June 15, 2016

JUNE 15, 2016

1. Roll Call:

Mr. Joe Carmichael, Vice Chair of the Board (by conference call)
Ms. Virginia Fry, Governor (by conference call)
Dr. Peter Hofherr, Chair of the Board (by conference call)
Ms. Carrie Tergin, Governor (by conference call)

Also Present

Mr. Ryan DeBoef, Chief of Staff
Dr. Frank Einhellig, Provost
Dr. Dee Siscoe, Vice President for Student Affairs
Mr. Tom Peters, Director of Library Services
Ms. Donna Christian, Director of Internal Audit & Compliance
Mr. Doug Sampson, University Architect and Director of Planning, Design and Construction
Mr. Steve Foucart, Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Jeff Morrissey, Chief Information Officer
Mr. Kyle Moats, Director of Athletics
Mr. Mike Wills, Director of Procurement Services
Mr. James McTavish, University Engineer and Associate Director of Planning, Design and Construction
Mr. Gary Stewart, Director of Residence Life, Housing and Dining Services
Ms. Tamaria Few, Director of Human Resources
Mr. Michel Bampoe, Assistant Director of Human Resources
Ms. Julie Dubinsky, Associate Director of Human Resources
Mr. Tom Johnson, Director of Safety and Transportation
Mr. Earl Wall, Parking – Transit Supervisor
Dr. Dave Muegge, Director of Health and Wellness Services
Mr. Terry Weber, Director of Plaster Student Union
Mr. Brad Kielhofner, Director, Facilities Management
Mr. Scott Schneider, Director of Business & Support Services – West Plains Campus (by conference call)
Dr. Angela Totty, Dean of Student Services – West Plains Campus (by conference call)
Ms. Kristan Gochenauer, Executive Assistant to the President
Mr. John W. McAlear, Secretary of the Board

2. PresidingDr. Peter Hofherr, Chair of the Board of Governors, called the Executive Committee conference-call meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in Room 203 of Carrington Hall on the campus of Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri.

3. Approval of MinutesDr. Hofherr mentioned that the first item of business was the approval of the minutes for the open meeting of May 18, 2016.  Ms. Fry so moved, receiving the second of Ms. Tergin.

Motion passed 3-0.

4. PresidentMr. Kyle Moats, Director of Athletics, presented a resolution (Agreement No. 375-16) for the approval of a lease agreement with Twin Oaks Country Club which will provide the University with nonexclusive access to its indoor practice facility, outdoor golf course, and outdoor golf range for a period of 15 years. Under the terms of the lease, the University will pay Twin Oaks $66,000 for infill and rent through the end of 2016, and then $21,000 per year in rent each year thereafter. The initial $66,000 payment for infill and rent will be funded through a private donation. All subsequent rent payments will be funded through the Athletics Department budget – split equally between the men’s and women’s golf teams’ budgets. Motion to approve was offered by Mr. Carmichael with the second provided by Ms. Tergin.

Motion passed 3-0.

5. Academic Affairs – Dr. Frank Einhellig, Provost, presented a resolution (Curriculum No. 376-16) for adding the Bachelor of Science in Music to the programs of the Department of Music. This new degree will closely align with the BA degree but because students will not be required to complete the 21 hours of BA specific requirements, including 12 hours of foreign language, they will have the flexibility to pursue other music-related interests. Moved by Ms. Fry and seconded by Mr. Carmichael.

Motion passed 3-0.

6. West Plains Campus – Mr. Scott Schneider, Director of Business and Support Services, MSU-West Plains, assisted by Dr. Angela Totty, Dean of Student Services, MSU-West Plains, presented the following two resolutions for the Committee’s consideration:

  • Approval of the appointment of Reginald Freeman as the Men’s Assistant Basketball Coach at a salary of $35,400, effective June 10, 2016 (West Plains Personnel No. 394-16).
  • Approval of the FY2017 Overview of Salaries and Benefits for the Men’s Head Basketball Coach and the Men’s Assistant Basketball Coach (West Plains Personnel No. 395-16).

Moved and seconded, respectively, by Ms. Tergin and Mr. Carmichael.

Motion passed 3-0.

Mr. Schneider then presented a resolution (West Plains Agreement No. 46-16) for the approval of a lease agreement for the lease of property located at 515 Cass Avenue in West Plains, Missouri. He indicated that the monthly rent listed in the resolution needed to be corrected from $1,784 per month to $1,840 per month. He added that continuing to lease this property will allow Admissions, Financial Aid, Registration & Records, and the Business Office to continue operating in their current workspace. This is a one-year lease, starting on August 1, 2016, and includes up to two additional periods of one year, upon the same terms and conditions. The corrected resolution was moved by Ms. Fry and seconded by Mr. Carmichael.

Motion passed 3-0.

