FEBRUARY 6, 2015
- Roll Call
Mr. Joe Carmichael, Governor
Mr. Caleb Doyle, Student Governor
Ms. Virginia Fry, Governor
Dr. Peter Hofherr, Vice Chair
Mr. Stephen B. Hoven, Chair
Mr. Orvin Kimbrough, Governor (by conference call)
Ms. Beverly Miller, Governor
Mr. Kendall Seal, Governor
Ms. Carrie Tergin, GovernorAlso Present-
Clifton Smart III, President
Drew Bennett, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus
Frank Einhellig, Provost
Dee Siscoe, Vice President for Student Affairs
Ken McClure, Vice President for Administrative and Information Services
Jim Baker, Vice President for Research, Economic Development, and International Programs
Kenneth Coopwood, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion
Stephen Foucart, Chief Financial Officer
Donna Christian, Director of Internal Audit and Compliance
Brent Dunn, Vice President for University Advancement
Rachael Dockery, General Counsel
John McAlear, Secretary of the Board - Presiding --- The presiding officer for the meeting was Mr. Stephen B. Hoven, Chair of the Board of Governors. He called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. in the Bella Vista Room in the DoubleTree Hotel in Jefferson City, Missouri.
- Approval of Board of Governors’ Meeting Minutes --- Mr. Hoven mentioned that the first item of business was the approval of the minutes
for the open and closed meetings of December 11, 2014, and the open meeting of December
12, 2014. Dr. Hofherr so moved, receiving the second of Ms. Tergin.
Motion passed 7-0 (Mr. Seal out of the room)
- Consent Agenda --- Mr. Hoven noted that the next item of business on the agenda was the approval of the
Consent Agenda for this meeting. The items included in the Consent Agenda are:
West Plains Campus
Approval of actions concerning West Plains Campus non-academic employees (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 374-15).Springfield Campus Purchases/Contracts
Approval of Procurement Activity Report for the period November 25, 2014, through January 21, 2015 (Purchasing Activity Report No. 415-15).Facilities and Equipment
Approval of Activity Report for the month of November 2014 (Activity Report No. 264-15).
Approval of Activity Report for the month of December 2014 (Activity Report No. 265-15).Human Resources Items
Actions concerning academic employees (Human Resources No. 1481-15).
Actions concerning non-academic employees (Human Resources No. 1482-15).Ms. Fry made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, receiving a second from Ms. Tergin.
Motion passed 7-0 (Mr. Seal out of the room).
- President’s Report --- President Clif Smart began his report by announcing that the Affordable Colleges Foundation,
a leading resource for information about online learning and college affordability,
has listed Missouri State as one of 2015’s Best Online Colleges. We received this
recognition because we offer students affordable, high-quality programs combined with
the flexibility of distance learning.
Dr. Frank Einhellig, Provost, next began the presentation of this meeting’s Point of Pride – the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL). He indicated that the FCTL began operation in 2010 and its charge is to enhance teaching and learning environments. The FCTL supports instructional design, educational technology, and technology in the classroom. He added that the FCTL was recognized as a National Exemplary Teaching and Learning Center by the 25th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning in 2014 – one of two universities who were recognized. Dr. Einhellig then introduced Ms. Nancy Gordon, Assistant Director of the FCTL, to provide additional information. Ms. Gordon touched on their services with instructional design and support, classroom technology, and course development. She ended her report by summarizing that their mission is to serve the entire instructional community, including tenured and tenure track faculty, adjuncts, instructors, per-course faculty, and teaching assistants. Their promise is to assist faculty and instructors in meeting their instructional goals.
