FEBRUARY 15, 2017
1. Roll Call:
Present - Mr. Joe Carmichael, Chair of the Board
Ms. Virginia Fry, Vice Chair of the Board (by conference call)
Mr. Gregory Spears, Governor (by conference call)
Ms. Carrie Tergin, Governor (by conference call)
Also Present - Mr. Clif Smart, President
Mr. Tyree Davis, IV, Student Governor
Ms. Beverly Miller, Governor (by conference call)
Dr. Drew Bennett, Chancellor (by conference call)
Ms. Donna Christian, Director of Internal Audit & Compliance
Mr. Ryan DeBoef, Chief of Staff and Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations
Dr. Ron Del Vecchio, Dean, William H. Darr College of Agriculture
Ms. Rachael Dockery, General Counsel
Dr. Frank Einhellig, Provost
Mr. Steve Foucart, Chief Financial Officer
Ms. Teresa Frederick, Associated Director, Residence Life Facilities
Dr. Gloria Galanes, Dean, College of Arts and Letters
Dr. Tammy Jahnke, Dean, College of Natural and Applied Sciences
Mr. Jeff Mitchell, Legal Counsel
Mr. Kyle Moats, Director of Athletics
Mr. Matt Morris, Vice President for Administrative Services
Mr. Jeff Morrissey, Chief Information Officer
Dr. Helen Reid, Dean, College of Health and Human Services
Ms. Suzanne Shaw, Vice President for Marketing and Communications
Mr. Gary Stewart, Director, Residence Life, Housing & Dining Services
Ms. Lauren Webster, Contract Compliance Manager, Planning, Design & Construction
Mr. Mike Wills, Director for Procurement
Ms. Hanna Sumpter, Standard Reporter
Ms. Kristan Gochenauer, Secretary of the Board
2. Presiding – Mr. Joe Carmichael, Chair of the Board of Governors, called the Executive
Committee conference-call meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. in Room 203 of Carrington
Hall on the campus of Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri.
3. Approval of Minutes – Mr. Carmichael mentioned that the first item of business was the approval of the minutes for the open meeting of January 18, 2017. Ms. Virginia Fry so moved, receiving the second of Ms. Carrie Tergin.
Motion passed 3-0.
4. Academic Affairs – Dr. Frank Einhellig, Provost, requested approval of the new program Master of Science in Computer Science (Curriculum No. 379-17). A motion was made by Ms. Tergin and seconded by Ms. Fry.
Motion passed 3-0.
5. Procurement and Financial – Mr. Steve Foucart, Chief Financial Officer, presented a resolution (Purchasing Activity Report No. 450-17) summarizing Procurement Services’ activities from January 13, 2017, through February 10, 2017. The five items included in the report were:
• Approval requested for the purchase of Rehabilitation and Simulation Equipment through Bertec Corporation at a total cost of $147,500.
• Approval recommended for the renewal of Contract C7281-1 with Grime Scrubbers, Incorporated, to provide residence hall cleaning services for the period May 1, 2017 through April 30, 2018. The estimated cost is $155,111.
• Approval requested for a bid contract with Palen Music Center for the purchase of musical instruments at a total cost of $242,104.22.
• Approval recommended for consulting services with Lighthouse Consulting for Title III grant writing proposal development. There is a no charge guarantee to the University if the proposal does not result in an award. If an award is granted, the fee is $40,000 plus 5% of the annual award amount for each year the project is funded with expected quarterly installments October 1, January 1, April 1 and July 1 of each grant year. The total five-year cost estimate is $337,500.
• Approval requested to utilize Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) Contract AR608 through JMA Information Technology to obtain Aruba equipment for wireless networking upgrades in 2017. Total estimated cost for wireless upgrades for Springfield and West Plains campus facilities is $450,000.
After a short discussion, Mr. Gregory Spears offered a motion to approve. Ms. Tergin seconded the motion.
Motion passed 3-0.
6. Facilities and Equipment – Mr. Matt Morris, Vice President for Administrative Services,
presented a resolution (Bids & Quotations No. 1538-17) for the award of a contract
for the renovation of Hass-Darr Hall on the West Plains Campus. The low bid, in the
amount of $4,131,000 for the base bid plus all alternates, was received by Cahills
Construction, Inc. Total project budget is $5,220,000. Moved and seconded, respectively,
by Ms. Fry and Mr. Spears.
Motion passed 3-0.
Mr. Morris next presented a resolution (Bids & Quotations No. 1539-17) for the approval and award of a contract for the plaza addition to the Davis-Harrington Welcome Center. A low bid, in the amount of $193,500 for the base bid plus alternate two, was received by Bales Construction Company, Inc. Total project budget is $267,350. Moved by Ms. Tergin. Seconded by Ms. Fry.
Motion passed 3-0.
Mr. Morris then presented a resolution (Bids & Quotations No. 1540-17) for the approval and award of a contract for parking lot improvements on the Mountain Grove campus. A low bid from APAC – Central, Inc. in the amount of $109,800 for the base bid no alternatives, was received. Total project budget is $154,000 with an expected completion by the end of spring 2017 semester. Ms. Fry moved to approve, receiving a second from Ms. Tergin.
Motion passed 3-0.
7. Old Business – President Clif Smart provided a handout to meeting attendees denoting traditional housing options for the Missouri State University campus and associated costs. Each option was discussed in detail.
At 4:47 p.m., Mr. Spears left the conference-call meeting.
President Smart recommended approval of a consultant and authority to enter into an agreement with a potential developer for the design services needed to construct a traditional style residence hall (Agreement No. 385-17). The agreement allows the University to work with a developer for a not-to-exceed sum of $50,000. Ms. Tergin made a motion to approve with a second from Ms. Fry.
Motion passed 3-0.
8. Closed Meeting – It was determined that the Board of Governors needed to meet in a closed session to consider items of business provided in the Revised Statutes of Missouri. Mr. Carmichael asked if a resolution authorizing a closed meeting of the Board was prepared. Thereupon, the following resolution was presented for consideration:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Governors for Missouri State University that a closed meeting, with closed records and closed vote, be held during a recess of this February 15, 2017 Executive meeting of the Board of Governors to consider items of business pursuant to:
A. R.S.Mo. 610.021(3). “Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body...”
B. R.S.Mo. 610.021(13). “Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment...;”
Ms. Tergin moved the approval of the resolution and Ms. Fry seconded the motion.
A roll call vote on the motion was as follows: those voting in favor – Governors Carmichael, Fry, and Tergin; those voting against – none.
Mr. Carmichael declared the resolution passed unanimously. The open meeting was recessed at 4:51 p.m. to go into closed session.
The open meeting was reconvened at 5:29 p.m.
9. Adjournment – Mr. Carmichael adjourned the conference-call meeting at 5:29 p.m. on the motion of Ms. Tergin, the second of Ms. Fry, and the unanimous approval of the committee.
Kristan Gochenauer
Secretary of the Board