7. Procurement and Financial – Mr. Steve Foucart, Chief Financial Officer, presented a resolution (Purchasing Activity Report No. 440-16) summarizing Procurement Services’ activities from May 13, 2016, through June 9, 2016:

  • Approval is requested for the estimated lease amount of $1,836.84 for the KSMU tower in Neosho, Missouri (all property leases require board approval).
  • Approval to purchase an integrated parking management system which will replace an out-of-date, internally developed system which takes a significant amount of time to maintain. The new system, from AssetWorks, will integrate into our Banner system, post tickets directly to individual accounts, and eliminate manually written tickets. The cost of $140,240 is for the initial three-year contract, and subject to satisfactory service, approval is also requested for two one-year renewal options.
  • Approval to purchase digital radiology X-ray equipment for Taylor Health and Wellness Center at an estimated amount of $149,675. Four bid responses were received, and award is to Konica Minolta-Viztek as the offeror providing the best overall value. The funding listed in the resolution needs to be corrected to show that funding is to be from Taylor Health Center Net Assets. 
  • Approval to renew the Planned Services Agreement with Johnson Controls, Incorporated for the period of July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017, in the amount of $244,541 in conjunction with the Phase III Energy Performance Guarantee Contract through 2021.
  • Approval to purchase 235 new all-in-one computers through a University of Missouri cooperative contract at an amount of $258,046.45. These computers will replace existing computers in open-access labs available to all students and will be funded from the Student Computer Usage Fee.
  • Approval to renew the contract with CIGNA for group life, AD&D, and long-term disability insurance for the period January 1, 2017, through December 31, 2018, at an estimated annual premium of $321,601. These are the last two-renewal-year options with CIGNA.
  • Approval to renew two separate contracts with Harrassowitz for periodicals for the Meyer Library. The contract for domestic periodicals is estimated to cost $410,000, while the contract for European periodicals is estimated to cost $790,000
  • Approval to fund year 14 of a 15-year contract with Mediacom to provide expanded basic cable-television service to residence hall units at an estimated cost of $455,817.

After a short discussion, Mr. Carmichael offered a motion to approve (including the change in funding noted for the new x-ray equipment). Ms. Fry seconded the motion.

Motion passed 3-0.

8. Facilities and Equipment – Mr. Doug Sampson, University Architect and Director of Planning, Design and Construction, first presented a resolution for the award of a contract to renovate the dietetics kitchen at the Professional Building (Bids & Quotations No. 1523-16). Mechanical Services, Inc., submitted the low bid of $334,000 for the base bid. The total project budget is set at $410,000. Moved by Ms. Tergin and seconded by Mr. Carmichael.

Motion passed 3-0.

He then presented a resolution for the FY16 ADA improvements on the Springfield campus (Bids & Quotations No. 1524-16). Hovey Homes, LLC, submitted the low bid of $125,000 for the base bid. The total project budget is set at $188,500. Moved and seconded, respectively, by Ms. Fry and Ms. Tergin.

Motion passed 3-0.

Mr. Sampson next presented a resolution for the renovation of Meyer Library (Bids & Quotations No. 1525-16). Oke-Thomas + Associates, Inc., had the low bid of $229,000 for the base bid. The total project budget is set at $363,500. Moved by Ms. Tergin and seconded by Mr. Carmichael.

Motion passed 3-0.

He then presented a resolution for the approval of proposal and award of a contract for the FY17 job order contacting services – mechanical repair and replacement (Bids & Quotations No. 1526-16). The recommended mechanical contractor is Core10 Field Services, LLC.  Maximum amount for the year is $300,000 and maximum amount per project is $95,000. Ms. Fry moved to approve, receiving a second from Ms. Tergin.

Motion passed 3-0.

Mr. Sampson then presented a resolution for the Burrito Bowl modifications at Plaster Student Union (Bids & Quotations No. 1527-16). Mechanical Services, Inc., was the low bidder with a bid of $105,260 for the base bid plus alternate 1. The total project budget is established at $227,000. Mr. Carmichael moved to approve, receiving a second from Ms. Tergin.

Motion passed 3-0.

He next presented a resolution for architectural and engineering services in conjunction with the multipurpose addition to Greenwood Laboratory School (Architects & Engineers No. 717-16). Paragon Architecture is the consultant on this project at a fixed fee of $259,600 plus reimbursable expenses. Additional services of up to $50,000 as described in the agreement may be authorized and approved as necessary. A $2 million appropriation in matching capital funds was passed by the legislature for this capital project at Greenwood this past legislative session which requires at least $2 million from private donations as the match. When asked about the status of this appropriation, Mr. Ryan DeBoef, Chief of Staff, indicated that Governor Jay Nixon has until July 14, 2016, to sign or veto this legislation. He also explained that before fundraising can really get started, drawings are necessary. Paragon Architecture will provide drawings that will be used when potential donors are approached. Due to the funding for this project being somewhat less stable than we are typically working with, Dr. Hofherr requested that the Board be periodically updated on the status of the funding. Mr. Sampson added that this resolution is for architectural services throughout the project and we have the capability of stopping Paragon’s services at any time and only owe for the work completed. Moved by Ms. Fry and seconded by Mr. Carmichael.

Motion passed 3-0.

9. Adjournment —Dr. Hofherr adjourned the conference-call meeting at 4:45 p.m. on the motion of Mr. Carmichael, the second of Ms. Fry, and the unanimous approval of the committee.

John W. McAlear
Secretary of the Board