Meet Your SOAR Leaders

Your SOAR leader will navigate you and your family members through the orientation process, answer questions and teach you about campus resources, services, and more.

Erin Ashford

Erin Ashford
Fun fact
My mom and I have made over a hundred deserts for varying events from trivia nights to the FOCUS Marine foundation events. We typically make either cookies or cupcakes and we do about two of these events per year.

Praise Asuquo

Praise Asuquo
Fun fact
I will rather watch the movie than read the book!

Kayin Baker

Kayin Baker
Fun fact
While I was celebrating my first birthday at my grandparents house in Africa, their pet monkey bit my head.

Molly Brim

Molly Brim
Fun fact
I played water polo throughout my four years of high school.

Aeron Brown

Aeron Brown
Fun fact
I am a cosplayer and have been cosplaying since I was 13! I really enjoy reading and watching anime and other shows/movies and bring them to life!

Hanna Cash

Hannah Cash
Fun fact
A fun fact about me is I broke my toe playing hide and seek in the dark when I was in second grade and then we weren't allowed to play it anymore.

Tristin Cathcart

Tristin Cathcart
Fun fact
A fun fact about myself is that I was a varsity tennis player in high school. I enjoyed the sport but ended up taking on theatre as my priority and pursued that in college. I still play every once in awhile but I honestly miss it.

Emily Chandler

Emily Chandler

Fun fact
A fun fact about me is that I did not own a rain jacket until I moved to campus.

Kaia Cobleigh

Kaia Cobleigh

Fun fact
I was born in South Dakota!

Yuri Cruz

Yuri Cruz
Fun fact
I am a first-generation college student and my mom's-side grandparents immigrated from the Philippines to the United States.

Jocelyn Diehl

Jocelyn Diehl

Fun fact
A fun fact about me is that I love to cook and bake.

Jacey Dixon

Jacey Dixon

Fun fact
Some fun facts about myself are that I have broken all my toes on an air vent. I have travelled to 16 different states, and I wish to one day travel to all 50. I competed at National and Worlds for archery. I also have orange cat.

Abigail Dunker

Abigail Dunker
Fun fact
I listen to Christmas music all year long!

Sarah Dunker

Sarah Dunker
Fun fact
If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be buffalo chicken dip without a doubt!

Christablel Ghansah

Christablel Ghansah
Fun fact
I have served as a mentor to over 15 international students during my freshman year, providing tips and answers to their immigration questions and helping them settle in at MSU.

Ava Gorton

Ava Gorton
Fun fact
By the time I was 16, I had lived in 8 different houses! Crazy town! 
Some other fun facts about me: I have four younger siblings, I'm from Oklahoma, I was home schooled throughout elementary, and then I went to a private school for middle school and high school. I've had 3 pet chickens and I currently have a dog named Andy!

Grace Hanchett

Grace Hanchett
Fun fact
A fun fact about me is that I know a bizarre amount of trivia, ranging from facts about the Tudor dynasty to really specific information about 70s and 80s bands. In high school, I even went to districts for Academic Team and took 2nd my sophomore year and 1st my junior year, so I guess it wasn't totally useless.

Travis Harper

Travis Harper
Fun fact
My senior year of high school, I proposed and designed three media classes and successfully had them added to the curriculum.

Lili Hayes

Lili Hayes
Fun fact
A 10-minute play that I wrote back before the pandemic started was finally performed on stage back in November 2021. I love theatre almost as much as I love writing, so it was deeply satisfying to see all my hard work pay off.

Emma Hultz

Emma Hultz

Fun fact
Fun fact about me was before deciding to come to Missouri State University, I was committed to play volleyball at a small school in Chicago. I have played competitive volleyball for 8 years, and I was extremely passionate about playing in college. But after the famous visit, I didn't feel at home. I then visited MSU the next week, and instantly felt at home and at place, which made my decision to come to MSU simple.

Bella Kiewel

Bella Kiewel
Fun fact
A fun fact about me is that I've been indoor skydiving with my best friend of ten years when I was 12.

Gavin King

Gavin King
Fun fact
I grew up just down the road from the world's largest flower box.

Mikaela Koehler

Mikaela Koehler

Fun fact
I read on average about 500 books a year! I love reading and own over 200! If you ever wondering what I'm doing, the answer is reading!