President Smart then gave an update on our three legislative priorities which were presented to the Board at their last meeting. The first priority is to obtain a capital appropriation of revenue bond proceeds for renovations to Ellis Hall and Hill Hall on the Springfield campus, renovations to the Post Office Building on the West Plains campus, and additional life safety improvements on the West Plains campus. He indicated that we are progressing nicely on this priority – the Senate passed a resolution that included all four of our projects and we are optimistic about its chances for passage in the House. The second priority relates to the $1.3 million appropriation that the legislature has appropriated for the past two years but the Governor withheld this year. This was $825,000 for the Occupational Therapy program on the Springfield campus and $500,000 for new and expanded allied health programs on the West Plains campus. We have had a coordinated effort with the University of Missouri, which has a Springfield Medical Campus tied to this appropriation, from the beginning, and the Chambers of both Columbia and Springfield in lobbying the Governor for release of these funds. Yesterday, $620,000 of these funds were released. We are also meeting with legislators requesting that instead of being in a separate section of the appropriation bill, the $1.3 million be included in our core appropriation for this coming year. The third priority is to obtain an increase in our operating appropriation. He indicated that the Governor’s executive budget includes a 1.5% increase for Missouri State’s operating appropriation. It is delivered through the performance funding/equity model written into statute last year. We benefit from this formula as we are one of the universities who receive an equity increase based on our enrollment growth and because we continue to meet all of our performance measures. We are meeting with legislators in efforts to enhance this increase in the budget passed by the General Assembly (we’d like it to be about 3.6% to 5%) and to encourage them to deliver new money through the performance funding/equity formula.
President Smart ended his report by previewing the discussion later today about public safety led by our Office of Safety and Transportation. We frequently hear that safety is a top factor that our students and their parents evaluate when selecting a university.
- Academic Affairs:
- Faculty Senate Report --- Dr. Stephen McIntyre, Chairperson of the Faculty Senate, next commented on the continued good relations between the faculty, Faculty Senate, and the administration. Dr. Einhellig continues to provide excellent leadership on the academic side of the University. He also remarked that President Smart has been providing excellent leadership for the University, especially with his inclusive approach in the budget preparation through an Executive Budget Committee with faculty representation. Dr. McIntyre then announced two ad hoc committees that he has appointed: 1) the Electronic Curricular Process; and 2) Family Leave and Support.
- Report from Provost --- Dr. Einhellig first commented that the Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE) approved four new programs for us Wednesday of this week: 1) Bachelor in General Studies; 2) Master of Science in Cyber Security; 3) Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning; and 4) Specialist in Education - Teacher Leadership. He next reported that at the present time, we are working on hiring eight academic administrators and 35 faculty. The open faculty positions will grow. Dr. Einhellig ended his report by providing a 2015-2016 Tenure and Promotion overview. We have 38 applicants this year compared to 48 last year. He added that 60% of our faculty are tenured. After a short discussion, Dr. Einhellig was asked if he could follow up with the tenure percentage of our peer institutions.
- Student Affairs:
- Report from Student Body President --- Mr. Jordan McGee, Student Body President, reported on items that the Student Government is currently working on. Some of the items mentioned were: 1) the new Engagement Camp for about 50 students which will take place in August; 2) holding student focus groups to learn what students want out of their student health center; and, 3) holding an April 1, 2015, day at the Capitol in which students can visit with legislators.
- Unfinished Business --- Dr. Hofherr commented that after reflecting on the committee meetings yesterday, it
occurred to him that it might be a benefit to the Board, as a whole, to have the Visioning
Committee/Programs Committee be a Committee of the Whole. Mr. Hoven asked if this
was in the form of a motion and Dr. Hofherr so moved. Ms. Miller provided the second.
It was decided that this is a very good suggestion due to the importance of the Visioning
Motion passed 8-0.
- New Business:
- Discussion on the Public Safety Aspect of Missouri State University Department of
Safety and Transportation --- Mr. Ken McClure, Vice President for Administrative & Information Services, commented
that the discussion today is designed to be an overview of our emergency response
capabilities. He reminded the Board that we have a unique relationship on our campus,
in that our Safety and Transportation officers are not sworn officers, but there is
a Springfield Police Department Substation located on our campus. Mr. Don Clark, Director
of Safety and Transportation and a former officer with the Springfield Police Department,
then gave a presentation to the Board. Mr. Clark first commented that he hopes to
present our general response to an emergency on campus with the example focused on
today being a hostile intruder on campus. He indicated that we do have a comprehensive
emergency response plan for the University called an All-Hazards Plan. The priorities
are life safety, property preservation and continuity of operations and it focuses
on prevention/mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Emergency Response
Information for each possible type of hazard is separately included on Safety and
Transportation’s website - different information is included, for example, for fire,
severe weather, hostile intruder, bomb threat, etc. Education provided for hostile
intruder/workplace violence includes videos, on-site presentations, tabletop and functional
exercises, as well as periodic full-scale exercises. Communication of an emergency
on campus can be made by a call to the Radio Communication Center, by one of more
than 215 emergency phones on campus, by one of the 15 emergency, outside blue-light
phones on campus, calls directly to 911, and use of social media. The two Emergency
Operations Centers on campus are JQH Arena (primary) and Cheek Hall (secondary). The
campus community can be made aware of a campus emergency through the Missouri State
Alert system where all students, faculty, and staff will be alerted by text, email,
or telephone (their choice) unless they have opted out of the system. Other methods
of communication include the Blue Light Phone Announcements, fire panels in some buildings,
and message boards. Evacuation procedures are posted on the website, and each building
has shelter locations and evacuation locations identified. Class syllabus information
now includes evacuation and shelter information specific to that building and classroom.
