APRIL 1, 2011
1. Roll Call
Present- Ms. Elizabeth Bradbury, Chair of the Board
Mr. Michael Duggan, Governor
Mr. Gordon Elliott, Vice-Chair of the Board
Mr. Brian Hammons, Governor
Mr. Orv Kimbrough, Governor
Ms. Mary Sheid, Governor
Mr. Brandt Shields, Student Governor
Ms. Cathy Smith, Governor
Ms. Phyllis Washington, Governor
Mr. John Winston, Governor (by conference call at 1:05 p.m.)
Present- James E. Cofer, Sr., President
Drew Bennett, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus
Earle Doman, Vice President for Student Affairs
Belinda McCarthy, Provost
Jim Baker, Vice President for Research and Economic Development
Ken McClure, Vice President for Administrative and Information Services
Brent Dunn, Vice President for University Advancement
Nila Hayes, Chief Financial Officer
Clifton Smart, General Counsel
John McAlear, Secretary of the Board
2. Presiding --- The presiding officer for the meeting was Ms. Elizabeth Bradbury, Chair of the Board of Governors. She called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. in the Magnolia Room in the West Plains Civic Center in West Plains, Missouri.
3. Approval of Minutes: a. Board of Governors’ Meetings & Executive Committee Meeting --- Ms. Bradbury first asked if there was a motion for the approval of the Board of Governors’ minutes for the open and closed meetings of February 11, 2011; the open meeting of March 4-5, 2011; the closed meeting of March 5, 2011; and the Executive Committee meeting minutes of February 16, 2011. Mr. Hammons so moved, receiving the second of Mr. Kimbrough.
Motion passed 8-0.
4. Consent Agenda --- Ms. Bradbury noted that the next item of business on the agenda was the approval of the Consent Agenda for this meeting. Mr. McAlear distributed a correction to the Approval of the FY2012 Overview of Salaries and Benefits for Football Coaches. He explained that the total salary pool for the assistant coaches had not changed – the salary amounts were just being distributed differently. The items included in the Consent Agenda are:
February 16, 2011, Executive Committee Meeting
Approval of bids and award of a contract for the door replacement in the Freudenberger House and Blair-Shannon House (Bids & Quotations No. 1351-11); DeWitt & Associates, Inc., bid of $948,000 for the base bid; total project budget established at $1,100,000.
President’s Report
Adoption of 2012 Meeting Schedule of the Missouri State University Board of Governors (Administration No. 22-11).
Approval of an employment contract for Head Women’s Volleyball Coach, Melissa Stokes (Human Resources No. 1338-11).
Approval of FY2012 Overview of Salaries and Benefits for Football Coaches (Human Resources No. 1339-11).
Academic Affairs
Approval of amendment to the Academic Calendar for 2012-2013 (Curriculum No. 344-11).
West Plains Campus
Approval of the Activity Report dated March 15, 2011 (West Plains Campus Activity Report No. 87-11).
Approval of actions concerning West Plains Campus academic employees (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 320-11).
Approval of actions concerning West Plains Campus non-academic employees (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 321-11).
Approval of Fiscal Year 2012 Salary and Benefits Overview for Missouri State University-West Plains Athletics’ Coaches (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 322-11).
Springfield Campus Purchases/Contracts
Approval of purchases exceeding $100,000 from January 29, 2011, through March 18, 2011 (Purchasing Activity Report No. 356-11).
Facilities and Equipment
Approval of Activity Report for the month of January 2011 (Activity Report No. 218-11).
Approval of Activity Report for the month of February 2011 (Activity Report No. 219-11).
Addition to McQueary Family Health Sciences Hall (Bids & Quotations No. 1352-11); Bailey Company, low bid of $1,343,976 for the base bid and alternates 1 and 2; total project budget established at $1,777,500.
Roof replacement at Kemper Hall (Bids & Quotations No. 1353-11); Kirberg Roofing, low bid of $394,100; total project budget set at $468,000.
Interior finish renovation of the Residence Halls (Bids & Quotations No. 1354-11); DeWitt & Associates, Inc., only bid of $1,647,000; total project budget set at $1,900,000.
Professional services in conjunction with the repairs to the Crystal Room at Kentwood Hall (Architects & Engineers No. 671-11); Structural Engineering Associates, Inc., for a fixed fee of $55,050 plus reimbursable expenses. Additional services of up to $15,000 as described in this agreement may be authorized and approved as necessary.
Approval of amendments to lease agreements between the Board of Governors of Missouri State University (landlord); St. John’s Health System, Inc. (tenant); Lumimove, Inc., a Missouri Corporation dba Crosslink (tenant); Lockheed Martin Corporation, successor in interest to Nantero (tenant); and Brewer Science, Inc., a Missouri Corporation (tenant) at the Jordan Valley Innovation Center (Agreement No. 266-11).
Human Resources Items
Actions concerning academic employees (Human Resources No. 1340-11).
Actions concerning non-academic employees (Human Resources No. 1341-11).
Ms. Sheid made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda receiving a second from Mr. Duggan.