Chase Kroner

Chase Kroner
Fun fact
I'm obsessed with house plants! I have over 30 house plants in my dorm room and I have to tell myself every day that I don't need anymore.

Andrew Lewis

Drew Lewis
Fun fact
My favorite animal is the moose. Not just because I think they look cool -- one chased me down one time and I learned to have a lot of respect for them!

Theo Luan

Theo Luan

Fun fact
I play guitar.

Hayden Lutes

Hayden Lutes
Fun fact
A fun fact about myself is that I'm competing in Winter Guard International this spring with Missouri State University on National Avenue.

Layna Mangiapanello

Layna Mangiapanello

Fun fact
I love doing math on different bases. iIt keeps me awake to do base seven addition while driving.

Josey McChesney

Josey McChesney

Fun fact
My favorite play is Much Ado About Nothing. I have seen multiple versions, including one performed by the Missouri State theatre department a few years ago.

Shelby McDonald

Shelby McDonald

Fun fact
I love to crochet! It's a very versatile craft and allows me to make many types of things like bags and clothes, and I really enjoy it because I don't usually use a pattern for the projects I make. I come up with my own patterns until it comes out how I envisioned it. This mirrors my life as a SOAR Leader, helping me to develop my problem solving skills as well as getting more comfortable with things not going my way, allowing me to grow and move on from my problems. Being able to come up with my own unique ways to solve an issue or conflict is a huge part of the job, and being able to answer any questions that a student or family member may have. Crochet has taught me how to stay calm and think outside of the box in those situations.

Olivia Melder

Olivia Melder
Fun fact
One fun fact about me is that I lived in Germany for 6 years. My dad is a part of the Air Force, and when I was 3 years old he was restationed to Germany. Along with this, while we lived there, I went to a German Elementary School.

Elizabeth Mertens

Elizabeth Mertens
Fun fact
A fun fact about me is that I have a Gluten Allergy, and I really like to go to amusement parks. The Gluten Allergy makes it hard to find food at the amusement parks though.

Conner Neal

Conner Neal
Fun fact
One fun fact about me is that I had open heart surgery when I was younger to repair a ventricular septal defect, which is when a hole appears between the lining of the left and right ventricles of the heart. I have a scar that runs roughly the length of my sternum because of it.

Natalia Norman

Natalia Norman
Fun fact
I am literate in Spanish and am currently working towards literacy in French. Languages have been an interest of mine since the beginning of high school, and have entirely shaped my major and future plans.

Asa Norwick

Asa Norwick
Fun fact
I have seen the Wiggles live twice.

Mia Simone Parker

Mia Simone Parker
Fun fact
When I was five I didn't understand the concept of big wild animals being dangerous sometimes, so there were several points that I almost got hurt by them because my automatic response was "aww a fluffy animals, I want to pet it!". This included almost getting ran over by a moose because I wanted to pet her baby. To this day it takes all of my willpower not to pet wild animals that I find cute.

Mia Ray

Mia Ray
Fun fact
I've been to Russia! I had the opportunity to participate in a summer ballet program in St. Petersburg, so I went. I love to travel and get out of my comfort zone!

Walter Reyes

Walter Reyes
Fun fact
I am very tall for my family. My mom is only 4'9" and I am 6' 1".

Brenna Richards

Brenna Richards
Fun fact
I love to crochet!

Briar Russell

Briar Russell
Fun fact
I collect Hot Wheels, and I have hundreds of them that have never been open.

Tamia Schiele

Tamia Schiele
Fun fact
I am a vegetarian.

Ethan Scott

Ethan Scott

Fun fact
I have lived in Barcelona, Spain for 4 months to study international business.

Adam Snider

Adam Snider

Fun fact
A fun fact about me is that I can eat a family size bag of kettle cooked jalepeno chips in one sitting.

Jessica Surline

Jessica Surline

Fun fact 
I have been shark diving!

Cindy Villanueva

Cindy Villanueva
Fun fact
I can shoot a toy bow and arrow with my feet.

Jay Wears

Jay Wears
Fun fact
A fun fact about myself is that I have a stuffed alien named Gorf.

Michael Wells

Michael Wells
Fun fact
I can name over 300 Pokemon. I LOVE fishing.

Andrew Wiser

Andrew Wiser
Fun fact
My fun fact is that I ran a landscaping business throughout high school. Starting my business got me interested in small businesses and helped me make the decision to major in entrepreneurship.