April 15, 2005

APRIL 15, 2005

1. Roll Call

Present- Mr. William Darr, Governor
Mr. Michael Duggan, Governor
Mr. Gordon Elliott, Governor
Mr. Michael Franks, President of the Board (by conference
Ms. Mary Sheid, Vice President of the Board
Ms. Kelli Wolf, Student Governor

Absent- Mr. Thomas Carlson, Governor
Ms. Phyllis Washington, Governor

Present- John Keiser, President
Kent Thomas, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus
Bruno Schmidt, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Greg Onstot, Vice President for University Advancement
Don Aripoli, Vice President for Student Affairs
Greg Burris, Vice President for Administration & Finance
Kent Kay, Associate Vice President for Finance
John Black, General Counsel
John W. McAlear, Secretary of the Board

2. Presiding --- The presiding officer for the meeting was Ms. Mary Sheid, Vice President of the Board of Governors. She called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. in the Traywick Parliamentary Room of the Plaster Student Union on the campus of Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri.

Mr. Kent Thomas, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus, first introduced Ms. Heather Mullanack, President of the West Plains Campus Student Government Association, and a candidate to replace Ms. Kelli Wolf as Student Governor. Ms. Sheid then introduced Ms. Carol Pinegar, newly appointed Governor who will observe today's meeting.

3. West Plains Campus:

a. Report from the West Plains Campus --- Mr. Kent Thomas then presented the following resolutions for the Board's consideration:

Approval of actions concerning academic employees of the West Plains Campus (West Plains Personnel No. 233-05).

Approval of changes to the SMSU-West Plains policy regarding Transfer of Credit to SMSU-WP (West Plains Policies No. 15-05)

Moved by Mr. Duggan. Seconded by Mr. Darr.

Motion passed 5-0.

4. Finance:

a. Financial Report --- Mr. Kent Kay, Associate Vice President for Finance, reported that our March 31, 2005 financial statements are tracking very well compared to our budget after nine months of the fiscal year.

b. Purchases & Contracts --- Mr. Kay presented the following resolutions for the Board's consideration:

Purchases exceeding $100,000 from March 17, 2005 through April 1, 2005 (Purchasing Activity Report No. 262-05).

Purchases exceeding $100,000 from April 2, 2005 through April 14, 2005 (Purchasing Activity Report No. 263-05).

Moved by Mr. Duggan and seconded by Mr. Darr.

Motion passed 5-0.

c. Development Report --- Mr. Greg Onstot, Vice President for University Advancement, presented the Development Report for the nine months ending March 31, 2005. We are down about $323,000 when compared to the same time period last year. He added that at March 31, 2005 our capital campaign total is $46,960,000.

He next read two separate resolutions in recognition of, respectively, the Men's Basketball program and the Lady Bears program for their very successful seasons this past year. The Lady Bears were the National Champions of the Sportsview.tv postseason WNIT. Motion to approve the two resolutions was made by Mr. Franks and seconded by Mr. Darr.

Motion passed 5-0.

5. Facilities and Equipment --- Mr. Greg Burris, Vice President for Administrative Services, presented the following resolutions for the Board's consideration:

Approving the Activity Report for the month of March 2005 (Activity Report No. 148-05).

The exterior repairs at Pummill Hall (Bids & Quotations No. 1149-05); MTS Contracting, only bid received of $535,500 for the base bid section one and alternates 1, 2 and 4; total project budget set at $691,000.

The exterior repairs and caulking at Strong Hall (Bids & Quotations No. 1150-05); Sam Melvin Painting Company, low bid of $183,000 for the base bid; total project budget established at $266,000.

The lighting improvements for Parking Lot 15 and campus walkways (Bids & Quotations No. 1151-05); Roper Electric Company, only bid received of $193,412 for the base bid and alternate one; total project budget set at $245,000.

New laboratory space in room 116 of Kemper Hall (Bids & Quotations No. 1152-05); Connelly Plumbing Company, only bid received of $579,078 for the base bid and alternates one and two; total project budget set at $710,000.

Summer 2005 classroom upgrades (Bids & Quotations No. 1153-05); Bales Construction, low bid of $374,030 for the base bid plus alternates 1, 3, 5, and 6; total project budget set at $539,940.

Fire detection and suppression system inspection and testing services for the Springfield, West Plains and Mountain Grove campuses (Architects & Engineers No. 609-05); Simplex-Grinnell, for $81,868 plus reimbursable expenses. Additional services of up to $25,000 as described in this agreement may be authorized and approved as necessary.

Moved by Mr. Duggan and seconded by Mr. Darr.

Motion passed 5-0.

6. Human Resources --- Mr. Burris then presented the following
resolutions for the Board's consideration:

Actions concerning academic employees (Human Resources No. 1164-05).

Actions concerning non-academic employees (Human Resources No. 1165-05).

Approval of amendments to the University's employee group medical insurance plan (Human Resources No. 1166-05).

Additional actions concerning academic employees (Human Resources No. 1167-05).

Moved by Mr. Duggan. Seconded by Mr. Darr.

Motion passed 5-0.

Mr. Franks left the meeting at this time.

7. Minutes --- Ms. Sheid noted that the next item of business on the agenda was the approval of the minutes submitted by the Secretary for the open regular meeting of March 18, 2005. Mr. Duggan moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Darr seconded the motion.

Motion passed 4-0.

8. Report from the President --- Dr. John Keiser first commented on the FY06 Operating Budget. We are hoping that we receive level funding this year. A five percent budget cut would be about a $3.8 million reduction. He also reported that we are close to having a draft of our next long-range plan. He ended his report by stating that the Public Affairs Conference that just ended at noon today had excellent attendance.

9. Educational:

a. Report from Vice President for Academic Affairs --- Dr. Bruno Schmidt, Vice President for Academic Affairs, first introduced Dr. Gloria Galanes as the Acting Dean of the College of Arts & Letters effective July 1, 2005. A national search for the Dean of this college was closed as it was not successful this past year and it will be reopened this fall. He then presented a resolution (Human Resources No. 1168-05) expressing appreciation to Dr. Lois M. Shufeldt for her dedicated service as Chair of the Faculty Senate during the 2004-2005 academic year. Moved by Mr. Duggan and seconded by Mr. Elliott

Motion passed 4-0.

10. Student Affairs:

a. Report from Student Body President --- Mr. Chris Curtis, President of the Student Body, reported new officers of the Student Government Association will be elected next week. He also reported that at least 25 applications to be the next Student Governor have been picked up by interested parties.

b. Report from Vice President for Student Affairs--- Dr. Don Aripoli, Vice President for Student Affairs, reported that admission standards for the 2006 Fall will be raised by increasing the selection index from 107 to 108. For example, this would be the 54th percentile on the ACT plus the 54th percentile of class rank.

11. Staff Senate Report --- Mr. Greg Burris, standing in for the officers of the Staff Senate, reported that the Staff Senate wanted to thank Dr. Keiser and the administration for allowing employees to use up to two hours of their work time to attend the Public Affairs Conference.

12. New Business --- Mr. Greg Onstot remarked that he wanted to take this time to recognize Mr. Darr for his service as a Governor. He commented that we are very grateful to Mr. Darr and his wife, Virginia, for their involvement.

13. Date of Next Meeting --- The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting was set for 1:00 p.m., Thursday, May 12, 2005.

14. Adjournment--- Ms. Sheid adjourned the meeting at 2:35 p.m. on the motion of Mr. Darr, the second of Mr. Duggan, and the unanimous vote of the Board.

John W. McAlear