify and focus on some of our strongest areas. Mr. Franks commented the Board might want to consider preparing a listing of Board priorities for their September meeting.

8. University Advancement Briefing --- Dr. Don Aripoli, Acting Vice President for University Advancement, and Mr. Bent Dunn, incoming Vice President for University Advancement, reported on the areas of Alumni Relations and Development. Dr. Aripoli reported that alumni events will be scheduled in ten national locations this year. They also hope to complete an Alumni Directory project this year. Mr. Dunn indicated that several vacancies will be filled in the near future – a) Executive Director of Development; b) Director of Planned, Deferred, & Corporate Giving; c) Director of Athletics Development; and d) Director of Development for the College of Humanities & Public Affairs and the College of Health & Human Services. He also remarked that a consultant has just begun a feasibility study of a comprehensive campaign. Mr. Dunn ended his report by indicating that they are very pleased with the 2008/2009 JQH Arena season ticket responses.

The retreat was recessed at 3:30 p.m. on July 19 and reconvened at 8:00 a.m. on July 20.

9. 2007 AGB National Conference on Trusteeship --- Mr. Brian Hammons reported on the Association of Governing Boards March 2007 conference that he attended along with Governors Duggan, Sheid, Smith, Washington, and Winston. He reviewed the three areas of board responsibility that were focused in the seminar for new trustees – a) Governance; b) Financial; and c) Legal. He indicated that it is important that the governors always remember what the university’s mission is and to always remember who our customers are – students and their parents. Governors should preserve institutional independence and should agree that the Board President speaks for the Board. He expressed the importance in strategic financial indicators being identified and that the governors should keep informed regarding higher education legal issues. Additional discussion led to the importance of a formal orientation session for new governors. It was suggested that the administration should consider reestablishing this type of training for incoming governors.

10. New Business --- Vice President Sheid asked that Mr. John Black, General Counsel, be added to the meeting by conference call to discuss the upcoming election of officers at the August 3, 2007 board meeting. After a short discussion with Mr. Black, board members identified Article III Section 2 of the board’s bylaws concerning “Election and Term of Office” as not being clear and requested that rewording of this section be considered. Mr. Black was also asked about the presentation and distribution of the University’s Internal Audit Reports. It was decided that this topic would be added to the agenda of the next Finance Committee meeting. For the benefit of the entire board, it was requested that the agenda for Executive Committee meetings be sent to all of the governors.

Ms. Sheid next reported on the student recognition project that the Student Affairs Committee has been working on and hopes to have in final resolution form for approval by the entire board at the August 3, 2007 meeting. A suggested award name was the “Board of Governors Citizen Scholar Award” with a small replica of the Citizen Scholar statue being given to the award recipients.

11. Intercollegiate Athletics Budgets --- Dr. Nietzel next reviewed our intercollegiate athletics program’s 2005-2006 expenditures and revenues with those of some other members of the Missouri Valley Conference - Creighton, Indiana State, Northern Iowa, and Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

12. September Meeting in Kansas City
– Mr. McAlear gave a rundown of the various Missouri State University activities to be held in Kansas City in connection with the September 14, 2007 board meeting to be held at the Allen Village Charter School.

13. Date of Next Meeting --- The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting was set for Friday, August 3, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. on the Springfield campus in Springfield, Missouri.

14. Adjournment --- Ms. Sheid adjourned the meeting at 12:15 p.m.

John W. McAlear