Motion passed 9-0.
5. President’s Office --- Dr. James E. Cofer, Sr., President, first gave an update from Jefferson City. He reported that the House has approved the FY2012 budget which did include a 7% reduction in Higher Education funding that was in Governor Nixon’s recommendation. The House also approved the funding of the UMKC pharmacy collaboration with Missouri State University. He added that the House has passed a bill that would result in our Board of Governors remaining a Board of nine members even though the number of congressional districts will be dropping to eight.
Dr. Cofer next gave an update on the long-range plan. A document is being drafted. Each Vice President is working on the detailed tactics in their areas. The “working document” supporting the long-range plan will have detailed tactics and accountabilities. He added that we have not started on a dashboard but we will develop a dashboard that we can review to see if we are on target.
6. Educational:
a. Academic Affairs Committee --- Mr. Gordon Elliott, Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, reported that they received updates from Dr. Jim Baker on Research and Economic Development and Dr. Drew Bennett on the West Plains Campus, in this morning’s meeting. There was also an update from Dr. Belinda McCarthy on the progress of the General Education Committee.
b. Faculty Senate Report --- Dr. Rebecca Woodard, Chairperson of the Faculty Senate on the Springfield Campus, reported that the results of the 2010 Faculty Concerns Survey administered last November was compiled and reported to the Faculty Senate at their March meeting. She indicated that 408 faculty members (58%) completed the survey.
c. Report from the Provost’s Office --- Dr. Belinda McCarthy, Provost, first mentioned that they are interviewing three candidates for the position of Associate Provost for Access and Outreach. She also indicated that “airport” interviews will be held with six candidates for the position of Dean of the College of Business Administration. Dr. McCarthy next reported that Dr. Frank Einhellig, long-time administrator over the Graduate School, will be moving to Research and Economic Development to assist Dr. Jim Baker. A Graduate Dean will be appointed on an interim basis for this next year while a nationwide search is undertaken. She next reported that a survey was administered on General Education and over 500 faculty members responded.
7. Research and Economic Development--- Dr. Jim Baker, Vice President for Research and Economic Development, reported that we have been awarded $16.1 million through February 28, 2011, which is an increase when compared to last year.
8. West Plains Campus --- Dr. Drew Bennett, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus, first reported on their Campus Caravan program. They visited Summersville and Alton last month. He then highlighted a member of the MSU-West Plains faculty – Ms. Cathy Proffitt-Boys, Division Chair of Business Applied Technology and Public Service. Ms. Leigh Adams, President of the West Plains Campus Faculty Senate, next reported on the accomplishments of their Faculty Senate this year, one accomplishment being the integration of Personal Finance course components into a couple of their courses – the Freshmen Orientation Seminar and the Capstone class. All West Plains students are required to take both of these courses. Ms. Alexandra Graham, President of the West Plains Staff Senate, reported that one-half of their staff moved offices this year. She added that 95% of their staff have contributed to MSU-West Plains. Mr. Ezra Fling, President of the West Plains Student Government Association, reported that they provided the funds to send the Cheer Team to the Regional Basketball Tournament and they sponsored the Cheer Team in attending the National Basketball Tournament.
Dr. Bennett then presented a resolution (West Plains Faculty Policies No. 13-11) for the approval of revisions to the Missouri State University-West Plains Faculty Handbook, concerning section 2.8.1 of the recently revised (and Board approved) edition. Moved and seconded, respectively, by Mr. Duggan and Ms. Sheid.
Motion passed 9-0.
He then presented a resolution (West Plains Policies No. 17-11) for the approval of the Honorary Associate Degree Policy for Missouri State University-West Plains. Moved by Ms. Sheid and seconded by Mr. Kimbrough.
Motion passed 9-0.
9. Student Affairs:
a. Student Affairs Committee – Ms. Cathy Smith, Chair of the Student Affairs Committee, reported that Dr. Herb Lunday, Dean of Student Services on the West Plains Campus, gave a presentation on student engagement. Also, Mr. Matt Morris, Director of Business & Support Services on the West Plains Campus, gave a report on the new Student Recreation Center, funded by student fees and a FEMA grant.
b. Report from the Student Body President --- Mr. Jacob Swett, President of the Student Body on the Springfield Campus, briefly summarized the resolutions that have been passed by SGA this Spring. He mentioned that the SGA did pass a resolution supporting the Fiscal Year 2012 Proposed Fee Schedule. He also indicated that Student Body elections will be held April 4-6, 2011.
c. Report from the Vice President for Student Affairs ---Dr. Earle Doman, Vice President for Student Affairs, first reported that the proposed room & board fee increase included in the Fee Resolution which will be presented later in today’s meeting leaves us right in the middle when compared to all Missouri public four-year higher education institutions.
