Help! I need a Major!

Missouri State University has 100+ different options for majors.

View the list of majors Missouri State University offers and try any of the methods in the tabs below to get started researching majors.

Try the Highlighter Method

Begin to compare majors that interest you using the Highighter Method.

Step 1: Pick two colors for highlighting content- one to represent "good", one to represent "bad". 

Step 2: Print the program requirements for a major of interest from the Undergraduate Catolog linked above. 

Step 3: Read the course description for each required course in the major. Decide whether this course sounds “good” (interesting, valuable, fun) or if it sounds “bad” and highlight accordingly. Be careful when the major allows you to choose one of several courses- you don’t have to like all the options, just one course. Highlight that one course as “good.” If you don’t like any of the options, select one course to highlight as “bad.”

Step 4: Repeat this process for all majors that you are currently exploring.

Step 5: Lay your highlighted pages in front of you and step back to compare to see which majors you highlighted with more "good" labeled coursework than others.

Don’t totally disregard majors where you have only some positive interest. If you are genuinely interested in 5 or 6 courses from this program you might want to consider it for a minor instead of a major. If none of the majors you highlighted come across as predominantly positive you may want to explore other options.

Review Online Resources

Meet with Faculty/Staff

Meet with faculty and staff in the majors that interest you.
  • Request a meeting via email, be specific about what you hope to discuss.
  • Make a good impression by including an email greeting and signature, and be sure to arrive at the scheduled time.
  • Conduct the interview by using planned questions (some sample questions are included in the handout below). Begin by expressing your gratitude for your interviewee’s time, then explain your current situation.


Discover Majors through Career Exploration

Utilize the Career Center to explore potential majors that can support your career goals.

Consider meeting with a Career Resources Specialist or visiting the Career Center website for their Career Planning Toolkit. This resource contains many tools to assist in career research including self assessments and inventories. 

Missouri State Career Center Homepage