Change of Address

This form is used to request changes to:

  • Primary/Permanent address
  • Temporary/Local address

All current students should have an active primary/permanent address. If we receive returned mail from the USPS with an updated address, we reserve the right to update your record.

Current Students
Change of Address

Use the online form to update your address. You will be required to login to your My Missouri State to access the online form. It typically takes one business day for the request to be processed.

Current International Students
Change of Address and International Phone Number Form

To maintain F-1 status, international students are required to report address changes within 10 days to the International Services Office. Contact International Services for additional information and assistance.


 If you are not able to access your My Missouri State, you can submit the .pdf to

Download the Change of Address form


Students should update the following information in the "Personal Information" card in My Missouri State:

  • Personal email address
  • Phone numbers
  • Emergency contact individual

Employees must change their contact information with the Office of Human Resources.

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