He then presented a resolution (Bids & Quotations No. 1355-11) for the approval of a contract for Food Services and Retail Food Operation Services on the Springfield campus. He explained that this process began more than a year ago. Three companies submitted bids – Sodexo (our current provider), Chartwells, and Aramark. After initial scoring, it was decided to request a best and final quote from all three companies. Dr. Doman indicated that after receiving these quotes, they are recommending that a contract for Food Services and Retail Food Operation Services be awarded to Chartwells for an initial ten-year period, with three one-year renewals possible. The estimated financial commitment for the 13-year period is $29,353,315. Moved by Mr. Hammons. Seconded by Ms. Smith.
Motion passed 9-0.
10. Financial:
a. Finance Committee --- Mr. Brian Hammons, Chair of the Finance Committee, commented that, in this morning’s meeting, they had discussions on the budget process, the food service recommendation, the fee resolution, the bank depository resolution, and some of the facility-related resolutions.
b. Development Report --- Mr. Brent Dunn, Vice President for University Advancement, reported that through the month of February, we are up about $2.2 million over this time last year, which was a record year.
c. Financial Report --- Ms. Nila Hayes, Chief Financial Officer, presented a resolution (Fees No. 135-11) approving the 2011-2012 Fee Schedule. She explained one new fee this year is the credit card processing fee of 2.75% which will be applied to all credit card payments. Moved by Mr. Hammons and seconded by Mr. Kimbrough.
Motion passed 9-0.
She then presented a resolution (Finance No. 1013-11) naming Bancorp South of Springfield, Missouri, as the depository of funds of Missouri State University and Great Southern Bank of Springfield, Missouri, as the provider of credit card services for all services not provided by the third-party processor through the cashiering function of Missouri State University. These appointments are to become effective July 1, 2011, and will remain effective until June 30, 2013, with two additional one-year options to renew until June 30, 2015. Moved by Mr. Hammons, with the second being provided by Mr. Duggan.
Motion passed 9-0.
She then distributed an Additional Activity Report prepared by the Office of Procurement Services for the period from March 19, 2011, through March 31, 2011. This report includes two purchases between $25,000 and $100,000 where there was only one bidder. Since our purchasing policy requires us to provide these types of purchases to the Board for their information, no formal Board action is necessary.
11. Facilities and Equipment --- Mr. Ken McClure, Vice President for Administrative and Information Services, presented the following resolutions for the Board’s consideration:
The roof replacement at Glass Hall (Bids & Quotations No. 1356-11); to the lowest responsible bidder within the project budget of $680,000. The low bidder has indicated that they made some errors in calculating their bid so there is concern that the low bidder may not honor their bid as it is about $300,000 below the second low bid.
The renovation of the auditorium at Carrington Hall (Bids & Quotations No. 1357-11); Springfield Builders, Inc., low bid of $723,329; total project budget established at $975,000.
The renovation of laboratories in Temple Hall (Bids & Quotations No. 1358-11); Bales Construction Company, Inc., low bid of $1,412,650 for the base bid plus alternates one, two, and three; total project budget set at $1,750,000.
The demolition of structures on the Springfield Campus (Bids & Quotations No. 1359-11); Rensch Construction, low bid of $169,000 for the base bid plus alternate 1; total project budget established at $220,000.
Approval of lease agreement between the Board of Governors of Missouri State University (landlord) and Missouri Enterprise (tenant) at the Jordan Valley Innovation Center (Agreement No. 267-11). The tenant desires to lease general office space comprising about 67.75 square feet at a cost of $25.61 per square foot – payable monthly at approximately $144.59.
Approval of a purchase of property located at 731 East Walnut (Land Purchase No. 100-11). This property is an eleven-unit apartment facility owned by One Hundred Two Glenstone, Inc. This real estate is being purchased at the appraised value of $467,000.
Moved by Ms. Sheid and seconded by Mr. Kimbrough.
Motion passed 9-0.
12. Closed Meeting --- It was determined that the Board of Governors needed to meet in a closed session to consider items of business provided in the Revised Statutes of Missouri. Ms. Bradbury asked if a resolution authorizing a closed meeting of the Board was prepared. Thereupon, the following resolution was presented for consideration:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Governors for Missouri State University that a closed meeting, with closed records and closed vote, be held immediately following this April 1, 2011, meeting of the Board of Governors to consider items of business pursuant to:
a. R.S.Mo. 610.021(1). “Legal actions, causes of action, or litigation involving a public governmental body…”
b. R.S.Mo. 610.021(3). “Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting an employee of a public governmental body.”
c. R.S.Mo. 610.021(13). “Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings, or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment,…”
Mr. Duggan moved the approval of the resolution and Mr. Elliott seconded the motion.
A roll call vote on the resolution was as follows: those voting in favor – Governors Bradbury, Duggan, Elliott, Hammons, Kimbrough, Sheid, Smith, Washington and Winston; those voting against – none.
Ms. Bradbury declared the resolution passed unanimously.
13. Date of Next Meeting --- The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting was set for Thursday, May 12, 2011, at 3:00 p.m. on the Springfield Campus.
14. Adjournment--- Ms. Bradbury adjourned the meeting at 2:35 p.m. on the motion of Mr. Elliott, the second of Mr. Hammons, and the unanimous vote of the Board.
John W. McAlear