A lengthy discussion was then held by board members with the following suggestions mentioned: 1) a possible security audit by an outside agency – it was recommended that the Director of Internal Audit and Compliance, Ms. Donna Christian, evaluate this area with our Risk Management and Compliance Committee to determine if the Committee is comfortable with the practices being followed by Safety and Transportation, and she agreed to address this with the Committee; 2) Safety and Transportation should create a plan for providing regular safety tips to students and the campus community; and 3) the creation of a protocol for students to text emergencies to Safety and Transportation should be considered.
- Discussion on the Public Safety Aspect of Missouri State University Department of
Safety and Transportation --- Mr. Ken McClure, Vice President for Administrative & Information Services, commented
that the discussion today is designed to be an overview of our emergency response
capabilities. He reminded the Board that we have a unique relationship on our campus,
in that our Safety and Transportation officers are not sworn officers, but there is
a Springfield Police Department Substation located on our campus. Mr. Don Clark, Director
of Safety and Transportation and a former officer with the Springfield Police Department,
then gave a presentation to the Board. Mr. Clark first commented that he hopes to
present our general response to an emergency on campus with the example focused on
today being a hostile intruder on campus. He indicated that we do have a comprehensive
emergency response plan for the University called an All-Hazards Plan. The priorities
are life safety, property preservation and continuity of operations and it focuses
on prevention/mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Emergency Response
Information for each possible type of hazard is separately included on Safety and
Transportation’s website - different information is included, for example, for fire,
severe weather, hostile intruder, bomb threat, etc. Education provided for hostile
intruder/workplace violence includes videos, on-site presentations, tabletop and functional
exercises, as well as periodic full-scale exercises. Communication of an emergency
on campus can be made by a call to the Radio Communication Center, by one of more
than 215 emergency phones on campus, by one of the 15 emergency, outside blue-light
phones on campus, calls directly to 911, and use of social media. The two Emergency
Operations Centers on campus are JQH Arena (primary) and Cheek Hall (secondary). The
campus community can be made aware of a campus emergency through the Missouri State
Alert system where all students, faculty, and staff will be alerted by text, email,
or telephone (their choice) unless they have opted out of the system. Other methods
of communication include the Blue Light Phone Announcements, fire panels in some buildings,
and message boards. Evacuation procedures are posted on the website, and each building
has shelter locations and evacuation locations identified. Class syllabus information
now includes evacuation and shelter information specific to that building and classroom.
- Closed Meeting --- It was determined that the Board of Governors needed to meet in a closed session to
consider items of business provided in the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri.
Mr. Hoven asked if a resolution authorizing a closed meeting of the Board was prepared.
Thereupon, the following resolution was presented for consideration:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Governors for Missouri State University that a closed meeting, with closed records and closed vote, be held immediately following this February 6, 2015, meeting of the Board of Governors to consider items of business pursuant to:
- R.S.Mo. 610.021 (1). “…any confidential or privileged communications between a public governmental body or its representatives and its attorneys…”
Mr. Carmichael moved the approval of the resolution and Ms. Fry seconded the motion.
A roll call vote was taken: those voting in favor – Governors Carmichael, Fry, Hofherr, Hoven, Kimbrough, Miller, Seal, and Tergin; those voting against – none.
Mr. Hoven declared the resolution passed unanimously.
- Date of Next Meeting --- The date of the next scheduled meeting was set for Thursday, March 12, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., at the Embassy Suites Hotel, St. Charles, Mo.
- Adjournment --- Mr. Hoven adjourned the meeting at 11:35 a.m., on the motion of Ms. Miller, the second of Mr. Seal, and the unanimous vote of the Board.
John W. McAlear